



Friday, November 12, 1999



1. President's Call to Order

- minutes from previous meetings

2. Administrator and Guest Reports

- Chancellor Bunnell-Shade
- Vice Chancellor Pierce, Academic Affairs
- Vice Chancellor McDaniel, Administration & Finance
- Vice Chancellor Shockley, Student Success
- Lt. Susan Spryka, Campus Police

3. President's Report
4. Vice President's Report
5. Faculty Council (system wide) Report
6. Report from Standing Committees

- Budget (Daly)
- EPUS (Napierkowski)
- Personnel & Benefits (Morley)
- Women (Heidley)
- Minority Affairs (Warner)
- Academic Computing (TBA)

7. Old Business
8. New Business

a. Motions: New Standing Committees (see below)
b. Motions: Changes to By-Laws (see below)
c. Motions: Non-Tenure Track Faculty (see below)
d. Discussion: Constitutional Amendment

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to be fully informed with regard to
the motions in item 8c above, please read the Non-Tenure Track
Faculty's report to be located at the following web site as
of Monday, November 8th:



A. New Standing Committees

1. Move (Welshon) to amend Faculty Assembly By-Laws by
adding LIBRARY COMMITTEE as a regular standing committee
of the Faculty Assembly.

2. Move (Welshon) to amend Faculty Assembly By-Laws by
standing committee of the Faculty Assembly.

3. Move (Welshon) to amend Faculty Assembly By-Laws by
adding AWARDS COMMITTEE as a regular standing committee
of the Faculty Assembly.

B. Changes to By-Laws

1. Move (Welshon) to amend Faculty Assembly By-Law V.B.3
to insert the word "main" after the word "All" and before
the word "motions."

2. Move (Welshon) to amend Faculty Assembly By-Law V.B.3
to strike the word "five" and insert the word "four"
before the words "business days."

C. Non-Tenure Track Faculty

1.    Move (Welshon) that the Representative Assembly's response to the
_Recommendations of The Ad Hoc Committee on Non-Tenure-Track
Faculty_ be that the division of responsibilities for handling
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty issues shall be as follows:

(a) Campus responsibilities

(i) compensation of NTTF
(iii) overuse and misuse of NTTF
(iv) merit review for NTTF
(iv) deficiencies in work conditions for NTTF
(v) participation of lecturers in Faculty Assembly
(vi) extension of grievance procedure to NTTF

(b) System responsibilities
(i) Faculty titles for NTTF
(ii) benefits for NTTF
(iii) cross-system compensation inequities for NTTF
(iv) promotion possibilities for NTTF
(v) staff training for assigning titles to NTTF
(vi) policy that 'half-time' for NTTF is half of
full-time NTTF credit load within a unit

2.     Move (Welshon) that the Representative Assembly's response to
the _Recommendations of The Ad Hoc Committee on Non-Tenure-Track
Faculty_ be that the priority of importance of Non-Tenure Track
Faculty issues shall be as follows:

First: compensation of NTTF
Second: overuse and misuse of NTTF
Third: tie between (a) lack of merit evaluation of NTTF and (b)
denial of benefits to NTTF
Fourth: extension of grievance procedures to NTTF