Teaching Enhancement Grants
Teaching Enhancement Grants
The Provost has generously set aside $3,000 for Teaching Enhancement Grants. Four or more grants will be given for the purpose of helping faculty members enhance their teaching. The maximum grant to any one faculty member will be $750.
Anyone who is currently teaching at UCCS is eligible. This includes full time, part time, and honoraria faculty, and faculty with special appointments.
Almost any idea will be considered by the committee. For example, funds may be used for teaching materials such as maps, charts, models, software, hardware, classroom and field experience equipment, etc. However, the committee has decided not to fund requests for release time from teaching or seed money for grants. This is because of the limited amount of money available and the feeling that teachers on this campus have more immediate needs in the area of classroom support. Other things being equal, proposals that impact a greater number of students across more than one semester may be judged more favorably. (Please note: The Kraemer Family Library often has budgets for the purchase of books, videos, dvd's, etc. If your request contains items of this nature, please check with the Library first.)
Please submit a one page proposal outlining your request and budget. Include any information you believe would be helpful to the committee in making its decision, but keep the complete proposal package to one page in length. Proposals must be submitted electronically to David Anderson.
Application Deadline
Friday, October 4, 2024
The Provost's Office will announce the grant winners in a timely manner.
Questions? Contact: David Anderson