Faculty Award for Excellence in Research
Recognizing Excellence in Research, Scholarly, or Creative Work
Candidates will be judged on their records in the areas of research, scholarly, or creative work. Specific requirements are that the candidates:
- Be full-time faculty members of UCCS with a rank of Assistant Professor or above
- Be in at least their third year at UCCS
- Have not received the award previously
- Anyone may nominate the candidate; self nominations are accepted.
- Supporting materials are to be assembled by the nominator and must include:
- A table of contents.
- The nominating letter.
- A narrative (double-spaced, 1000-word maximum) of the candidate’s research, scholarly, or creative activities and goals, written by the candidate.
- The candidate's curriculum vitae.
- A maximum of five letters of recommendation. (These letters may be solicited from faculty, colleagues, or administrators, with at least one being an external letter. Among other attributes of the candidate, these letters should address the originality of the candidate's research, and the impact and contribution of the candidate's work, both within and outside of the discipline.)
- Up to five examples of research, scholarly, or creative work: published books or articles, photos or videos of exhibits or performances, media, citations of the candidate's work, etc. You may include the actual PDF of the work or a stable link to the work.
- Anyone nominated in the previous year is automatically reconsidered for the next year. The nominee may choose to update materials, but this is not required. Such reconsiderations are limited to one award cycle, after which new materials must be submitted.
- Materials should be assembled as a single PDF file and emailed to the Office of Research. Materials can include links to relevant materials as needed. (See also Tips for Preparing Award Nominations.)
While this award emphasizes excellence in research, scholarly, and creative works, the committee recognizes that all faculty are expected to perform meritoriously in the areas of teaching and service as well. Those components need not be addressed in the letters or narrative, but should be discernible in the curriculum vitae.
Nomination Deadline
Friday, February 28, 2025
The winner of the Faculty Award for Excellence in Research will receive a custom-made freestanding sculptured award and $4,000 (less taxes). The award will be presented at the Campus Awards Ceremony. The recipient will chair the review committee for the award in the following year.
Funding for the Faculty Award for Excellence in Research is provided by the Provost.
Questions? Contact: Hillary Fouts, Acting Associate Vice Chancellor for Research