April 2005

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

April 8, 2005


Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Kelli Klebe, Tom Napierkowski, Livia Gilstrap, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Ann Hickey, Kee Warner, Soo Young So, Charlie Wang, Tom Zwirlein, Pam Carter, Valerie Brodar, Christopher Hill, Ceil Malek, Don Klingner, Radha Pyati, Chuck Simmons, Tom Gruen, Rogers Redding, Harriet Napierkowski, Pam Shockley



Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:


Motion to approve the minutes from March 2005 by Radha Pyati

Seconded by Ann Hickey

Motion passed unanimously.


reports of visitors:

Regent Steve Bosley:

He wants the regents to take the initiative to educate more people about what faculty tenure is and isn’t. The Ward Churchhill situation has brought this topic to the limelight and it is to the University’s benefit to have greater public understanding regarding tenure. He will be working with the media to get information to the public. Research is a important part of tenure that the public needs to be aware of.

Chancellor Pam Shockley

We are pleased with the long bill process, and yesterday the CCHE ratified our performance plan. We are in the final process of putting our budget recommendations together which includes the tuition proposals. Pam is encouraged about salary setting for faculty, right now it looks like a 3 percent raise across the board.

Last year the largest tuition increases in the history of the institution did not affect retention in a negative way.

officer reports (system wide):

President’s Report

Submitted four names to the President’s search committee


Vice President’s Report

The election is almost over please encourage everyone to vote.


Past President’s Report No report


Reports From Standing Committees:

EPUS: Report

There are motions on the agenda


No report

Personnel and Benefits

No report

Minority Affairs Committee

The candidates for the Director for Academic Adversity were her last week and this week .

IT Advisory Council

The student social security to student ID number conversion is this weekend. All students were email their new student ID number. Accounts can be accessed with both ID until next fall.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:

No report



Council for Teaching Excellence

No report

Teaching Excellence Committee




Jenenne submitted a letter to the Chancellor with the faculty recommendation for Inventing the Future. The Chancellor with respond and you will get an email copy.


Motion from the EPUS Committee for action on 8 April 2005 – Regarding the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Process – The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee moves that the Faculty Assembly accept the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Process Policy as amended.

Motion approved unanimously


Motion for the EPUS Committee for action on 8 April 2005 – Regarding the Program Discontinuance Policy – The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee recommends that the Faculty Assembly accept the Program Discontinuance Policy as amended.

Motion approved unanimously

Motion for the Personnel and Benefits Committee for action on 8 April 2005 – Regarding the Distribution of the Salary Increase – The Personnel and Benefits Committee of the Faculty Assembly recommends that a portion of the salary pool increase be allocated to address ongoing issues of compression.

Motion to postpone the vote on this motion for two weeks, more discussion is needed, 15 votes to postpone 2 opposed. A special meeting will be called two weeks from now. Meeting will take place on April 22 time and place to be announced.



Base Salary Incentive Policy is being referred to EPUS


Announcements and Information

May’s agenda is very busy, Jenenne will send out the by-laws for review before the meeting. Faculty Governance Policy will be reviewed. Base Salary Incentive will be discussed



Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.