April 2006

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

April 14, 2006


Attendance: Tom Napierkowski, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Pam Carter, Scott Butterfield, Soo Young So, Michael Brunn, Tom Zwirlein, Sue Byerley, Heather Albanesi, Livia Gilstrap, Jackie Berning, Steve Chambers, Suzanne Cook, Ann Hickey, Jenenne Nelson, Charlie Wang, Valerie Brodar, Kathy Marquise, Mickey Mendez, Jim Henderson


Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:


Motion to approve the minutes from March 2006 by Ann Hickey

Seconded by Tom Zwirlin

Motion passed unanimously.


Reports of Visitors:

Jim Henderson: An SIS replacement project is underway since the company that currently provides technical support for our student information system will no longer provide that support beginning in 2009. Faculty engagement is encouraged in selecting a new system for a couple of reasons; your ability to check for prerequisites for courses, and applications and enrollments in graduate school and your help in tracking. If you are interested in helping with the new SIS system please contact David Moon or Steve Ellis. The two companies we are considering for the project are SCT Banner System and the Peoplesoft System.


Cathy Marquise: From the system controllers office presented the Gift Management Project

Officer Reports (system wide):


President's Report

This Tuesday at 2:30 President Brown will be making a presentation to the faculty and staff as the final candidate for the presidential position in the University Center Theater.


Vice President's Report

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to run for office for faculty assembly.


Past President's Report

Encourage the faculty to attend the meeting in May to hear about the tenure audit report and voice any concerns.

Presidents search committee made one recommendation to the Regents, Hank Brown. Although the UCCS representatives on the committee didn't agree with moving only one candidate forward, we encourage you to attend Hank Browns presentation.


Reports From Standing Committees:


EPUS: Report

The policy for promoting faculty diversity has been approved.



No Report


Personnel and Benefits



Minority Affairs Committee

No Report


Women's Committee

No Report


Academic Computing

No Report


Non Tenured Track Faculty

No Report


Research Council

No Report



No Report


Teaching Excellence Committee

No Report


Sustainability Committee

No Report


Athletic Department

Six national governing bodies with the Olympic Committee have agreed to relocate to the new Research Park on Nevada and use jointly with UCCS. We are getting new turf for the soccer field and new bleachers.



Base Salary Initiative - The work from the research counsel has been forwarded on to Roger Redding. We will talk to him about the recommendations on Wednesday.


Non Tenure Track Faculty - The task force will meet Thursday morning. A survey is being put together.


Personnel & Benefits second motion - Resolutions and Recommendations to Resolve Uncompensated Merit Issuesattachment

A change was made to resolution F. The two sentences that include; recommended salary will now add the word starting, to be recommended starting salary. The following sentence is also added. Each year the recommended starting salary should be increased based on past year percent of merit pay awarded.

Jenenne Nelson called the question; all in favor of the motion as amended. Approved.



EPUS - reviewed and recommended approval, as amended, of the procedures to add an option/track to existing graduate degrees.

The item that read: Endorsed accounts that each college should continue to discuss through some internal mechanism and or designated committee the information presented.

Will change to: Endorsed accounts that each college should continue to discuss through some internal mechanism and  designated faculty committee the information presented.

EPUS recommends approval by the assembly.

Approved unanimously


Faculty Course Questionnaires - Boulder will not process our FCQs this summer unless we submit them electronically. Our options are 1) electronically thru Boulder 2) We can do something locally on campus 3) We can hire a company.

It was decided to continue discussion at next months meeting.


Announcements and Information

The next Faculty Assembly meeting is an all faculty meeting.

It is scheduled for May 12th at Noon.




Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.