April 2007
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2007
Attendance: Bob Durham, Tom Zwirlein, Tom Napierkowski, Sue Byerley, Jim Null, Kelli Klebe, David Moon, Pam Carter, Pam Shockley, Brian Burnett, Robert Wonnett, Peg Bacon, Connie Staley, Edwardo Portillos, Jenenne Nelson, Valerie Brodar, Suzanne Cook, Judith Rice-Jones, Livia Gilstrap, Linda Kogan, Kee Warner, Eric Olson, John Szpryka, Ron Fitz, .
Call to order/ Approval of minutes:
Five motions for this meeting.
Minutes from March meeting were approved.
Reports of Visitors:
Vice Chancellor Peg Bacon:
Things are moving along for the Provost search. An offer will be made next week.
Pam will talk about the strategic plan at a forum Monday April 6th at 3:00 p.m. in the theatre. The Diversity strategic plan and Academic strategic plan are planned for future forums. Faculty awards for this year were announced:
Outstanding Teacher: Andrew Czaplewski from the College of Business.
Outstanding Researcher: Fred Coolidge Psychology.
Community Service Award: Rhonda Williams College of Education.
Outstanding Instructor: Sherry Trumpfheller College of Business.
Vice Chancellor Brian Burnett:
The budget is in the governor's office. In the budget is eleven million dollars for the Science and Engineering building. We have spending authority to buy TRW in three years. Regents will be on campus next week and Brian will be giving them a tour of the campus. Construction will become more inconvenient on east side of campus but will quickly improve as Dwire and the frontage road come to completion.
Jacqueline Rockwell North Nevada Redevelopment Project Student Survey
Jacqueline conducted a student survey with a grant from the LAS undergraduate research forum. She collected data about student hopes for University Village. The survey revealed what they would like to see in terms of shopping and entertainment and what kind of development they thought would make the campus more appealing.
Brian Burnett stated that there would be more forums in the University Center regarding the North Nevada development.
Chancellor Shockley-Zalabak:
Will be holding two more forums on strategic plan. Will be making an offer to new provost will announce when offer is accepted. There are concerns with student retention and 112 faculty and staff members have offered to volunteer their time be meeting with students who may be at risk for dropping out. There will be a major fundraiser for the Heller Center on May 14th. In the fall the campus will be looking at uses for the TRW building.
Officer reports:
Presidents report (attached)
Vice President's report:
Congratulations to those who won re-elections and to those elected for the first time.
Report of Standing committees:
Epus Report:
Kelli Klebe reviewed the new policies that the campus is putting forward pertaining to tenure process and the academic program review policy (see motions below). With regard to the changes in RP&T policies Valerie Brodar asked if the Representative Assembly could look into reducing the number of external reviewers required at the pre-comprehensive tenure review.
Personnel and Benefits: report attached
Minority Affairs Committee:
Would like the endorsement of faculty assembly for the Diversity strategic plan. Hopes that faculty assembly will really be involved next year.
Women's Committee:
Establishing a standing committee for leadership team.
Academic Computing:
IT still in negotiations with CISCO. IT is researching the best way to implement podcasting on campus. E-college support: Jackie Crouch will support Beth El; TLS will support LAS, Business and Engineering; and Yvonne Bogard will support Education.
Discussion about getting a campus wide site license for Turnitin, plagiarism detection software. We also discussed the possibility of putting FCQs online.
Non tenured track faculty Committee:
Nothing since February. Task force report needs some final tweaking. Identified some areas that non tenured track faculty are concerned with. Best practices would be a nice way to approach this task.
Library Advisory Committee no report
Teaching Excellence Committee:
Evaluation of putting fcq online. Provide published information to students, faculty. Midcourse evaluation has been brought forward. We are of the only campus that does not post fcq( s) on line..
Sustainability Committee:
Forty people working on the strategic plan.
Athletic Department: No report
Old Business:
No Old business.
1. TheFaculty Representative Assembly endorses the Diversity Strategic Plan Strategic Recommendations and Goals and recommends that it be forwarded to the VCAA for approval.
2. The Faculty Representative Assembly endorses the Personnel and Benefits Committee summary and recommendations for summer school policies and recommends that they be forwarded to the VCAA for approval and implementation.
3. The Faculty Representative Assembly endorses the recommendation of the Teaching Excellence Counsel that FCQ results be made available to students online.
Did not pass. A motion was made to table an endorsement of this issue until next fall. Motion passed.
4. EPUS moves that the Faculty Assembly approve the changes in the
Academic Program Review policy (#200-005).
5. EPUS moves that the Faculty Assembly approve the changes in the
Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure policy (#200-001).
New Business:
No New business
Apologies made to Robert Wonnett as there was not enough time to hear his report.
Motion was made to adjourn.
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.