April 2010
April 9, 2010
Attendance: Andrew Czaplewski, Jackie Berning, Brian Burnett, David Moon, Josh Dunn, Pam Carter, Suzanne Cook, Catherine Kelly, Travis Peterson, Katie Kaukinen, Barbara Frye, Tom Huber, Christina Martinez, Tom Napierkowski, Andrea Hutchins, Bob Durham, Roger Sambrook, Sylvia Martinez, Don Morley, Clint Fisher, Ron Fitz
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from March 12, 2010 meeting by Bob Durham
Seconded by Roger Sambrook
Motion passed unanimously
Reports of Visitors:
Pam Shockley:
The system-wide broad cut announcements were just announced. UCCS wasn’t impacted as severely as the other CU campuses and we can continue without layoffs or program cancellations while enrollment goals are met. Enrollments for fall indicate that we are in a stable position. No additional cuts are anticipated and all efforts are being made to bring the campus through the lean economic times and get us off the cliff, return to raises and return to hiring.
The Long Bill is expected to pass through the state senate next week and its contents regarding Colorado’s budget funding should soon be announced. A brief overview was given of ways the campus is saving money including new purchasing agreements and energy conservation practices.
On Wednesday, April 21, 2010, the Gallogly Event Center Naming Ceremony will be held at the Event Center from 5:00pm – 6:00pm. This formal ceremony honors the Gallogly family, which includes eight UCCS alumni, who donated $1 million to the new campus Event Center. The event will formally dedicate the Event Center in memory of Tommy M. Gallogly. This is the first time in UCCS history when an alumnus has named a building. All faculty are encouraged to attend this ceremony, especially if they had a Gallogly family member in class. An effort is also being made to contact past faculty who were at UCCS during the Galloglys’ attendance and who may still be in the area.
Brian Burnett:
The Science Building remodeling project is going well and there will be a summer of moves coming up. The rededication ceremony will be held on Thursday, August 19, 2010.
The main pedestrian spine walkway will be completed this summer connecting the Event Center, Science & Engineering Building and Main Hall. The Cragmor water line project is underway and expected to be completed early May. Lots 3 and 4 will be repaved this summer and Heller Center should be finished this fall.
CSURF (Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum) will be held Saturday, April 10, 2010 and the Republicans County Assembly will also be held on campus that same day. These types of events are part of our revenue strategy whereby auxiliary monies are helping to diversify funds. In addition, the old gym has been transformed into a very functional meeting space.
David Moon:
The Integrated Student Information System (ISIS) was demonstrated using a laptop and projector so that the faculty could observe the operation of this new system. Some of the basic differences between the old and new systems were discussed. The demonstration included basic navigation of the system indicating how to access individual student information and a general overview of system-generated class rosters, grade rosters and useful tools for faculty.
Officer Reports:
President’s Report
Report attached; Faculty Assembly Executive Committee has awarded this year’s service award to Jackie Berning.
Vice-President’s Report
Faculty Assembly election results were recently announced to all faculty. Mark Malone, the new system CU Faculty Council Chair representative, was introduced to the group.
Past President’s Report
No report
Reports from Standing Committees:
EPUS Report:
EPUS is working on adaptation of existing FRPA documents to replace the current yearly Scholarly Reports; vetting the General Education Task Force general education assessment and goals; final review of the General Ed Assessment report and continuing review of the Student Academic Ethics Code.
Personnel & Benefits:
Report attached
Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
No money – no budget
Minority Affairs Committee:
Report attached
Women’s Committee:
FAWC held a grant writing workshop in March and sent out a call for mini-grant proposals in April.
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Report attached
Academic Computing:
Report attached
Blackboard is running well; new Help Desk management system is good. The IT computer lab Refresh is complete and replacement computers are available for faculty and staff. If you are currently running Windows XP or Windows Vista, the IT Help Desk strongly recommends you upgrade your computer to Windows 7. A partnership with Cisco is being developed to bring telepresence (live, face-to-face communication over the network) to UCCS and to junior colleges in Lamar and Otero. Cisco is providing the equipment to pilot a distance education technology program with training courses offered through Beth-El (and possibly Business and Engineering). The Cherwell Help Desk system is working well. The feature to allow self reset of passwords has some issues with security to work out, but should be in place soon. The Web Content Management System
Ingeniux is installed, but conversion of Serena pages is on hold due to the current heavy involvement of IT staff in the ISIS and portal projects.
Report attached
Intercollegiate Athletics:
No report – not met yet
Committee divided into 3 working groups: campus climate to reduce greenhouse gases, food group and curriculum group
All day retreat is scheduled for next Friday, 4/16/10; no report yet
(See Motions)
- The Executive Council of the Personnel and Benefits Committee of the Faculty Representative Assembly recommends approval of the following motion (two parts):
Whereas, the faculty representative assembly of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs request that the health insurance benefit known as “UA net” not be available to employees of any campus until UA net has a physical presence in Colorado Springs.(motion to strike passed; 11-yes, 7-no)B.
Therefore, bBe it resolved that faculty representative assembly insist that the University will guarantee expeditious access to CU’s University Hospital to all employees outside of the Denver area enrolled in alternative medical insurance plans at the compensation levels provided by those plans. (motion to accept with noted changes passed unanimously)
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Bob Durham
Seconded by Andrea Hutchins
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:33 p.m.