December 2005

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

December 9, 2005

Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Tom Napierkowski, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Kee Warner, Pam Carter, Valerie Brodar, Scott Butterfield, Soo Young So, Michael Brunn, Charlie Wang, James Stevens, Rick Peterson, Tom Zwirlein, Jim Henderson, Sue Byerley, Heather Albanesi, Charlie Shub, Charles Benight, Livia Gilstrap,

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from October 2005 by Kee Warner

Seconded by Tom Zwirlein

Motion passed unanimously.

Reports of Visitors:

Jim Henderson: One of the big concerns in higher education is access for under represented students and the success of these students. Retention and the graduation rates are a concern; neither of these is very good. Our 6 year graduation rate is about 37%, our retention rate; first year to second year is about 67%.

We received a grant from the Daniels Fund to help fund a program to offer better financial aid and mentoring which increased graduation to 80%. We hope to be able to continue this program.

Another correlation between retention and success of students is a connection with a faculty member. We will be working on implementing these tools for better retention.

Officer Reports (system wide):

President’s Report

Vice President’s Report

A reminder this is a representative assembly; we should discuss all the issues that come before us with our colleges to reflect all points of view.

Past President’s Report

President’s search committee is moving forward quickly. The advertisement should be out by the end of December. The advisory committee for the tenure related process is moving forward.

Reports From Standing Committees:

EPUS: Report

One item on the agenda that has been discussed is the Professor of the Practice title for teachers who have retired from a successful career and want to continue to teach. Not everyone agrees this person should have the title professor; the system wide committee is endorsing Professor of the Practice.

The Committee has passed a motion that endorses the Student Academic Achievement Committee report on general education as modified, and recommends that the faculty accept the report.


No Report

Personnel and Benefits

Minutes attached

There was a discussion about salaries for non-tenure track faculty.  A recommendation will be made for a salary schedule for NTTF. We will begin to review salaries for Tenure Track Faculty this spring.

Minority Affairs Committee


The Minority Faculty reception this fall was a success, we plan to do something similar in the spring.

It was suggested that the Faculty Assembly buy a table to the 2006 Cinco de Mayo Celebration which is to be held on this campus.

Women’s Committee

No Report

Academic Computing

No Report

Non Tenured Track Faculty

No Report

Research Council

Developing metrics to measure research productivity on campus. Institutional research did a presentation of the Delaware Study which is being considered to help us measure research productivity on this campus.


No Report

Teaching Excellence Committee

There are three teaching scholars who have opened their classrooms for the campus to observe them teach.

We are working on a senior mentoring program, where a senior faculty member would work with a junior faculty member.

We are working to develop a Teaching and travel program, that would encourage faculty to teach off campus.

We are focusing on the accreditation process.

Sustainability Committee

No Report

Athletic Department

The Women’s and Men’s Basketballs team are in a tie for first place in the conference.


Base Salary Initiative – What are some of the outcomes the faculty would like to see from BSI. More information needs to be available to the faculty about what this is and the positive and negative aspects of BSI. Jenenne Nelson will present this to any committee that would like more information.

Non Tenure Track Faculty –

NTTF is putting together a task force to address issues and find answers and solutions.

The list of tasks to accomplish by the task force is attached.


Personnel and Benefits system wide advisory board is going out to bid on a new dental insurance carrier as of July 1. The optional life insurance is also going to bid.

If you cannot attend the meetings please give your input into the Academic Master Plan to Roger Redding. A survey will be going to students in January asking their input on the plan as well.

Announcements and Information


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.