December 2008
December 12, 2008
Attendance: Jackie Berning, Andrew Czaplewski, Peg Bacon, David Moon, Jim Null, Clint Fisher, Pam Carter, Susan Szpyrka, Josh Dunn, Kelli Klebe, Bob Durham, Judith Rice Jones, John Harner, Corinne Harmon, Monique French, Morgan Shepherd, Tabatha Becker, Sue Byerley, Travis Peterson, Andrea Hutchens, Sylvia Martinez, Robert Wonnett, Linda Watts, Eddie Portillos, Sonja Tanner, Don Morley, Ron Fitz
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from November 14, 2008 meeting by Jim Null
Seconded by Bob Durham
Motion passed unanimously
Reports of Visitors:
Susan Szpyrka:
Currently working on budgets for Spring and next year and the budget for 2010. SABRs are scheduled for the end of February. There was a discussion concerning the proposed Compensation Principles for Faculty campus policy that has been under construction for the past 15 months. This draft policy has been checked by Rosemary Augustine, Senior Associate-University Counsel, and is in compliance. It has also been reviewed by the Personnel and Benefits Committee. After discussion, it was decided to change the wording of item V, section E, #4-c to split into 2 separate sections (see Motion 1). There was also some concern indicated with item V, section D, #2 involving salary inversion.
Leonard Dinegar, Dan Montez, Jane King:
Leonard Dinegar (Chair), Dan Montez (Staff) and Jane King (UCCS Staff) from the President’s Task Force on Efficiency gave an overview of their mission to find ways to improve the general efficiency and effectiveness of System operations and to address the overall frustration and dissatisfaction with policy implementation. They will be prioritizing a list of problem areas and seeking a better process with more input from all CU campuses. The two policies that they are currently working on are the cell phone and conflict of interest policies.
Peg Bacon:
There are two searches currently underway; one for the Dean of Engineering and Applied Science, chaired by Tom Christensen and the other is for the Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Enrollment Management, co-chaired by Kee Warner and Venkat Reddy.
Learning Community proposals are due on Monday, 12/15/08.
The RTP Task Force implementation recommendations are due in March to the EVCAA’s office. Professional Practice will be added to Teaching, Research and Service and then it will go to Faculty Council. EPUS is working with David Moon on this.
Robert Wonnett:
The Chancellor is currently reviewing appeals regarding the operation of the Student Government Association (SGA). It has been noted that the SGA needs to exhibit a greater accountability to campus policies and not function as a separate entity.
Two legal counsel candidates will be on campus on Monday, 12/15/08 and Tuesday, 12/16/08.
Student Success will be establishing a representative to work with faculty and student clubs and organizations.
There needs to be clarification on the usage of the word “policy” and the description of “dead week.”
Jim Burkhart:
There appears to be a viable interest in establishing a faculty lounge/meeting place on campus. Faculty Assembly tasked Jim to research this further. It was brought to motion by Jim Null and seconded by Andrea Hutchins, than passed unanimously.
Officer Reports:
President’s Report
Report attached
Vice-President’s Report
No report
Past President’s Report
No report
Reports from Standing Committees:
EPUS Report:
Report attached
Personnel & Benefits:
Don Morley said that representatives are needed from the College of Business, the College of Education, Beth-El and another one from Letters, Arts and Sciences. The committee meets the first Tuesday of every month from 10:50am – 12:10pm. He emphasized the importance of this committee. He also proposed some changes to Motion 1 (see Motion 1).
Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
No report yet – UBAC waiting for Denver budget
Minority Affairs Committee:
Report attached
Women’s Committee:
No report – no one present – Jackie Berning is searching for a representative
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Report attached
Academic Computing:
ITAC Meeting Minutes
No report – no one present – Terri Switzer is searching for a representative
Intercollegiate Athletics
Charlie Shub updated the assembly on the development of the track and soccer stadium.
Report attached
Discussion of Faculty Professional Responsibilities and Ethical Principles Document
Discussion of moving toward using online FCQs was postponed until the 02/13/09 meeting.
Discussion of adding more Friday classes was postponed until the 02/13/09 meeting.
Discussion of motion from Faculty Exec regarding class attendance guidelines with some concerns expressed regarding wording of policy.
- The Personnel & Benefits Committee of the Faculty Representative Assembly recommends approval of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Compensation Principles (see attached) for Faculty with the following amendments:
- Item V, section E, #4-c: “Faculty members on a full-time sabbatical or with reduced teaching duties are not normally eligible for additional pay for teaching. Under extraordinary circumstances, exceptions may be granted by the Provost.”
- Item V, section E, #4-d: “Faculty members with reduced teaching duties are not normally eligible for additional pay for teaching, however, when circumstances warrant, exceptions may be granted by the Dean.”
- Item V, section E, #4-e is formerly Item V, section E, #4-d (passed unanimously)
- The Personnel & Benefits Committee of the Faculty Representative Assembly recommends approval of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Compensation Principles for Faculty. (passed unanimously)
- The Faculty Representative Assembly moves to approve that PRIDE be added as a Regular Standing Committee to the Faculty Assembly. (passed unanimously)
- The Faculty Representative Assembly moves to recommend the adoption of the Campus Class Attendance Policy. (passed with 2 abstentions)
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m.