December 2016

December 2016

December 2016


December 9, 2016

Attendance: Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Terry Schwartz, Gary Reynolds, Sentwali Bakari, Lisa Bartholme, Nathan Gibson, Barbara Prinari, Maja Krakowiak, Monique French, Norah Mazel, Andrea Hutchins, Tom Zwirlein, Rhonda Glazier, Jill Bradley-Geist, Matt Metzger, Pam Carter, Jugal Kalita, Michelle Dorne, Suzanne Cook, David Havlick, Leilani Feliciano, Monica Yoo, Christine Robinson, Dave Anderson, Jackie Berning, James Adrian

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from November 11, 2016 meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Tom Zwirlein
Motion passed with 11 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions

Reports of Visitors:

Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor: 
Thank you for your participation in the HLC site visit.  We have not received any feedback yet, but should by January 15.  Once received, we have 2 weeks to respond to errors of fact or any disagreements.  We are actually hoping to have this feedback before Commencement.  The site team was complimentary so we are hoping for a good report.  The governor's budget has a slight increase for higher ed and as long as everything stays in place, it should materialize.  The campus climate is still unsettled due to the election fall-out and we will still be vigilant about negative behaviors.  CIO Harper Johnson arrives on campus on January 3.  Tom Christensen, as Provost-Elect, will do some overlap training with Terry during January and spring semester and then officially takes the role of Provost on July 1.  I am meeting with many students concerning behavior issues, which will hopefully subside this next week since they will be occupied with tests and finals to distract them.  We are reviewing the DACA and ASSET programs and fully support those students' presence but we cannot bar federal officials from campus.  All of these students fully comply with the legal requirements of their DACA and ASSET status and are an important part of our campus.  Although we support the sentiment of the sanctuary petition, we cannot declare ourselves as such because we would lose all federal support.  Please ensure that you are doing your part to eliminate any negative rhetoric on campus.  There will be a campus Winter Appreciation Reception in Berger Hall on Thursday, January 26.

Terry Schwartz, Interim Provost: 
Thank you to everyone who participated in the HLC process with all the prep sessions, special meetings and actual site visit meetings.  Several comments were made about good interactions between the site visit team and all of our campus folks.  We have finished the sabbatical applications, which will now go to the Board of Regents in February for approval and notifications will be sent out afterwards.

Gary Reynolds, Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Planning & Facilities Management: 
The Annual Budget Reviews for the campus just finished.  Please make sure that your personal addresses are correct in your employee portal so that your W-2 form is sent to the correct address.  The campus holiday closures are half-day December 22, full days December 23 and December 26; half-day December 29, full days December 30 and January 2.  As a reminder, the UBAC agendas and meeting minutes are posted.  The ENT Center for the Arts is on schedule to finish and open by January 2018.  We are setting up tours on Friday afternoons at 3:30pm if you are interested in seeing the building progress.  We are still meeting monthly on the Academic Office Building and working with Dr. Jim Burkhart on testing and ensuring that soil gasses are not entering the building.  We have also completed a building occupant survey, which resulted in 10 out of 40 occupants who responded were having building issues of some degree.  We have found that taking the tack boards out of the building has helped with the air quality.

Sentwali Bakari, Vice Chancellor for Student Success & Enrollment Management: 
Since joining UCCS at the beginning of October, he has been trying to learn about the many different campus departments both inside and outside his division and meeting with them regularly.  The HLC project has definitely accelerated that learning process.  While attending the Annual Budget Reviews, it became obvious to see how hard people work here.  Retention is important and the priority and effort put into it are evident; we are looking at it campus-wide.  It certainly is not about lowering standards.  He will be attending the regular monthly Faculty Assembly meetings going forward.

Lisa Bartholme, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations: 
Giving Tuesday on November 29 went very well.  We had over 650 total donors who raised more than $35,000, which enabled us to unlock a $45,000 challenge gift, making our total raised for UCCS scholarships $80,000.  There was an increase in participation this year over last year.  We had more exposure to faculty and staff by adding more tables throughout campus and by enabling the ability to donate online.  A big thank you to all who participated and supported the Giving Tuesday project this year and please be sure to contact the Alumni Relations office with any suggestions for next year's project.

Nathan Gibson, Executive Director of Athletics: 
New position introduction and update to assembly - high academic standards for all student athletes continues to remain a top priority; for 24 consecutive months, student athletes have maintained a 3.0 GPA or better.  By adding men's baseball and women's Lacrosse along with increasing the track and field teams, we have doubled the size of student athletes and are now at 350 in number.  School records are breaking and being established because of entering new competitions we have not entered before.  The first baseball game will be held on 2/17/17 and the first Lacrosse game will be held on 2/25/17.  All faculty and staff get in free to those events.  A new baseball stadium and indoor training track will begin construction in spring of 2017.  These projects are possible due to a new student fee initiative.

Officer Reports:

President's Report
Need nominations to replace Tom Christensen on Privilege & Tenure committee before February Faculty Assembly meeting  

Vice-President's Report
No report

Past President's Report
No report; encourage faculty participation in Commencement - there is a new staging layout

Reports from Standing Committees:


Personnel & Benefits

Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget

Faculty Minority Affairs Committee

Women's Committee

Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Teaching with Technology:
Blackboard Ultra demo scheduled for 12/13/16; we might have an opportunity to pilot the Canvas system

Not present - no report

Intercollegiate Athletics


No report; James Adrian discussed with assembly members some questions concerning definitions of committee and bylaws

Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
Not present - no report

Reports from Representatives:

Conversation at Clyde's:
Since turnout has been low, should these continue?  Should they possibly rotate around campus?  Should a possible topic be the Public Service Student Loan Forgiveness program?  Coordinators are needed for the February gathering.

Other items:
Representative Ann Amicucci from LAS is stepping down from the assembly and a replacement is needed.


College level diversity committees - COE has one and its mission is to review ways and means to improve diversity within the college; get feedback from other colleges.




Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Monique French
Seconded by Tom Zwirlein
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:02 p.m.