February 9, 2001
ATTENDANCE: Mark Malone, Ron Fitz, Jonathan Bregman, Susan Taylor, Christina Martinez, Hasker Davis, Tom Napierkowski, Charlie Shub, Semwal Sudanshu, Mary Beth Chambers, Pam Shockley, John Pierce, Rex Welshon, Bob Lorch, Tom Hutton, Sue Byerly, Bev Snyder, Martin Wood, Rob Kohrman, Jim Barlow
Mark Malone welcomed everyone to the Full Faculty Assembly Meeting and advised that he would not call for approval of the minutes until the next scheduled Faculty Assembly Meeting.
John Pierce, VCAA Report: At the last Regents meeting, the School of Education became the College of Education with certification in Elementary, Secondary and Special Education. It is expected that it will be approved by CCHE in early March.
Dave Schmidt is now the Dean of Graduate School and Senior Faculty Associate for Research. He will form the Faculty Research Advisory Committee. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, or know someone who would be, please contact Dave.
There is a new format to the University Home Web Page. Eventually, all the pages will be upgraded to the same template. Please look over the website and if you have any questions or comments, please contact Tom Hutton or Jeremy Haefner.
There will be a task force formed regarding summer school applications as requested by UBAC.
The Technology Advisory Group is developing a technology plan for campus. Please send in your e-mail questionnaire to aid in the outcome.
There will be a series of presentations by the Dean's Council and one of the areas they will cover will be scholar interests'. There will be announcements in regards to these presentations.
Results are in for Capital Development. Things are looking good with Main/Cragmor, Engineering Building, Dwire, Controlled Maintenance and Beth-El/Science Project all being on the list for the funding by the state.
The University Quorum is on the 16th with the presenters being the Chancellor, Martin Wood and Pam Shockley, VCSS.
Pam Shockley, VCSS: spring enrollment figures are up 1.9% over last spring with the largest jump being in the College of Engineering and LAS. Beth-El was up marginally along with Education. Business and GSPA were down. Retention rates among under graduate students continue to improve, along with the caliber of under graduate students. Graduate Programs are down and we are currently looking at strategies for retention. Out-of-state resident credit hours are up 4.5% and recruitment for next fall looks strong. We are up 20% on transfers and up 10% on first time freshman applications. Our biggest challenge is scholarship offers. February is private fund raising month for scholarships and we will raise the most money for private scholarships in the history of the University. The students in the programs are the ones selling it. The Reach Your Peak Program is at 99.9% for fund raising.
Jim provided a handout of a powerpoint presentation which was discussed. Jim advised that the Foundation would like to help out in any way they can as their main goal is to support the university. Being a foundation, they have different state laws to follow than the university does, making it an advantage for the university.
Michael Byram is the new Foundation President.
The Foundation is looking into old endowments to see if they can be spread throughout the campuses.
John Michael works with Student Government and would like to continue the relationship between the student government and the faculty council. Student Government is currently working with various student groups to pull together an aids/hiv lecture series. They have lined up the dates and the presenters. The Rocky Mountain Aids Conference is next weekend and the student groups would like to hold a campus wide reception bringing together all the campus life groups. They are asking the Faculty Assembly for help in promoting the lectures. For any questions, please contact John Michael Warner at jmwarner@brain.uccs.edu or at x3141.
The Foundation is implementing the Faculty Housing Assistance Program, which is a system-wide program. The members of this program consist of Judy VanGordon, Todd Gleason and Jim Barlow. The program was designed to attract and retain tenure-track faculty.
Assistance is available up to $50,000 and will aid in closing costs. The first year they are hoping to help 20 people with an increase to 40 people the next year.
The Foundation consists of 50 Board Members who are responsible for the governance. There is an Investment Committee and an Operations Committee. The Operations Committee reviews the annual plan and it then goes to the Executive Board and then to the Full Board. The Board does have reps from each of the four campuses.
Interest accrued on endowment money goes back into the endowment. In fiscal year 2000, 98.6% of all contribution of all contributions were restricted funds.
Pam Shockley advised that there were 2100 fully admitted students and there was not any financial aid available for them. Also, what they have found out is that approximately 70% of that number ended up not going to any school at all.
Mark Malone provided a handout of his report.
Tom Napierkowski, EPUS - The review of the General Education proposals was completed this morning. There is a request to have faculty vote on these proposals rather than the committee putting it together. The LAS document was approved along with Business and tentative approval was given to Beth-El and Engineering as they need additional information added.
Don Morley, Personal and Benefits - This committee met with Marvel Markin and Dave Bravo and some interesting information came out of the meeting regarding expanded benefits for visiting professors and that full time instructors are fully covered. We have a new director of PBS Center, Steve McNally, CPA.
There is a new program called PERA Matchmaker and it they are encouraging staff members to take advantage of this program.
Kaye Orton has statistics on cost effectiveness of having a full time benefits officer here on campus. They are saving $11,000 per year by having a less than half time benefits officer on our campus.
They are working on a plan to pay for parking with pre-tax dollars that would cut parking fees about 1/3, but will have to rewrite a section 125 plan and the attorneys are working on that right now.
The APA will be on the web as of the 1st of April and will be on for 2 weeks. It will be a shortened version.
Susan Taylor, Committee on Women - Susan provided a handout.
Mary Beth Chambers, Time Capsule - The Time Capsule will be placed in the El Pomar Center on April 6, 2001 and will be opened on the 75th Anniversary of the campus in 2040. The theme of the capsule is, "the campus in time". The capsule is 15x15x22 and if you have anything you would like to add to the capsule, it needs to be to the committee no later than February 28, 2001.
Charlie Shub, Athletics - The Eligibility Policy has now been signed so that athletes grades are looked at after every semester. It has had the desired impact that the committee hoped for. They identified 10 students the 1st semester with academic difficulty and the outcome was that 3 of those were no longer eligible to compete. The other 7 are doing better academically.
Mark Malone adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.