




FEBRUARY 11, 2000

ATTENDANCE: Richard Blade, Mark Malone, Don Morley, Tom Zwirlein, Pam Shockley, Venkat Reddy, Linda Bunnell Shade, Jenenne Nelson, Kelli Klebe, Cleve McDaniel, John Pierce, Rex Welshon, Samuel Milazzo, Robert Carlson, Mary Beth Chambers, Nadyne Guzman, Susan Taylor, Doris Carey, Rebecca Laroche, Manfred Diehl, Connie Pendleton.


Richard Blade opened the meeting asking for a motion to approve the minutes from the December 10, 1999               meeting.


Moved by Robert Carlson that the minutes of the regular meeting of December 10, 1999 be approved.
Seconded by Jenenne Nelson.
The motion carried unanimously.


Chancellor Shade spoke about CCHE and the graduate mission, stating that there needs to be a special effort
made to do what we can to improve the declining graduate enrollment. The capital construction picture looks good to finish El Pomar, Main, and Cragmor. On the list are the renovation of Dwire and the Engineering expansion. The Chancellor stated that the facility master plan would be presented to the Capital Construction Committee of the Regents next week on Wednesday at 3:00. She also touched on the subjects of the search for the President, compensation and core curriculum.

Vice Chancellor Pierce noted that Perrin Cunningham will be on the Today Show on February 25, 2000 speaking on teaching etiquette to business executives. He spoke in regards to low enrollment programs, continuing education, core curriculum, and unit merit salary allocation process and criteria, and provided a handout of the unit merit proposal that he and the deans and Richard Blade had prepared. (click here to view handout)

Vice Chancellor McDaniel handed out a calendar of the UBAC schedule of meetings for Spring 2000.
(click here to view calendar)

Vice Chancellor Shockley announced that enrollment profiles can now be found on the web at //www.uccs.edu/irpage/enrollment.html and went on to discuss these numbers.


Richard Blade stated that his report was to include unit merit but since this subject had already been discussed he did not want to go over it again. He advised that Core Curriculum Committee has a couple of vacancies and asked for any feelings of how this process should be handled. It is reported that there are 2 vacancies. The feeling was to let the committee itself decide whether they need more people. Richard Blade will e-mail the Core Curriculum Committee and ask them their reaction to the suggestion.


Nadyne Guzman, Faculty Council report – Reported that Harvey Massey from ASP is concerned that bills are not being paid in a timely manner. Frank Beer, faculty chair at UC-Boulder, stated that unit merit is moving along quickly, and spoke about concerns with faculty housing, and CIGNA prescriptions. Judy Ingo, faculty chair at HSC, spoke about budget deficit there, and that they are re-looking at the issue. The 1.6 billion dollar amount mentioned in Silver & Gold is not an accurate figure. Peter Schneider, faculty chair at UCD, reported that their faculty wants to be involved in President search. Barbara Fuller, chair of EPUS, states her committee is working on a website for intercampus communication, and that it should happen soon. She also reported that in the 600 page report from CCHE there are many misstatements and her committee’s recommendation is to counter with a political response from Faculty Council. John Miller reported the Gay and Lesbian Committee had a meeting to discuss insurance for domestic partners and it was positive. David Groth, Vice President for Academic Affairs, reported that the Regents are adamant about the unit merit issue. Nadyne mentioned that the Zwirlein motion was a point of order at the meeting, that the term "super merit" was banned by Faculty Council last year because only terms contained in the Regents Salary Guidelines should be used. (Further discussions on motion).


The EPUS Committee gave report to Richard Blade that they will make a recommendation on the campus wide grade appeal policy at the next meeting.

Don Morley, Personnel and Benefits provided a handout and spoke about the web based FCQ, and that the 3 year phased retirement plan is on hold until approved by the IRS. Don provided a handout and discussed the salary oversight function of his committee. (click here to view handout on web based FCQ)
(click here to view handout on salary oversight)

The Minority Affairs previously e-mailed the minutes of their January 21, 2000 meeting.(click here to view minutes)

Susan Taylor, new representative for the Committee on Women – On Wednesday, February 23 there will be a lunch time workshop on academic mentoring for women. Dr. Aleena Quintana will give a public lecture on Thursday, February 24, with a teaching workshop on Friday, February 25. Their committee also received funding for Dr. Ann Lane, a sociologist, to come here in the Fall of 2000. They are also in the process of developing a web site to post announcements and events. Finally, they are in the process of planning and developing a curriculum transformation workshop in conjunction with the Director of Ethnic Minority Studies, to be held in the coming summer.

Richard Blade, Academic Computing Policy Committee – Richard advised that he will serve as the chair on this committee until a permanent chair is found.

Mark Malone, Salary Enhancement Committee – Mark advised that this committee had their first meeting two weeks ago, and it was very positive. The next stage is to gather data. Steve Chambers will do the research as to where the gaps are and give an overall picture of faculty salaries.

Mark Malone, Awards Committee – Mark is the chair and states that there are several awards offered this spring. He will send out announcement advising of all awards.


Richard Blade asked if there was any unfinished business – none.

7.        NEW BUSINESS

Motion from Tom Zwirlein

February 11, 2000
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Faculty Representative Meeting

Whereas the regents of the University of Colorado have approved the
concept of awarding both individual merit and unit merit salary increases
for the faculty.

Whereas this policy is intriguing and innovative in an environment where
sufficient merit money is available in a given year.

Whereas in recent years the merit increase awarded to faculty has ranged
roughly in the range of inflation plus 1 percent.

Whereas each year this gross merit award pool is subsequently reduced to
pay for increases to the retirement benefit, health benefit or both.

Whereas this gross amount is further reduced to cover promotions and other
meritorious awards given to deserving faculty.

Whereas the resulting net amount of the merit award pool is ultimately
reduced to a level at or below the level of inflation in any given year.
The resulting distribution of this net merit award pool ultimately means
that a good proportion of the faculty receive salary increases below the
level of inflation and, as such, their real income and buying power falls.

Whereas average staff salary increases awarded by the state, which are not
under the control of the regents of the University of Colorado, in recent
years have been from 2 to 3 percent above faculty merit increases.

Whereas this inequitable increase has demoralized the faculty.

Be it moved that the Faculty Assembly at the University of Colorado at
Colorado Springs recommends that the regents postpone unit merit awards
until a time when annual merit award increases regularly exceed 6 percent
or until a time when unit merit award is funded separately from the annual
merit salary pool.

Upon ratification of this motion by a vote of the Faculty Representative
Assembly of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, the results of
the vote in regards to this motion be sent to the Chair of the Board of
Regents via certified mail.

Seconded by Bob Carlson

Discussion on the 6% mentioned in the motion.

Bob Carlson started making an amendment to the motion and later withdrew his amendment.


Moved by Bob Carlson to "delete everything following 6%" in the above motion.
Seconded by Doris Carey.

Mark Malone – Call the question on the amendment. NO OBJECTIONS.

Richard Blade – The amendment is to remove the "or until a time when unit merit award is funded separately from the annual merit salary pool".

In favor of the amendment – 11
Opposed 0
Abstained 0


Motion, Richard Blade – main motion back on floor with amendment
Seconded by Bob Carlson

In favor of the motion as amended 11
Opposed 0
Abstained 0

Connie Pendleton will send motion to Regents by certified mail.

Richard Blade announced that the March meeting will be for the full faculty assembly. He advised that sponsored programs will be discussed at that meeting due to lack of sufficient time at this meeting.

Manfred Diehl, Asst. Prof. of Psychology, reported that efforts to enhance contracts and grants has been dormant for quite some time. The last copy of this report was May 29, 1998 at which time there was a committee. However, no action was taken on the report and he would like to see an effort taken up again.

Richard Blade encouraged everyone to submit motions and other agenda items for the full Faculty Assembly meeting in March.

Doris brought up that the Constitution and By-Laws need to be updated.





Moved by Bob Carlson to adjourn.
Seconded by Mark Malone

Richard Blade adjourned the meeting at 2:00pm.