


Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

February 13, 2004

Attendance: Ceil Malek, Lesley Ginsberg, Rick Petersen, Don Klingner, Valerie Brodar, Sue Byerly, Rogers Redding, Charlie Shub, Ron Fitz, Kelli Klebe, Jenenne Nelson, Tom Napierkowski, Radha Pyati, Jim Henderson, Tom Gruen, Phyllis Allen, Jacquelyn O'Connor

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from December, 2003 by Charlie Shub

Seconded by Don Klingner

Motion passed unanimously

Reports of Visitors:

Jacquelyn O'Connor from student government wanted to share information regarding S.H.E.: where is Support for Higher Education. www.whereisshe.info

Last week they had a rally in Denver and approximately 200 of our students attended.

It is a tool to educate on how higher education is being hurt by budget cuts from TABOR and other amendments.

Officer Reports:

President's report. Kelli had a handout of her report

Vice President's report. Nominations are open for the new slate president-elect, secretary and representatives. We will be doing faculty and staff surveys beginning next week. The first one will be about a clinic for faculty and staff.

Past President's report. No report

Unfinished Business

Motion from Personnel and Benefits

The tabled motion from December:

Faculty assembly recommends to UBAC that the executive team develops a plan to address all of the approximate $750,000 compression problem in a period not to exceed three years

Is replaced with:

The faculty representative assembly requests that the administration eliminate the salary compression problem, as defined by the annual peer salary comparison study, at an annual percentage rate no less that the percentage rate increases in tuition and general fund campus funding.

This motion was made by Personnel and Benefits

Seconded by Jenenne Nelson

There was a unanimous agreement to change the previous to:

Beginning with the base budget for fiscal year 2004 the salary compression problem should be addressed at a percentage rate no less than an on going rolling average of the total percentage change in the combined state base budget funding, tuition revenue, ICR revenue, and all other revenue sources that have been determined by the administration, in consultation with faculty governance, to be available for faculty salaries.

A request was made to change "salary compression" to "salary inequity"

The request was withdrawn

A Friendly Amendment was passed to be able to change "2004" if necessary

Don Klingner made a motion to table to clarify language with proviso to be able to email it if it becomes necessary.

Tom Napierkowski seconds

10 approve

0 oppose

1 abstention

Motion to table passes

Information Items:

  1. Faculty Executive Team Retreat and Recommendations for changes in Faculty Governance

  2. Support for Higher Education Resolution from Faculty Council

  3. Academic Bill of Rights Resolution from Faculty Council

  4. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Forum on Thursday Feb. 19, from 12:15-1:30 in University Center 122

Discussion Item:

Strengthening the role of Faculty Assembly Representatives

No rewards/Opportunity cost

What service entails/job descriptions/guidelines

Bullet points to share/communication role

Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously