



March 8, 2002

ATTENDANCE: Mark Malone, Richard Blade, Lesley Ginsberg, Rebecca Duray, Tom Bellamy, Mary Yates, Harlow Sheildley, Ceil Malek, Bev Watson-Goodwin, Teresa Strasner, Ron Fitz, Danny Bristol, Sue Byerley, Kelli Klebe, Dave Schmidt, Michael McLeod, Jenenne Nelson, Patricia Keilbach, Cleve McDaniel, Ron Wisner, Robert Wonnett, Pam Shockley, Venkat Reddy, Jacquelyn Beyer, Don Morley


Mark called for approval of the minutes from the February 8, 2002 meeting.

Motion by Venkat Reddy to approve the minutes from the February 8, 2002 meeting.
Seconded by Richard Blade
Motion passes unanimously to approve the minutes


Pam Shockley,Interim Chancellor – Pam reported on the freeze as to hiring, the budget and capital projects. This is the first freeze since 1991. Legal clarification on the freeze should be out in one to two weeks. If you have a pending situation, bring it to attention for faster clarification. There will be an open campus forum regarding the freeze on

3-14-02. A larger concern is the impact on next years budget. Some good news is that the fall application process looks strong.

We still don’t know when the Cragmor renovation will begin, however, the minute the funds become available, the renovation plans will continue.

The forum on the 14th will also cover the Emergency Preparedness Plan.

Tom BellamyInterim VCAA – The Strategic Planning Committee finished its work regarding TLE goals. It will be brought before the Faculty Representative Assembly for input.

Tom thanked everyone involved with input on the Faculty Hiring Program.

Tom reminded everyone about the NCA visit next week.

The guidelines are out for review on the search process for Professional Research Assistants (PRA’s) and Instructors.

Tom stated that due to the budget cuts, we won’t be able to do everything that we want to.

Cleve McDaniel, VCAF – Cleve noted that we are much better off than we could have been, (i.e., no layoff scenarios). The contingency plan is due today and the number to build from is 3.2%. We are all working as a team to minimize the pain with the budget cuts.

Cleve will send out an email with the most current information on the freeze. He noted that it will cost approximately $411,000 additional to the campus if Cragmor is delayed one year due to the fact that the modulars will be needed, inflation, and increased start-up costs. They are hoping to have Cragmor back on for FY03.

Pam noted that the searches are ongoing. Within two weeks, they will know how to get exemptions for the hiring freeze.

Robert Wonnett, Student Success – Main Hall will be opening in the next couple of weeks and it will be a great opportunity for Student Success. They are looking at better links to students and creating these links by using campus resources.

Danny Bristol, Bookstore – Spring rush went very well with sales up 15% and decreased waiting time. If you have heard of any issues with the Bookstore, please let Danny know. Danny showed the new logo on various merchandise. Online ordering of textbooks is going pretty well; however, they can only offer one semester at a time. Carla has the codes and passwords for online ordering, call her if you need them.

Dave Schmidt – Sponsored Research Administration Capacity will aid Research Faculty be more productive. There are three components: (1) Office of Sponsored Programs, (2) Contract Grants, and (3) Unit Level Research and Support, which can be local or centralized. They are currently working on unit level research support now with new procedures and processes.

The Graduate School Fellowship began last spring. Some points regarding this program:

  • This program is merit-based, not need-based.
  • It is financial support for graduate students and is funded by CCHE.
  • It is to reward academic excellence and enhance enrollments.
  • It is triggered by a nomination from graduate school directors. The nomination package is put together by the directors and submitted to the committee.
  • The award is $3,000 per year.
  • There were 34 fellowships last year.
  • This award is having a big impact on the growth of the graduate program.
  • A student can be nominated for a 2nd year.
  • Nominations are being accepted right now through May.



Mark provided a handout of his report.


Don advised that they are still working on Unit Merit. He stated that he only received one self-nomination for the office of Vice President/President Elect and he is asking for more nominations. He feels this is an incredible opportunity for faculty.


Harlow Sheidley, EPUS – The Standards for Chapters of National Social Fraternities and Sororities at UCCS were discussed. The document passed EPUS with a vote of 4-3.

Some other items that EPUS is working on are:

  • A computer use policy
  • Search hiring for instructors and honorarium
  • Retirement document

Richard Blade, Budget – Richard was elected the Chair of the Budget Committee. These are faculty representatives to UBAC. UBAC prioritized budget initiatives on the margin (i.e. neither ultra-high priority items to be funded nor low priority items not to be funded because of lack of funds) left over from previous years. Honorarium pay rate increases were boosted to high priority on that list.

Kelli Klebe asked whether there had been a process of generating new initiatives this year. VCAA Bellamy responded that because of the tight budget, it was decided that formulating new initiatives would be an exercise in frustration and futility this current year. Thus the list of initiatives considered were those on last year’s list deemed to be higher priority then by the UBAC.

Richard has also taken over the Chair on the Faculty Oversight Committee. These are faculty representatives to UBAC plus Mark Malone, Don Morley, and Ceil Malek. Following the recommendation of last year’s committee under Don Morley, the Office of Institutional Research has prepared spreadsheets that will shortly be delivered to the colleges, which allow individual faculty members to find out how their pay increases compare to those of their colleagues. If you are interested in seeing what is going on with faculty salary increases in your college, you will be able to do this through your college office.

Other items being discussed for recommendation to the administration are (1) a revised method of awarding unit merit, (2) increased promotion salary increments, (3) minor adjustments in the statistical model for awarding compression adjustments, (4) possible alteration in the process for awarding compression adjustments to non-tenure track faculty. Ceil Malek will report on the last item.


Ceil Malek, NTTF – NTTF met on February 28, 2002. NTTF were unhappy last year that a number of new faculty received compression adjustments, and that not all the compression adjustment money designated for the NTTF was awarded. The NTTF committee is working on a policy on how NTTF evaluations should be handled and they are asking EPUS for help with this. They will be meeting with David Moon regarding compression money, and have asked the salary oversight committee to work with them as well.

Michael McLeod, Minority Affairs – Minority Affairs is very optimistic about the Opportunity Hires Policy.

Jacqueline Beyer asked who would handle the issue of partner benefits. Mark informed her that the Faculty Representative Assembly is in support of this issue. Mark recommended starting a committee on this campus to support this issue.

Lesley Ginsberg, Committee on Women – Lesley provided a handout of her report.

Athletics – In Charlie Shub’s absence, Mark gave the report for Athletics.

Richard Blade, CFAC – Richard will give a report after their 4-12-02 semi-annual meeting.

Lesley Ginsberg, Library Advisory – Lesley provided a handout of her report. Richard Blade urged that this committee be treated as a Faculty Representative Assembly committee and to bring their recommendations to the FRA for approval.


Mark will provide AAUP information when he receives it from Mike Myers.


"Standards for Chapters of National Social Fraternities and Sororities at UCCS"


Be it moved that the Faculty Representative Assembly accept the recommendations of the UCCS EPUS Committee (subject to the final EPUS vote) on the draft of the Standards for Chapters of National Social Fraternities and Sororities at UCCS.

Ron Wisner gave an overview of this document. He stated that Pam Shockley asked for input from faculty and University Counsel. As of this date, the document is not ready as University Counsel is working on it to make sure that it is a good document.

Mark Malone suggested to wait until the document is finished, send through EPUS again and then come back next month for the vote.

MOTION by Harlow Sheidley to postpone voting on the above motion until next month.
Seconded by Don Morley.
Harlow called to question.
8 yes, 2 abstentions

Mark advised to contact Ron Wisner, Robert Wonnett, Mary Yates, Harlow Sheidley or Tom Napierkowski regarding any input you may have on this issue. EPUS will meet again on the 14th from 8:30 to 10:00, 2nd Floor Columbine.


Mark called a motion to adjourn.
Motion by Jenenne Nelson to adjourn.
Seconded by Ceil Malek.
Motion passes unanimously, meeting adjourned at 2:03pm.