



March 9, 2001

ATTENDANCE: Mark Malone, Rex Welshon, Dan Ponder, Pam Shockley, Don Morley, John-Michael Warner, Venkat Reddy, Ron Fitz, Lesley Ginsberg, Jenenne Nelson, John Pierce, Danny Bristol, Suzanne Byerley, Richard Blade


Mark called for approval of the minutes from December 8, 2000 and February 9, 2001.

Moved by Dan Ponder to approve minutes.
Seconded by Venkat Reddy

Approval of minutes passes unanimously


John Pierce, VCAF - John is the chair of the Summer School Policy group, working on goals for the campus, obtaining additional constituency and enhancing the summer school program. Want to have classes that allow colleges to grow with summer school programs without forcing the college into deficit. This group will also make recommendations in regards to compensation, etc.

Jeremy Haefner, through the IT Council is doing a survey and John strongly urges you to complete this survey.

Next Tuesday is the Diversity Symposium with the focus of retaining and recruiting a diverse faculty.

There is an advisory group being formed in the area of research and for faculty concerns about research activity on campus along with pre and post awards.

Pam Shockley, VCSS - They are working on new ideas in regards to summer school using direct mail and a counselor focus campaign. They have a high school concurrent list with high junior and senior SAT and ACT test scores. With the help of the high school counselors we will help select courses that can easily transfer and try to get increasingly highly qualified students into the Jump Start and Fast Track Programs. We are getting good feedback from the parents registered in this plan. We are trying to improve the summer school profile by getting students in good standing with less than 45 credit hours and trying to get them into summer school. This will all be done by direct mail and help from the high school newspapers. Also, everyone who has registered for fall, will be mailed notification of these programs.

Very, very aggressively trying to raise scholarship money. The three ways are: Community based campaigns, foundations and grant proposals. One million invested into the school yields 3.4 million in tuition and state funds.

Pam is hopeful that three to five hundred thousand dollars will be raised by the end of spring in scholarship money.

John-Michael Warner, Student Government - The Aids/HIV lecture series has started with 25 people at last night's lecture. There will be another lecture on March 22 and the last on April 12. This event is co-sponsored with various clubs from the campus. Please announce this lecture series in your classes to get the word out.

There will be an aids walk team at the end of September and there will also be 4 panels from UCCS for the aids quilt.

They are looking for a professor to do a lecture on dealing with aids. They are also looking for financial support for the reception in the fall along with needed manpower to help out.

The student government elections will be in April on the 23, 24 and 25th. Please announce this in your classes to try to raise the number of voters as last year only 800 people voted where the year before 1,600 voted. Please encourage your students to vote.


Mark Malone - Mark provided a handout of his report and added the following. EPUS is trying to have a forum on each of the four campuses in regards to Intellectual Property. They have until the end of December to come up with the policies regarding patents, trademarks, and copyrights. On Tuesday, April 17, 2001, from 1:00 to 2:00, there will be a meeting in Colorado Springs with people from various offices of EPUS. This meeting will be to discuss all aspects of Intellectual Property. Mark encourages everyone to show up for this meeting.




Tom Napierkowski, EPUS - has recommended approval of the General Education Plan for LAS and the School of Business and has recommended tentative approval of the General Education Plan for Engineering and Nursing pending specifics on their plans. To date, no more specifics have been received from either Engineering or Nursing.

Don Morley, Personnel & Benefits - Don provided a handout. Salary Oversight Committee has been meeting for almost two years and they are now taking an audit of the colleges for annual compensation. They have made recommendations and outlined needed contents for completion of Excel spreadsheets that will allow faculty to sit down and see where the money went.

Susan Taylor, Committee on Women - Report submitted by e-mail as follows:

I do not have anything new to report from the Women's Committee aside from encouraging attendance at the March 14 Women's Leadership Symposium and Luncheon.

Charlie Shub, Athletics - Report submitted by e-mail.


Danny Bristol - Encourages everyone to come check out the new store. There is a new convenience store going in along with a print shop satellite office. There will be 2 color copy machines for students' use. The bookstore is now about 95% complete.


Ron Fitz, Silver & Gold - If there is anything that you want printed in the Silver and Gold, give Ron a call.

Richard Blade, Sexual Harassment Policy Committee - Tried to have their 1st campus forum and only 2 people showed up. Richard asked for suggestions on how to get information to this committee. One suggestion was to correspond by e-mail or start a website.


Mark Malone asked for a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Richard Blade to adjourn meeting.
Seconded by Don Morley.

Motion passes unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00pm.