MARCH 10, 2000
Attendance: Samuel Milazzo, Ron Fitz, Brenda Vallance, Jenenne Nelson, Richard Blade, Nicole Bird, Cathy Mundy, Don Morley, Doris Carey, Tom Zwirlein, Mark Malone, Pam Shockley, Mary Beth Chambers, Rita Hug, Jacqueline Byer, Douglas Swartzendruber, David Fenell, Rebecca Laroche, Lee Becker, Marek Grabowski, Kelli Klebe, Ron Sega, John Pierce
Richard Blade called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the minutes from February 2000.
Moved Gerald Oleszek to approve the minutes from February 2000.
Seconded by Tom Zwirlein
Motion passed unanimously.
Chancellor's report - given by Pam Shockley: There is going to be a forum on the CCHE held on the campus and there will be some strategy planning during that forum. Capital projects appear to be back on track because there is now an $800,000,000 projected surplus in the state, which is larger than what had been originally projected. The JBC has come through with a funding proposal that will be higher than the governors funding proposal, about 4.9%. The Chancellor also asked Pam Shockley to discuss the Colorado Institute of Technology, as it will be starting. President Buechner will become the president of CIT, as soon as his term with The University of Colorado is over. Dave Laube, currently the US West Chief Information Officer, will be the Chancellor, Mark Holtzman, who is secretary of technology in the administration, will become head of the board and Tim Foster, CCHE director, is on the board.
VCSS report - Pam Shockley: The actions by CCHE last week in addition to the elimination of the Physics major provided enormous challenges to this campus in that they changed state financial aid. This is problematic for an institution that has a number of part-time students. State financial aid for graduate students will now require 9 credit hours per semester in order to grant state financial aid. All diversity grants have been given to about 250 students who are low-income, single parent, physically disabled, ethnic minority students, all of that which used to come off the top, has been eliminated. Merit Aid also is changed and we are studying the impact.
One of the other issues that will impact our campus significantly is that part-time students currently can be aided, but part-time grant programs for students taking less than 8 credit hours has been eliminated. Lee Ingalls Noble is calculating the impact of this policy change on the ability to grant aid. Another efficiency issue that is quite serious for the Office of Financial Aid is that packaging policy has always remained in the domain of the institution as long as the guidelines were met. Based on the new changes, the state will prescribe the packaging policy, which differs from the past.
Richard Blade has been working on the issue of membership to the Faculty Assembly, dealing with the constitutional issue of 1/2 time or above being in conflict with the system-wide constitution. It appears that there is no system-wide constitution and we can have whatever we want. Therefore, the membership issue of 1/2 time or above will be dropped and all faculty1/2 time or above will be members of the Faculty Assembly and eligible to serve on committees. Regarding Unit Merit, Richard Blade is working with the Deans and the Vice Chancellor to come up with something acceptable. Salary Enhancement has a proposed budget of $300,000 for next year with $100,000 going to instructor salaries and $200,000 dealing with compression issues.
Vice President's Report, Mark Malone: Mark Malone put out requests for nominations within Faculty Assembly stating that we need good people. He asked for volunteers who are willing to serve and that a full slate of people is needed. (Mark Malone will continue his report when Vice Chancellor Pierce arrives at the meeting).
EPUS, Mark Malone: Mark Malone provided a handout on the Proposed Uniform Policy on Student Grade Appeals and a discussion followed regarding the wording.
Personnel & Benefits, Don Morley: Don Morley provided a handout that included information on the full time campus benefits officer being transferred, the web based APA and the web based FCQ. He went over the handout and a discussion followed.
Budget, Richard Blade: The Budget Committee will be meeting with the Chancellor and other administrators next Monday morning to discuss the division of the merit pool and what comes out of budget. (see report)
Vice President's Report (Continued since VCAA Pierce arrived), Mark Malone: Mark Malone provided a handout from the Salary Enhancement Committee. There was a discussion on the contents of the handout. Vice Chancellor John Pierce added in the discussion that this is just a proposal and the budget has not yet been set.
Faculty Council Report, Tom Zwirlein: Tom Zwirlein provided a handout that included the agenda and the minutes of the Faculty Council Meeting of March 9, 2000.
Committee on Women, Susan Taylor: Sociologist, Michael Kimmel will hold a lecture and workshop on Wednesday, March 15 at 4:30 in the Science auditorium. (See report attached)
Academic Computing Policy Committee, Richard Blade: Richard Blade, current acting chair, stated that this committee is looking for a chair. Until then, Richard Blade will serve, including as the ACPC rep on the Student Technology Fee Committee, which will be meeting shortly.
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee, Sam Milazzo: This committee had a meeting and the concern came up that LAS is offering 2 full time instructor positions that are starting at a higher salary than what the current instructors are making.
Library Advisory Committee, Peg Bacon: Doris Carey provided a handout from the Library Advisory Committee and emphasized the importance of faculty's input at the open forums.
OTHER REPORTS (Put on hold until Ron Sega arrives at meeting)
Notice of motion from Don Morley
Moved by Don Morley:
Whereas: The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Personnel and Benefits Committee has never received a response to its 1997 motion detailing the necessity of maintaining a full time on campus benefits officer
Whereas: Vice President Takeuchi has refused to accept responsibility for degraded benefits services on the Colorado Springs Campus
Whereas: The level of benefits services has declined with the departure of a full time benefits officer
Whereas: It is widely known that the decision to centralize benefits was simply the product of bureaucratic momentum where the expenditure of millions of dollars to study the issue created an artificial need for change
Whereas: The complexity of insurance requirements for receiving maximum coverage necessitates immediate and continuous professional advisement
Whereas: Change from a self insured health plan that granted exceptions to rule violations to an externally insured plan that does not grant exceptions will likely cost faculty and staff significant dollars
Be it resolved:
That the position and funding for a full time benefits officer be returned to the Colorado Springs campus.
Seconded by Tom Zwirlein
Richard Blade asked for discussion on the motion. A discussion was held on the second whereas resulting in the following:
Moved by David Fenell to amend motion to delete 2nd whereas.
Seconded by Rebecca LaRoche
All in favor of amendment - unanimous.
Objections - none
Abstained - none
Richard Blade called the motion back to discussion.
Richard Blade put the motion as amended up to vote.
All in favor of motion - 17
Objections - none
Abstained - none
Richard Blade will forward the motion to Bruce Neumann, Chair of UBAB (Systemwide committee on benefits).
OTHER REPORTS, Ron Sega: Intellectual Property Rights was the topic of Ron Sega's discussion. He advised that Universities across the nation are wrestling with the problems that accompany electronic media, online courses, copyrights, etc. The current policy is short and unclear as to how proceeds are distributed. A committee has been formed to create a policy regarding the above mentioned items. Ron Sega will go to Vice President Groth to see if the policy that has been drafted can be put on the web for distribution to faculty. He will get back in touch with Richard Blade in regards to this.
Discussion: Sponsored Programs: There was not enough time to get into discussion on this item, so Richard Blade asked the assembly how to handle the discussion on Sponsored Programs. It was decided that the discussion would be handled by e-mail.
Richard Blade entertained a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Rex Welshon to adjourn.
Seconded by Mark Malone.
Richard Blade adjourned the meeting at 2:07pm.