


Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

March 12, 2004

Attendance: Dixie Vandeputte, Robert Wonnett, Ceil Malek, Robert Von Dassanowsky, Michael Brunn, Charlie Shub, Ron Fitz, Mike Melding, Lauren Collier, Don Klingner, Kelli Klebe, Jenenne Nelson, Rogers Redding, Rebecca Duray, Laura Quinn, Charlie Wang, Radha Pyati, Chip Benight, Tom Gruen

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from February, 2004 by Michael Brunn

Seconded by Jenenne Nelson

Motion passed unanimously

Reports of Visitors:

  1. Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Budget: the staff recommendation of the JBC is a $7.8 million reduction and a 35% tuition increase, for this campus. We don't believe it will happen. It changes everyday. TABOR, Gallagher and Amendment 23 continue to cause problems. College Opportunity Fund Bill has been voted out of the Senate Education Committee.

Dave Andersen sent out an email yesterday about the President's Faculty Excellence Award for Advancing Teaching and Learning through Technology. The award will go to a unit rather than an individual. The campus nominee will get $3000 and the winner for the system will get another $7000.

  1. Lauren Collier, Student Government - The Resolution Student Government passed re: double-sided printing was handed out and discussed.

  2. Dixie Vandeputte, Counseling Services. She handed out information on the Counseling Center.

  3. Robert Wonnett, Student Services "E-Mail as Official Means of Communication" policy was handed out.

  4. Chip Benight, Emergency Evacuation Training. He is a member of the Emergency Planning Committee. They are training executive team right now. Is faculty prepared if power goes out, or there is a flood, or a fire? What if there is an emergency in the classroom? The committee will be doing training for faculty soon.

Officer Reports:

  1. President's report. Kelli had a handout

  2. Vice President's report The survey on the clinic was responded to by 105 people. Jenenne will take it to Beth El and see what can be done.

The ballot is getting there but there is still no one interested in running for president elect.

Unfinished Business

  1. Motion from Personnel and Benefits

The tabled motion from February has been modified by P & B and was sent to all faculty.

This went out to the full faculty as a separate motion. 

New Business

  1. Motion from the Faculty Assembly Executive Team

The Faculty Assembly Representative Committee supports the Student Government Association's resolution to encourage double-sided printing for all University business as appropriate and will send this resolution to all faculty.

The motion was called after a discussion.

Motion passes unanimously.

Discussion Items:

  1. Budget Principles handout. Kelli would like feedback on this.

  2. The Colorado Faculty Coalition handout


  1. Next meeting: Friday, April 9th will be a full Faculty Assembly meeting. The agenda will be about budgetary issues.

  2. Last meeting of the Faculty Representative Assembly will be Friday, May 14th, 12:00-2:00

  3. An email survey was sent to all faculty concerning priorities for budget cuts if they are needed.


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously