


Faculty Representative Assembly

March 14, 2003


Don Morley, Kelli Klebe, Ron Fitz, Michael Brunn, Debbie Lapiloi, Sue Byerly, Pam Shockley, Mary Beth Chambers, Ilse Stratton, Jenanne Nelson, Ceil Malek, Carole Flint, Harriet Naperkowski, Susan Taylor, Lesley Ginsberg, Radha Pyati, Rebecca Duray, Charlie Shub, Rick Petersen, Olivia Sebastian, Joe Carl, Dan Segal, Livia Gilstrap, Dan Ponder, Christina Jimenez, Rex Welshon, Christopher Hill, Teresa Meadows, Linda Watts, Patricia Keilbach, Bob Camley, Marik Grabowski, Dorothea Olkowski, Lindy Crawford, Tom Napierkowski, Andrea Herrera, Mariya Zvonkovich, Abby Ferber, Charlie Wang, Jim Henderson, Jeannie Bryant, Nina Gomez, Tom Bellamy

Call to Order:

Don Morley welcomed everyone to the meeting.  He then introduced Jim Henderson, the new VCSS.

Reports of Visitors:

Chancellor?s Report ? Chancellor Shockley let everyone know that Jim Henderson will be teaching mathematics in the fall. She wanted to start out with accomplishment.  The PhD in Geropsychology is a victory for the campus.

The PGA has signed off on the Professional Golf Management program.  The college of business has restructured the financial the start up costs so it does not come out of the current or projected campus resources.

She announced and congratulated everyone for the largest submission of funded research programs in the history of this institution.  Last month alone exceeded all of two years ago.

The continued efforts for people who may or may not have opportunities of funded research

Fund raising is at an all time high this year, which is not true for other places. Over 100 members of our campus community have contributed to the Reach Your Peak Scholarship fund.

Capital Construction projects:

If we do not continue to meet our infrastructure needs we will set ourselves

  • We will proceed with the parking garage.  It will be going to CCHE on April 7th and they anticipate approval.  There will not be higher permit fees, or the shuttle will not stop.  The funds will come from user fees and not from the base budget.


  • The new housing will also be user funded.  It will have 314 beds.  We are losing out of town and out of state revenue due to lack of housing on campus.
  • We are getting authorization to purchase University Hall with the money already raised from the Foundation.
  • The completion of Cragmor Hall.  The EDC has provided a challenge grant.  We will have the first $300,000 paid for on this project.
  • We bought $984,000 worth of furniture for $100,000.  Once University Hall is furnished there will be enough furniture to furnish Cragmor Hall as well.

By freeing up all of the Beth El modulars for research and teaching space, we will be able, over a five year period, to create enough space for our activities, research and teaching space to generate in tuition only at a 70% utilization rate of those rooms $6.5 million.  We put against that, for additional instruction capacity $4.5 million.  There could be a net to the campus of 1.5-2 million dollars, against a $300,000 a year payment.  UBAC has endorsed this position.

Best-case scenario is 2010 before the Cragmor Hall project would go back onto the capital project list.

The budget was discussed.

The JBC, unanimously, will sponsor an enterprise bill.  It is in draft.

Input from Faculty

Continue with the spirit of cooperation between faculty government and administration.

An institutional recognition rewarding service would be appreciated.

There is a need to find ways to take care of each other, some kind of recognition, especially during this time.

The Chancellor is concerned with everything that is going on, however, she is convinced that we are well positioned to come out of this faster than virtually any place else. It is a credit the pulling together by faculty and administration.  She thanked everyone for his or her part.

The graduate students are interested establishing a Graduate Student Association.  It could be created without a lot of money.

Dean Rallo: Professional Golf Management

Last week UBAC approved and endorsed Professional Golf Management.

  • This is a management degree ? The students must be as academically able as any other students.  It is not a new major; it is specialty within a marketing major.
  • PGA accreditation is essential, and we have been accredited.  This will bring in students who would not have come to this campus.
  • Entrepreneurial activity, the program will cover costs.  Once running, the program will direct substantial revenues above costs to campus.
  • They started working on this program three years ago.
  • They should have students coming in this August.
  • The students must have a twelve handicap, the degree takes 4  years, and it is a rigorous program.  There is co-op internships the students have to go out on.  They will have 121 credit hours to get their degree, 5 of those credit hours are in internships.


a. President's Report. Don Morley provided a handout of his report.

b. Vice President's Report. Expect a call for faculty government nominations.  There are positions open for next year.  If you would like to serve please let Kelli Klebe know.

4. Reports From Standing committees

EPUS- They are working on many different policies.  One of them is the reappointment, promotion, and tenure draft policy. Classroom behavior policy is another.  It is a good policy and it will deal with what the definition of disruptive behavior is and also the exclusion of students.  There should be a draft next assembly on this policy.

General education assessment policy is in its final stages.  As a result of this policy every year there will be reports coming on the state of general education.

The vice-chancellor has circulated the academic dashboard policy and they will begin reviewing that at their next meeting.

Excused absence policy is being worked on for students that are involved university sanctioned activities.

Personnel & Benefits- Health insurance will be going up next year.  They are working on getting a full-time person to staff the benefits counselor office.

Budget ? No report.

Minority Affairs- They are in the process of refining their mission statement.

Women's Committee- Thanks to those who came to the system wide conference. They just funded a round of mini grants and will be sending out another call if there is anything left.

Athletics- Softball team is winning.  They beat a nationally ranked team three out of four times. Working an absence policy.  In the interim they are encouraging students to act responsibly and let faculty know what their schedules are and negotiate whether that is appropriate.

Academic Computing ?They are moving away from WebCT and Blackboard and to Ecollege. They have offered free service for hybrid-type courses. Email has been approved as the official means of communication for students.  All students will be assigned a UCCS account.

NTTFC- Asking faculty to approve a draft that was handed out.

Library Committee- Last meeting was on the 20th.  They are continuing to work on reformulating the allocation process to distribute funds for electronic database packages.  76% of this year?s budget is spent on one-time expenses. Advancing information support project budgeting is being declined.  It is essential that the representatives attend meetings 8:15 Thursday the 20th, 304 El Pomar Center  

New Business

Student Concerns. The legislation dealing with concealed weapons in the state of Colorado excludes K-12 facilities, but not higher education.  They would like to see legislation where classrooms, residence halls and athletic facilities are excluded.

5. Motions

a. Faculty Representative Assembly recommends the following principles for implementing budget reductions:


1.Use a transparent process and open data to make all budget decisions.


2.Protect academic programs on the basis of (1) quality, (2) relationship to role and mission, and (3) cost-benefit analysis.


3.Protect research potential of tenure track faculty.


4.No program expansion unless increased revenues exceed increased expenses.


5.UBAC should review proposed new programs for fiscal impact.


6.Utilize layoffs as a last resort.


b.    Faculty Assembly authorizes the Faculty Assembly?s representatives to the University Budget Advisory Committee (UBAC) to consider and recommend specific strategies consistent with these principles, in their role as members of that committee.

Motion to pass block of recommendations stated.


No discussion Motion Passes

6.Old Business

Michael distributed the draft memorandum ?Guidelines regarding grant-funded course buyouts.?  Don asked that an ad hoc committee be formed to get together with Tom Bellamy and get something together that everyone can agree on for the next meeting.

Motion to table the motion grant buyouts


No discussion

Motion passes


Moved Seconded

Motion passes unanimously, meeting adjourned at 2:05pm.