


Faculty Representative Assembly

April 11, 2003


Don Morley, Kelli Klebe, Mark Malone, Ron Fitz, Christina Martinez, Ceil Malek, Richard Blade, Dan Ponder, Jenenne Nelson, Rahda Pyati, Charlie Wang, Susan Taylor, Leslie Ginsberg, Micheal Brunn, Don Klingner, Venkat Reddy, Rebecca Duray.

1.    Call to Order / Approval of Minutes From Previous Meetings:

Don Morley welcomed everyone to the meeting.  He then asked Richard Blade to come forward and presented him with a Lifetime Service to CU-Colorado Springs award.

He then asked for approval of the minutes from the December 13, 2002 meeting.

Kelli Klebe made a correction to the minutes:

5b Motion on Budget Priorities says the Approval of minutes from previous meetings:

Motion:   by Dan Ponder to approve the February 14, 2003 minutes.

Seconded:  by Susan Taylor Motion to approve the minutes passes unanimously.

Motion:  by Dan Ponder to approve the March 14, 2003 minutes.

Seconded:  by Susan Taylor Motion passes unanimously

2.      Reports of Visitors

Chancellor's Report- Chancellor Pam Shockley was unable to attend.

Budget Director- Gayanne Scott came to discuss the budget.  She handed out a planning scenario to everyone and also let everyone know that the numbers are changing daily.

The "Guiding Principles for Decision Making During the FY 04 Budget Process" are included in the President's Report.  The strategy is to plan for more cuts.

Each percentage of enrollment growth is $275,000 gross and $187,000 net.  Each percent of tuition increase is $245,000.  The tuition increase would not tie into the fees, so the fees should not go up.

As we grow the state gives us money per resident student, which we did not get this year.

Is there any news on sabbaticals?  There is no information right now so it is not on table.  The sabbatical program is not self-supporting.  Colleges find salary savings to deal with the replacement costs.

What is bad debt expense?

Bad debt expense is from students that don't pay tuition.

VCAA Report. Tom Bellamy apologized for the absence of Randy and Jim.

  • Even though the Regent?s meeting was canceled, they had a meeting by telephone.  They approved the one outstanding academic item, which was the English as a second language program, which is now officially the CCHE.
  • The campus received official notice of the results of the general education courses that were proposed for the guaranteed transfer agreement for the state.  The state now has a law that requires general education courses be generally transferable across all institutions in the state.  Each year there will be a chance for more courses to be approved.
  • As a result of the $500,000 cut, the deans have been asked to develop scenarios at the 1%, 1.5% and 2% level for how they would make budget cuts.  The results have not been turned in yet.
  • Last fall Steve Chambers was asked to develop a list of freshmen that were at a risk of not returning, and asked each dean to develop some process to make personal contact with those students. Whether it is due to this or some other factor, retention was up 4-5%.  Steve was asked to make another list for this Spring. At the next dean's council meeting they will get that list once more.
  • The pilot of the voluntary relinquishment of tenure was approved as a one-year pilot on campus.  If it is to be continued the executive team should make a decision this Spring.  Tom would like feedback through email.
  • Tom will be finishing as Vice Chancellor in a couple of months.  He is trying to make sure he is managing a very good transition list.  The various policies and issues that faculty feels are priorities he will work on.
  • Jenenne publicly thanked Tom for all of the work he has done.
  • Motion -  by Don the Faculty Assembly publicly thank Tom Bellamy for his work and maintaining academic standards.
  • Seconded
  • Motion passes unanimously


a President's Report- Don Morley provided a handout of his report.


b. Vice President's Report- Ballots will go out on Monday for Faculty Assembly elections.


c. Past President's Report- Mark Malone has been serving on the consolidation committee.  There was a meeting on the campus this week and there was also a meeting in Boulder.  The main concern is how does the merger of Health Sciences and UC Denver affect other campuses.  Mark is trying to make sure our campus does not get lost in the shuffle.

4.      Reports From Standing committees

EPUS- No report.

Personnel & Benefits- No report.

Budget- No report.

Minority Affairs- No report

Women?s Committee- Susan Taylor, They will be setting a date soon for the end of the year reception in the Art Gallery.

Athletics- No report

Academic Computing- No Report

NTTFC- No report

Library Committee- Their last meeting was on March 20.  The library is facing cuts of $135,000.  They are also budgeting for potential cuts of $43,000.  There will be serial cancellations.  There are many criteria for making the cancellations. The library will have a schedule of the cancellations. The journals that are duplicated will be the first on the list.  The committee will be meeting in early May.

5.       Motions

  • Commencing in CY 2002 the UCCS Faculty Representative Assembly endorses the use of a three-year rolling average of faculty performance in determining merit raises.

Don Morley calls the question.


One opposed


One abstention


Motion passes


  • Whereas:

In developing a policy for promotion to senior instructor, the University would be carrying out a recommendation made by the System-wide Ad Hoc Committee on Non-Tenure-Track Faculty


Currently there is no consistent policy in LAS for promotion to senior instructor, nor is there consistent policy across the campus. We move that Faculty Representative Assembly appoint a committee of non-tenure-track faculty members, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, with consultation from the deans to develop a systematic policy for promoting non-tenure-track faculty from the rank of instructor to senior instructor after five years of teaching experience.  The committee should be convened in Fall 2003 and complete their work by the end of the year. Discussion Motion to amend by striking after five years of teaching experience by Michael Brunn Seconded by Susan Taylor Amendment passes unanimously Motion to amend by striking non-tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty from the rank of instructor. Question is called. One abstention Amendment passes. The motion now reads: Whereas: In developing a policy for promotion to senior instructor, the University would be carrying out a recommendation made by the System-wide Ad Hoc Committee on Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Whereas: Currently there is no consistent policy in LAS for promotion to senior instructor, nor is there consistent policy across the campus. We move that Faculty Representative Assembly appoint a committee of faculty members, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, with consultation from the deans to develop a systematic policy for promotion to senior instructor.  The committee should be convened in Fall 2003 and complete their work by the end of the year. The question is called. Motion passes unanimously.

  1. Whereas:

Currently there are ad hoc policies and practices for evaluation of NTTF in some colleges and departments and more formal policies and practices in others.

Whereas; Many non-tenure-track faculty do not know that they are evaluated and do not know the criteria against which they are evaluated.

Whereas: Communicating policies for evaluation of non-tenure-track faculty, the University would be carrying out a recommendation made by the System-wide Ad Hoc Committee on Non-Tenure-Track Faculty.

We move that Faculty Representative Assembly request that the VCAA take actions necessary to insure that deans and department chairs routinely articulate and communicate the policies and practices of their colleges and departments for evaluation of non-tenure-track faculty to those faculty members.

Question is called.

Motion passes unanimously.

6.              Other reports/discussion items Motion. by Don Klingner to suspend the rules.

The faculty of Graduate School of Public Affairs had a meeting and approved the following motion: Result by the faculty of Graduate school of public affairs do recommend the CU System Faculty Council that it urge the Board of Regents to consider adopting a system policy providing tuition free education at any CU campus for immediate family members of CU faculty. The reason for the request to suspend the rules is because he would like this discussed and did not get it on the agenda in time.

Second by Michael Motion ? Result by the Faculty Assembly of University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, We recommend to the CU System Faculty Council urge the Board of Regents to consider adopting a system policy providing tuition free education at any CU campus for immediate family members of CU faculty.

Don Morley surrenders chair to Kelli Klebe. Motion to table by Rebecca Seconded by Leslie Discussion Motion fails unanimously.

Discussion Motion by Mark Malone to amend wording to: Faculty Assembly of University of Colorado, Colorado Springs recommend to CU System Faculty Council that is discuss a system policy of providing tuition free education to any CU campus for immediate family members of CU faculty.

Seconded ? by Jenenne Motion to amend passes unanimously Call to question on motion

Motion passes unanimously.

7.    Old Business - none

8.    Adjournment Moved Seconded Motion passes unanimously, meeting adjourned at 1:45pm.