April 12, 2002
ATTENDANCE: Don Morley, David Moon, Harlow Sheidley, Ceil Malek, Ron Wisner, Teresa Strasner, Ron Fitz, Charlie Wang, Michael Brunn, Patricia Keilbach, Michael McLeod, Rebecca Duray, Jenenne Nelson, Lea Gaydos, Mary Yates, Lesley Ginsberg, Tom Zwirlein, Sue Byerley
Moved by Michael Brunn to approve the minutes from the March 8, 2002 meeting.
Seconded by Lea Gaydos
Motion passes unanimously
David Moon, VCAA Report – NCA went well and won’t be back for 5 years. They received the CCHE draft of what courses will automatically transfer to other institutions and they will have to respond quickly and get processes in place.
The faculty elections will start next Monday, April 15, 2002 and run through Friday, April 19, 2002 at 5:00pm. The candidates running for the position of Vice President/President Elect are Kelli Klebe and Jim Burkhart. There is no 2nd rep for EAS or a 4th rep from LAS, however, the president can appoint people to these positions.
There was a meeting with Chancellor targeting the merit pool to 5.7%, which does not include $125,000 for compression adjustment or several other items. They are targeting 6.4% for total compensation.
Don asked the representatives at the meeting to go back and talk to faculty for goal setting to discuss at next month’s meeting, which is the last meeting. Don advised to think of goals that don’t require money and he would like to see an aggressive faculty for this upcoming year.
Tom Zwirlein – Faculty Council met yesterday. Tom discussed the fact that the state is trying to take away 8 to 14 million dollars out of higher ed to go to road construction and to hire new judges. The JBC has resisted any attempts and there may not be enough votes. Higher ed in Colorado should have a pretty good year. The JBC has approved tuition increases of 7.7% and our tuitions could go up as much as 12%. Twenty-five percent of the tuition increase is for Financial Aid.
Tom asked that everyone vote on the new constitution. Right now there are a little more than 200 votes in and the President of Faculty Council would like to see 1,000. You can vote on the web, reply to e-mail or print a paper ballot and mail it in. Faculty Council is still working on the bylaws.
Boulder approved a motion that the documents that have been sealed for 50 years alleging communism by faculty members be released to the public. A book has been written on this situation.
Mark Malone is the only candidate for the Faculty Council elections. If you want to nominate someone, let Tom know. They already have the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.
Harlow Sheidley, EPUS – EPUS passed two motions that are being brought to Faculty Assembly for vote regarding the Standards for Fraternities and Sororities and a motion on the UCCS policy on grading to bring it in line with the University System policy. EPUS is also working on a Student Conduct Code, Opportunity Hire guidelines and reviewing a pool for NTTF hires.
Michael McLeod, Minority Affairs (unofficial) – Tom Bellamy met with the Minority Affairs Committee regarding the position of Assistant Vice Chancellor of Multi-Cultural Affairs. They looked over a draft of the position description and offered feedback. Tom will update the committee as things proceed.
Lesley Ginsberg, Committee on Women – Lesley provided a handout of her report.
Patricia Keilbach, Academic Computing – This committee met this morning and they are looking for input on course management software. Please e-mail any suggestions regarding software programs to Patricia. They are mainly looking for functions as to what you would like in the software.
Ceil Malek, NTTF – NTTF is looking at the way compression money is spent. They are getting help from the Salary Oversight Committee and David Moon. Merit raise evaluating will continue next year.
Lesley Ginsberg, Library Advisory Committee – Lesley provided a handout of her report.
The following motions were unanimously recommended for passage by the Faculty Assembly at a meeting April 4th of the Salary Oversight Committee by all those present (Richard Blade, Kathy LaSala, Mark Malone, Ceil Malek, Don Morley, Mark Wickert, and Tom Zwirlein). Three members (Donald Klingner, Chris Martinez, and Paul Sondrol) were unable to attend.
Moved by Tom Zwirlein
Seconded by Jenenne Nelson
1. The UCCS Faculty Assembly recommends implementation of the proposal titled "Brief on Promotion Increases for Tenured Faculty" prepared by the chancellor's office.
COMMENT: The increases for the current fiscal year were $2389 for promotion to associate professor and $3597 for promotion to full professor, costing 0.3% of the salary (not salary increase) pool. This motion proposes to raise those to $4497 for promotion to associate professor and $5759 for promotion to full professor, costing 0.5% of the salary pool. This results from a discovery that newly promoted individuals receive a disproportionately large fraction of the compression adjustment money, and the proposed increases will at least partially combat future compression.
Motion passes, 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
Moved by Tom Zwirlein
Seconded by Jenenne Nelson
2. The UCCS Faculty Assembly recommends that the administration study the impact of the previous motion during the coming fiscal year and develop a process to remedy any resulting inequities.
COMMENT: This is just to make sure that some people don't "fall through the cracks" in terms of the promotion increases.
Motion passes, 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
Moved by Tom Zwirlein
Seconded by Michael Brunn
3. The UCCS Faculty Assembly urges that the upcoming unit merit awards be one-time, i.e. not added to the base salary.
COMMENT: The committee felt that the method of awarding unit merit needs to be carefully studied for the purpose of major modifications, but the one-time awards represent a useful measure to be implemented this spring.
Motion passes, 8 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstention
Moved by Ceil Malek
Seconded by Jenenne Nelson
4. The UCCS Faculty Assembly recommends that promotion to senior instructor for those whose current salary is less than $30,000/year carry an additional base salary increment of $1,000. This increase should apply to past as well as current promotions.
COMMENT: This provides a mechanism to make compression adjustments for NTTF, who currently receive no promotion increases. This coming year the money for such promotions should come from the NTTF compression adjustment pool.
Motion passes, 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
Moved by Ceil Malek
Seconded by Lea Gaydos
5. The UCCS Faculty Assembly recommends that NTTF compression adjustment monies only be used for existing and replacement positions, not for new positions.
COMMENT: This last year some of the NTTF compression adjustment pool was used to fund new instructor positions. While we believe that starting salaries of instructors should be increased, it is not appropriate to use the compression adjustment pool to fund new positions.
Motion passes, 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
Moved by Ceil Malek
Seconded by Michael Brunn
6. The UCCS Faculty Assembly urges that part-time instructors receive pro-rated compression adjustments using the same compression model established for full time instructors.
COMMENT: For example, if the model indicates a person should receive $2000 if full time, and that person is only .75 FTE, then that person should receive $1500. The original motion passed by the Faculty Assembly only provided for compression adjustments for full time faculty.
Motion passes, 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
Moved by Ceil Malek
Seconded by Lea Gaydos
7. The UCCS Faculty Assembly urges that because of the relatively high turnover among NTTF, the allocation of salary increments be determined as close as practical to the beginning of the Fall semester rather than the previous spring.
COMMENT: Early allocation of money to instructors who subsequently vacate their positions before classes begin has led to the loss of as much as 1/3rd of the NTTF compression adjustment dollars.
Motion passes, 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
Moved by Tom Zwirlein
Seconded by Lea Gaydos
8. The UCCS Faculty Assembly urges that the Office of Institutional Research conduct a peer comparison study of TTF and NTTF salaries by rank and discipline for the purpose of possible future salary corrections.
COMMENT: The committee feels that the compression adjustments have served a very useful purpose, and it feels it worthwhile to pursue additional salary corrections in the future. The first step is gather data in order to understand the nature of the problem.
Motion passes, 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
Moved by Harlow Sheidley
Seconded by Jenenne Nelson
1. EPUS is recommending to the Faculty Assembly to approve the newly revised Standards for Fraternities and Sororities.
Motion passes, 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
Moved by Harlow Sheidley
Seconded by Jenenne Nelson
2. EPUS requests that the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs campus bring its policy on drop/add procedures into conformity with the University of Colorado uniform grading policy.
Motion passes, 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
Moved by Lesley Ginsberg
Seconded by Lea Gaydos
The Library Advisory Committee submits the following draft of a Collection Philosophy to the Representative Faculty Assembly for review and endorsement. UCCS Librarians have researched various Collection Philosophies from our sister libraries, including, CU Denver’s Collection Philosophy, and have shaped ours accordingly.
Motion passes, 6 For, 1 Against, 2 Abstentions
Moved by Michael Brunn to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Jenenne Nelson