


Faculty Representative Assembly May 9, 2003


Gudrun McCollum, Lesley Ginsberg, Susan Taylor, Jenenne Nelson, Radha Pyati, Rebecca Duray, Ron Fitz, Sue Byerly, Michael Brunn, Dan Ponder, Patricia Keilbach, Chip Benight, Don Klingner, Charlie Shub, Mark Malone, Kelli Klebe, Don Morley, David Moon, Pam Shockley, Tom Bellamy, Randy Kouba, Dave Schmidt

1.Call to Order / Approval of Minutes From Previous Meeting:

Don Morley welcomed everyone to the meeting. He then asked for approval of the minutes from the April 11, 2003 meeting

Motion: by Harlow Sheidley to approve the April 11, 2003 minutes.

Seconded: by Jenenne Nelson

Motion to approve the minutes passes unanimously.

Don asked Tom Bellamy to come forward. Tom was presented with a plaque for outstanding service from the Faculty Assembly.

2.Reports of Visitors

Chancellor's Report. Chancellor Pam Shockley- The Role and Mission bill passed both houses and is now on the governor's desk.

The governor has vetoed the tuition footnote in the long bill.

CCHE needs to have a revised proposal by June first. They are working on it now.

We will be going to CCHE on June 5th for approval of the housing project.

The budget cuts we will go into July 1st will be a cumulative 33% from last year and this year. We are reserving another 7% on top of that to provide a buffer.

Don't know if the governor will sign the enterprise bill, it is on his desk.

VCAA Report- Tom Bellamy along with Chancellor Shockley is working on a smooth transition with Rogers Redding.

Let Tom know if you feel something is falling through the cracks

The search for an interim Dean of College of Business is moving rapidly. Nominations are in. Faculty will get memo for inputs on 3 nominees.

Thanks to those working with Barbara Shiff on the transfer agreements.

VCAF Report- Summer enrollment is up 14%. Fall Registration began Monday so numbers will start to come in next week.

Capital projects are fully proceeding. Those are the parking structure, Cragmor Hall, the purchase of University Hall, and student housing.

Question: Students have told professors that advisors are telling them to take 21 hours. It has happened with more than one student. Randy will take this to the proper authority.

3. Motions

  1. The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Faculty Representative Assembly recommends implementation of the General Educational Assessment Proposal. dated April 2003.


Rebecca Duray calls the question.

14 in favor

0 opposed

0 abstentions

Motion passes

  1. The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Faculty Representative Assembly recommends that the Chancellor implement the proposed Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure. policy as an interim policy for the 2003/2004 academic year, and that the policy be reviewed by each primary unit during the year, culminating in a recommendation from EPUS for revisions prior to formal adoption as a campus policy.

Modifications: On page 6 at the end of the first paragraph add the sentence,However evidence of the FCQ's reliability and validity for a particular candidate should be taken into account.

Section C, #4, in the middle of the paragraph: Strike "Where the candidate has co-authors the candidate should also explain the role of each co-author and the meaning of the order of the co-authors names."

Insert: "The primary unit should ascertain the extent of the candidates contribution when there are co-authors."

Section 8 B 1  Letters from external evaluators should go under section 8 A.

Section 7 B middle of the paragraph change "urge" to "initiate" to "urge not to initiate."

Section 8 C 1 Strike section in italics: "Primary units shall not propose different vita formats."


Question is called.

14 in favor

0 opposed

0 abstentions

Motion passes


  1. The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Faculty Representative Assembly recommends that the Chancellor implement the proposed "Student Classroom/Course-Related Behavior Policy" Draft 4.25.03.

Motion to amend from 24 hours to one business day by Kelli Klebe

Seconded by Jenenne Nelson.

14 in favor

0 opposed

0 abstentions

Motion to amend to include sleeping as a disruption by Chip Benight.

Seconded by Charlie Shub.


0 in favor

12 opposed

2 abstain


Question is called.

13 in favor

0 oppose

0 abstain

4.a President's Report. Don Morley provided a handout of his report.

b. Vice President's Report.

There is a run off election this week for the one contested position. Next week we will have the results.

c. Past President's Report.

Mark is currently working on compensation principles. They are rewritten each year. They are trying to create a system where data on faculty is gathered with regards to merit and salary. Mark was reelected as faculty council chair.

5. Reports From Standing committees

EPUS- Academic dashboard  took no action on it, they are still open for discussion. Excused absence policy there is no action.

Personnel & Benefits- Health insurance is out for bids with nine companies. They are looking at the cost of health insurance. Benefits advisory board is looking at alternatives.

Budget- No report.

Minority Affairs- No report.

Women's Committee- Monday from 3 to 5p.m. is the end of year reception in the Art Gallery

Athletics- The golf team won its regular season and will be competing in the NCAA championship. They are still going over the excused absence policy.

Academic Computing- The contract with ECollege has been signed. Training will begin soon. Issues for future discussion: printing in the library, what to do about spam, embracing 2010 vision.

NTTFC- No report.

Library Committee- There was an emergency meeting yesterday to review journal cancellations. Library reviewed all forms and came up with a list of journals for cancellation. Criteria for journal cancellation: Use data, cost vs. use, nature of the journal, browsing title, stability of electronic database

6.Other reports/discussion items

Charlie asked the faculty assembly to thank Don Morley for his hard work this year.

7. Old Business - none

8. Adjournment



Motion passes unanimously, meeting adjourned at 2:00pm.