ATTENDANCE: Don Morley, Lea Gaydos, Kelli Klebe, Lesley Ginsberg, Michael McLeod, Charlie Wang, Michael Brunn, Ron Fitz, Teresa Strasner, Sue Byerley, Robert Wonnett, Venkat Reddy, Cleve McDaniel, David Moon, Charlie Shub, Radha Pyati, Richard Blade, Mark Malone, Andrea Herrera, Christina Jimenez, Pam Shockley, Tom Napierkowski
Mark welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the April 12, 2002 meeting.
Motion by Charlie Shub to approve the minutes from the April 12, 2002 Faculty Representative Assembly meeting.
Seconded by Venkat Reddy
Motion to approve the minutes passes unanimously.
Mark advised the Assembly that Margo Baker would not be presenting at today’s meeting.
David Moon, VCAA – The two items on the VCAA agenda are the Guidelines for Voluntary Relinquishment of Tenure and the Opportunity Hire Guidelines.
Pam Shockley, Chancellor – To date, there is no budget. The Chancellor is confident we are making progress towards a resolution. We will have to do planning for a positive outcome and applications will have to continue to be strong for fall. On a positive note, we are closing the year with the highest amount of funds raised on campus in the history of the campus.
Cleve McDaniel, VCAF – A one and half rescission is likely and this is beyond the cuts we have already paid. There was a 29% decrease in the merit pool for classified staff, which amounts to $42,917. It is likely there will be an increase in employee paid benefits. The General Assembly has approved the JBC recommendations. Cleve will keep the campus posted.
The Cragmor renovation will start next week. They are using contingency funds from the Main Hall renovation and covering the extra with year-end savings of utilities and over-realization of tuition.
Robert Wonnett, VCSS – Summer applications are up 6.7% and fall is up 5.8%. Housing has helped with freshman enrollment and now they are looking at a 3rd phase of housing that would accommodate older, graduate type students.
Orientations have started and will continue for the next 12-15 weeks. Student Success is asking for involvement from faculty to help bring more one on one. Please get the word out to volunteer for these orientations.
David Moon congratulated Mark Malone for his appointment as Chair of Faculty Council.
Mark provided a handout of his report.
Don gave a brief update from the Faculty Council meeting. Don congratulated Kelli Klebe for her appointment as Vice President/President Elect of Faculty Assembly.
Don Morley, Personnel & Benefits – The issue of Voluntary Relinquishment of Tenure will be discussed later in the meeting. The Personnel & Benefits Committee has set their meeting times for next year for the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10:30.
Richard Blade, Budget – The Salary Oversight Committee is working very hard this coming year to satisfy the checklist for processes having to do with salary.
Tom Napierkowski, EPUS - Tom submitted the following EPUS report.
Andrea Herrera, Minority Affairs – Andrea gave an explanation of the Opportunity Hire document with discussion following. Mark Malone advised that it is necessary to pass the motion to approve this document quickly as the funds are available to get it started. Lea Gaydos asked that males from the nursing field be included in this program.
Lesley Ginsberg, Women’s Committee – Lesley provided a handout of her report.
Lesley Ginsberg, Library Committee - Lesley provided a handout of her report.
Charlie Shub, Athletics - The golf team is in Florida for the NCAA National Championship. Funding for this comes from NCAA. UCCS has lost two coaches to higher paying institutions. Student Athletes are doing very well academically with GPA’s of 3.0 overall. Two of these students were honored at the awards banquet.
Richard Blade, CFAC – Richard provided a handout for this report.
Handouts were provided on the Kraemer Family Library Collection Philosophy. There was discussion on the document with the following motion brought forward.
Motion by Lesley Ginsberg
"On the unanimous recommendation of the Library Advisory Committee, the Faculty Representative Assembly endorses the following Collection Philosophy. This document will be used as a philosophical guideline for the proposed revision of the journal allocation formula that the library hopes to accomplish by the end of AY 2002-3. The current allocation needs revision in light of electronic resources now available, resources that cross disciplinary boundaries and that did not exist when the old allocation formula was designed."
Moved by Lea Gaydos to endorse the Collection Philosophy.
Seconded Kelli Klebe
15 FOR
Motion passes unanimously
A handout was provided for the Guidelines for Voluntary Relinquishment of Tenure.
Moved by Don Morley to accept the Guidelines for Voluntary Relinquishment of Tenure.
Seconded by Lea Gaydos
Moved by Charlie Shub to amend the document to change the wording throughout the document to Guidelines for Voluntary Relinquishment of Tenure. (handout provided with changes).
Seconded by Kelli Klebe
Call to question on the amendment by Mark Malone
Seconded by Charlie Shub
15 FOR
Amendment carries unanimously
Motion to endorse the Guidelines for Voluntary Relinquishment of Tenure as amended.
Moved by Don Morley
Seconded by Lea Gaydos
15 FOR
Motion passes unanimously to endorse the Guidelines for Voluntary Relinquishment of Tenure.
A handout was provided with a report from EPUS pertaining to the Opportunity Hire document.
Moved by Don Morley to endorse the Opportunity Hire document that was sent out by e-mail on Sunday, May 5, 2002.
Seconded by Richard Blade
*Let it be noted that males in nursing historically are underrepresented.
*Let it be noted that the Library is traditionally underrepresented.
During discussion of this document, concern came forward regarding the wording of #6 on page 2, however, since a motion was already brought to the table, it was necessary to continue with that vote.
Call to question by Don Morley to endorse the Opportunity Hire document.
Seconded by Lea Gaydos
10 FOR
2/3 quorum needed, motion fails to endorse the Opportunity Hire document.
Motion by Charlie Shub to refer the Opportunity Hire document back to EPUS.
Seconded by Michael McLeod
Richard Blade urges the Assembly to change the wording of #6 on page 2.
Call to question by Richard Blade to refer the document back to EPUS.
Seconded by Don Morley
Motion does not carry to refer the document back to EPUS.
After discussion on the wording of #6 on page 2, the following motion was made.
Motion by Andrea Herrera to change the wording of #6 on page 2 to read: "When proposed, the rationale for a normal search process and degree to which there was a competitive analysis in choosing this individual may be foregone if the individual is deemed qualified by a majority of the unit and the Dean.
Seconded by Venkat Reddy
Call to question by Richard Blade
Seconded by Kelli Klebe
13 FOR
Motion passes to change the wording of #6 on page 2.
Call to question by Charlie Shub on the motion in favor of the Opportunity Hire document as amended.
Seconded by Kelli Klebe
13 FOR
Motion passes to accept the Opportunity Hire document as amended.
Moved by Michael McLeod to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Charlie Shub.
Motion passes unanimously, meeting adjourned at 2:20pm.