



MAY 11, 2001

ATTENDANCE: Mark Malone, Chancellor Linda Bunnell Shade, Vice Chancellor Pam Shockley, Vice Chancellor John Pierce, Charlie Shub, Cecile Malek, Lesley Ginsberg, Sue Byerley, Susan Taylor, Ron Fitz, Bev Snyder, Kelli Klebe, Don Morley, David Fenell, Dan Ponder, Rex Welshon, Randy Cubero


The Chancellor thanked Mark Malone and the Faculty Assembly for a positive year. She also stated that Mark has done a great job as president and she is pleased that Don Morley was elected VP/President Elect.

There was a UBAC presentation this morning and the recommendations made to the Chancellor were all acceptable. Soon, they will be sending out a budget letter with the layout for the campus budget and lay out issues coming up in the future. Part of that budget includes $300,000 set aside as an enrollment contingency, waiting to see if we hit our enrollment target. There is $646,000 in new money and the bulk of that is going to new positions. The President has done an extraordinary job with the legislature and we are in much better shape than most states.

We are making progress with CCHE and we are faced with the challenge of finding a replacement for the VCAA vacancy. The Chancellor expressed her regret of John Pierce's departure and thanked John for his years with the university. The Chancellor spoke with the Faculty Executive Committee regarding the search and they are reluctant to take any Dean's out of the colleges to fill the position. She has received suggestions and will be focusing on them and will begin the search immediately. They are getting the search committee together that will include all departments, classified staff, PESA, students and David Nelson will represent the deans.


Lesley Ginsberg requested that her name be added to the attendance list of last months meeting as she was in attendance.

Mark Malone called for approval of the minutes from April 13, 2001 with the one change noted above.

Moved by Rex Welshon to approve the minutes.
Seconded by Dan Ponder.
Approval of minutes passes unanimously


John Pierce, VCAA: John advised that he really enjoyed working with this group over the past four years. There have been enormous changes in the academic area on this campus, with the reorganization of IT, the on-going process of developing research activity, multi-cultural affairs, extended studies, compensation allocation policy, reorganization of grievance procedures, being close to resolving core curriculum, assessment and anticipation of the NCAA, development of the academic planning process, TLE planning process and the development of the curriculum change process. John is delighted that everyone worked so well together regarding the NTTF initiative, post tenure review process and the graduate program.

We still need to get a handle on summer school, the graduate school needs to be worked on and NTTF concerns need more work. There is a need to make and get graduate programs to stay and get approval and we need a more systematic process of filling faculty positions and vacancies.

John would like to see Chairs as part of faculty governance as this would mean more "business" at the meetings for Faculty Assembly. He would like everyone to think about how to move in that direction.

Mark Malone commended John for all he has done; you have taken the office of Vice Chancellor to a new level and I greatly appreciate all the help you have been with the many issues we dealt with and bringing the campus to a point where I see us really being able to move forward.


Motion by David Fenell to make Mark's comment a formal resolution of the faculty.
Moved by Charlie Shub to accept David's motion.
Seconded by Susan Taylor.
Motion passes unanimously


Motion by Mark Malone to make David's motion a motion for accommodation.
So moved
no discussion

Motion passes unanimously


Pam Shockley, VCSS: Pam echoed the sentiments to John. She advised that it has been a great pleasure to work with John.

Last Saturday started the 1st of fall orientations. Fall looks like it will meet expectations. Competition is simply incredible.

Amount of scholarship offers is at an all time high and the 2% growth projection looks good. Should know more about this by the middle of June.

Pam was excited to announce that earlier this week, El Pomar Foundation made a commitment to $295,000 in scholarship money and it is an on-going commitment. This brings us from 6 to 36 available four-year scholarships.

Still has a $1.2 million deficit to be competitive on scholarships. CCHE merit dollars that come from retention, has in the past, only given us $5,000 for graduate money. Lee Ingalls Noble has put a program together that adds $50,000 and will be available next academic year. The catch is that you must give to students who will continue with us and they must follow the plan that we set.

Rex Welshon congratulated Pam on getting all this money for the students. Pam urged everyone to get students to go to financial aid and submit applications. Pam will have deadlines for El Pomar money for next year by September.


Randy Cubero, Athletics: Randy appreciates the opportunity to speak to the Faculty Assembly and echoed the sentiments for VCAA.

Randy advised that he is here today to present the athletic program and to ask for help. Out of the 14 schools in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference, we have the worst program. We need money for scholarships, operations and facilities. We are getting better and last year was the best year in sports.

Randy stated that he is shocked at the academic performance of student athletes as they are not performing to level. Randy declared campus ineligibility; you are going to get an academic review and if grades fall below a 2.0 you will become ineligible and will not play. A waiver is the only way around this and as long as they have at least a 1.85 and it looks like a serious student and support from the teachers. This program is much more rigid than NCAA and has been very positive.

Randy started the Exemplary Student Athletes Program, a responsibility program. They use the Olympic rings with the two foundational rings representing, complete your education and know your values. The three top rings represent remaining drug/substance abuse free, leadership and setting goals.

One of the problems with the athletic program is student athletes missing classes due to post season play. There is a policy where the student athlete is allowed to miss 5 classes per semester. Some professors are not following this policy as they do not want students to miss any of the classes. Randy asked for suggestions from the faculty assembly as to how to handle this problem. Some suggestions were brought forward to him at the meeting and if any more are made, please relay them to Randy.  The full text of the missed class time policy can be viewed at the following address http://www.cs.uccs.edu/~cdash/iaac/policies/classtime.html.


Mark Malone provided a handout of his report.

Mark thanked Don Morley for agreeing to serve as VP/President Elect. He also thanked everyone else who is serving in a position for faculty.

Mark noted that Tom Zwirlein was re-elected as secretary of Faculty Council and that he (Mark Malone) was elected Vice Chair of Faculty Council.

There are a number of committees to fill with the Silver and gold Advisory Board being one of them. If you have any suggestions or know of any volunteers, please let Mark know.

Mark provided a handout of House Bill 1263 and a short discussion followed.




Tom Napierkowski, EPUS: After reviewing the four college plans for the General Education requirement, EPUS endorsed two and conditionally, pending the submission of additional information, endorsed the other two. EPUS has received no further plans or iterations for review or re-review.


Don Morley, P & B: Don provided a handout for his report.


Don Morley, Salary Oversight: Don provided a handout for his report.


Susan Taylor, Committee on Women: Susan provided a handout for her report.


Charlie Shub, Athletics: The softball team ended their season with a winning streak of 5. Any input into the terms of direction in the case of absences for athletes, please direct to Charlie.


Cecile Malek, NTTF: Would like Faculty Assembly to accept the recommendation of the committee for the NTTF Bill of Rights. Mark Malone encouraged Cecile to bring this matter to the attention of the Executive Committee in early fall.


Charlie Shub, UBAB: Next year, the rate increase will be somewhat higher on health benefits, probably about 20%. UBAB is looking for ways to shift the cost, higher co-pays, etc.











Mark called for a motion of adjournment.
Moved by David Fenell to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Susan Taylor.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.