Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting
May 14, 2004
Attendance: Jenenne Nelson,Kelli Klebe, Laura Quinn, Don Morley, Charlie Shub, Miachael Brunn, Valerie Brodar
Radha Pyati, Rebecca Duray,Jim Henderson, Robert Wonnett,Pam Shockley, Richard Petersen, Sue byerly,Rex Welshon, Bob Durham
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from April, 2004 by Micheal Brunn.
Seconded by Jenenne Nelson.
Motion passed unanimously.
Reports of Visitors:
Chancellor Pam Shockley: Gave a legislative update on Senate Bill189 and Tabor. She is concerned that students will not understand their tuition bill.
Vice Chancellor Jim Henderson: CCHE will decide how much tuition will increase. Daniels Fund SHIFT project will be hosted on this campus in June, 200 students will participate in a week long prep session for college.
Susan Szpyrka: Parking permits will not increase in cost; new parking permits will have a new design with a hologram. Moving campus police to new parking garage on Sept. 3-5. Colorado Springs police and University police have signed an agreement giving University police jurisdiction for an eleven mile radius off campus. Public safety is a resource for students to do reports and presentations and public safety officer to come make presentations to classes.
Faculty Council Report (system wide):
Review attached President’s Report
Reports From Standing Committees:
Attachments (EPUS; Minority Affairs’ Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics)
Update from Charlie Shub on women’s softball team winning the tournament, and he announced the new athletic director Steven Kirkham.
Rex Welshon explained the Honor’s Program, the proposal will be sent to EPUS reviewed and sent back to the committee. Faculty Assembly voted to approved with 13 votes, information attached.
Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Policy-Faculty Assembly voted to keep the current vita format instead of adopting the changes from EPUS. The assembly voted to recommend the adoption of the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure policy recommended by EPUS, it was decided to review the concerns by Faculty Assembly of the number if letters required for tenure again next year.
Compensation Principles- Faculty Committee endorsed the recommendation of the Personnel and Benefits committee regarding the division of the salary pool for amounts allocated to raises and compression structural adjustments.
Announcements and Questions:
Faculty Assembly Award: Charlie Shub –Free parking permit
Appreciation Award : Don Morley
Fall Meeting dates: 9/10;10/8;11/12;1210
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.