





Attendance: Mark Malone, Rex Welshon, Ron Fitz, Don Morley, Richard Blade, John Pierce, Rob Weigand, Pam Shockley, Tom Napierkowski, Dan Ponder, Paul Sondrol, Sam Milazzo, Leslie Ginsberg, Susan Taylor, Kelli Klebe, Sudhanshu Semwal, Charlie Shub, Sue Byerly, Bob Hughes, Julie Naeger.


Mark Malone, President, welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the new semester. He advised that he would have the minutes of the last meeting sent out again before approval.


John Pierce, VCAA: John Pierce complimented the campus on the US World report. There is, however, a question about the Carnegie status and where it placed UCCS.

John briefly ran through a few items that are on his agenda:

  • John has asked Jeremy Haefner to come up with a comprehensive planning process for technology on campus, outlining our existing needs, our projected needs, and alternative scenarios for our needs in the future.
  • Core curriculum: we continue to operate under the performance indicator system from CCHE but it has changed a little bit.
  • We are continuing to work on salary enhancement for faculty, instructors and PESA.
  • Richard Blade, unofficially, has been working on a base incentive system.
  • There will be a reorganization of summer school offerings.

Pam Shockley, VCSS: The unofficial census, as of midnight last night, shows that enrollment is up over 2%. The target of 3.1% was not met but we did better in out-of-state revenue. This was the first time in four years that graduate applications were up and there will be a new push on graduate recruitment this fall. UCCS applicants were the best qualified ever in terms of test scores, with an index of 93. Class rank is the most powerful predictor with the students in this category being admitted to three places.

Housing is full. However, we need to work on summer housing.

Coming soon will be the first expansion of the Pre-Collegiate program to Pueblo.

The STAR program graduated 76 students. Thanks to the faculty who participated.

The average age of students at UCCS is 28.


Mark Malone thanked Richard Blade for his support over the last year. Mark presented Richard with an award from Faculty Council.

Mark provided a survey of priorities handout from Faculty Council. Mark noted that it is not a good thing for faculty salary enhancement that the 3.1% enrollment goal was not met, as stated by Vice Chancellor Shockley. Faculty is now at 91.5% of peer salaries thanks to $175,000 earmarked for compression corrections. Had the enrollment goal of 3.1% been met, an additional $75,000 would have been received, putting us at 92.5%.

Mark will be sending out an e-mail to all of last year’s committee chairs asking them to elect new chairs and to let Mark know how many more members are needed. Mark also requested that the terms of office be added to the database.

Rex Welshon will now be the parliamentarian for these meetings. He will limit comments to 5 minutes with a 5 minute extension and a 5 minute discussion.


Mark Malone took on a major task to run the election committee. He needs a committee to actively look for members.


There is no official written report from Faculty Council. The NORED report will be coming out shortly. Mark discussed the possibility of getting money from the $6.7 million dollar award for tobacco research.

Richard Blade added that the Faculty Handbook is now online. He also brought up a discussion on the increase in medical insurance rates.


EPUS, Tom Napierkowski: Tom provided a handout that was a motion that passed on May 4, 2000. Tom advises that this motion needs to be acted out and asked the representatives from each college to act on the motion.

Personnel & Benefits, Don Morley: No meetings have been held yet for this committee. The beginning of the year, UCCS started using outside insurance carriers. Staff and Faculty will be getting an e-mail from Don asking for any complaints regarding health insurance so that he can try to get it worked out and make it better. Please respond to the e-mail.

Women's, Susan Taylor: Susan provided a handout.

Academic Computing, Richard Blade: No meeting yet, but will develop committee. Received $425,000 from student funds to set up system with Jeremy Haefner in charge.

Athletic Advisory, Charlie Shub: This committee has met once with their big goal being eligibility standards. It is important that the athletes not be treated unfairly by professors, since these athletes need encouragement.

NTTF, Sam Milazzo: There has not been a meeting. NTTF received $50,000 to split, which brought upper level instructors up to $28,000 at the top end.

Library Advisory, Sue Byerely: Peg Bacon is on sabbatical, so a new chair is needed for this committee.




Some topics brought up:

  • No good organized system of how to meet with your own faculty or college after commencement.
  • Loss of benefits officer; there is as much as 45 minutes of hold time to benefit office.
  • Faculty should talk about the good things that have been done by faculty assembly rather than just the things that haven't been done.
  • Briefly discussed early retirement.

Mark Malone entertained a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Sudhanshu Semwal to adjourn.
Seconded by Bob Hughes.

Mark Malone adjourned the meeting at 2:00