Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting
September 10, 2004
Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Kelli Klebe, Don Morley, Charlie Shub, Michael Brunn, Radha Pyati, Robert Wonnett, Pam Shockley, Livia Gilstrap, Charlie Wang, Bob Durham, Tom Gruen, SooYoung So, Christopher Hill, Harriet Napierkowski, Elissa Auther, Dorothea Olokwski, Glenda Reimer, Ron Fitz, Rogers Redding, Rick Petersen
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from May, 2004 by Charlie Shub
Seconded by Kelli Klebe.
Motion passed unanimously.
Reports of Visitors:
Chancellor Pam Shockley: Talked about the presentations she has given to all the campus departments. She has asked everyone on campus for ideas on cutting expenses. Rick O’Donnell from CCHE is visiting every campus in Colorado. We have a 2 million dollar deficit. We can use reserves for next year. It can give us 2 years to find a solution to our deficit.
Vice Chancellor Rogers Redding: Various teams are currently or will be operational to explore different ideas to restructure this campus. The Academic Organization Structure Team is looking at the colleges and curriculum to see what can be added or changed. This is an open process and any final recommendation will have to be approved by various organizations on campus including Faculty Assembly. Additional teams; Phoenix group is faculty from the college of engineering. They are working with Quantum and Jim Henderson to develop a new program. Other teams are in the process of forming, one with the Space Education Consortium. Beth-El celebrated their centennial in August.
Melissa Montei: With the New Voters Project, this is a nonpartisan voter registration and get out and vote campaign. The goal is to register 1050 students from this campus. New Voters are giving presentations in classrooms and with clubs and organizations. They are asking faculty to support this effort in their classrooms.
Officer Reports: (system wide):
Review attached President’s Report – handout of her report
Vice President’s Report – The Executive Committee should be more active in getting information back to the colleges and departments. Sue Byerly will do an abstract of the meeting to send out to faculty.
Past President’s Report – No report
Reports From Standing Committees:
Update from Charlie Shub on Personnel and Benefits:(attachment) Starting January the state contribution for health insurance will go up. Because the state has chosen the July thru June fiscal year, you will have to enroll 2 times in 2004-2005 year.
Review attached Report of Ad Hoc Disability Committee/Faculty Council
This report will be sent to EPUS and Personnel and Benefits for review. The report from the System Disability Committee is attached. The analysis of this report will be reviewed by the Faculty Assembly no later than February 2005.
Referral of Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Policy
- Review three minor changes (by administration) (attached pages in the R,P &T policy)
- Review the specific number of letters for tenure at the comprehensive review – need a recommendation from EPUS.
- Research Council as a special committee to Faculty Assembly is formed (attachment)
- Formation of the Teaching Excellence Committee: Working on the roll and mission of this committee and it focus on retention of students.
- Policy on office hours, is there a formal campus policy on office hours? This was not concern over the issue of office hours. It was thought to be a department or college issue. There is not further action on this issue at this time.
- The Executive Team will be updating the constitution and by-laws of the next year. It will be brought back to the Faculty Assembly for review.
- System reps needed for several campus committees’
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.