


Faculty Representative Assembly             13 Sep 02

Attendance: Don Morley, Kelli Klebe, Lesley Ginsberg, Michael Brunn, Ron Fitz, Sue Byerley, Robert Wonnett, Venkat Reddy, Charlie Shub, Rahda Pyati, Richard Blade, Mark Malone, Tom Napierkowski, Jenenne Nelson, Lynne Bryant, Patricia Keilbach, Margo Baker, Diana Cook, Gudrun McCollum, Tom Bellamy, Dan Ponder, Ceil Malek, Don Klingner, Susan Taylor

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes

Don Morley welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the 10 May 2002 meeting.

Motion: by Charlie Shub to approve the 10 May 02 minutes.
Seconded: by Jenenne Nelson.
Motion to approve the minutes passes unanimously.

Don Morley presented to Mark Malone an appreciation award for service as Faculty Assembly President last year.

As this was the first Faculty Representative Assembly of the 02-03 year, Don Morley asked that introductions be made around the room.

Don Morlely asked Diana Beal to secure a larger room for future meetings as El Pomar 304C is no longer adequate.

Reports of Visitors

Tom Bellamy, VCAA – Several issues on the VCAA agenda included:

  • Budget holdbacks – now at 11% -- offset by enrollment increase.
  • A recent study by Steve Chambers shows that there is no major salary inequity by gender on the campus.
  • Distribution of Structural Adjustments – Redistribution of NTTF funds.
  • Academic Dashboard covers five key areas of information and could assist faculty committees in decision-making.
  • VRT – alternate workloads.  Richard Blade’s response has been taken to the Executive Team.  Wording changed to “an appropriate and agreed upon commitment to the campus” vice “a substantial commitment”.  A pilot program is currently underway.
  • Assistant Co-Vice Chancellors for Academic Diversity & Development have been appointed.
  • Promotion & Tenure guidance document is not a policy.  Vice Chancellor review committee will have something to EPUS by next month for policy.  Need CU-wide guidance.  Best bet for now would be to quickly pass a policy through EPUS.  Don would like to do this.  Tom will notify Don as soon as something is done.

Robert Wonnett, VCSS – Census data needs to be cleaned up for final reporting.  Current retention of 63% is not sufficient.  Next Thursday (19 Sep 02) a Campus Forum on retention and growth issues will be held at 10:00am.  CCHE funding is being lost due to poor retention.

Margo Baker, University Relations – Margo distributed handouts for the University Club Program of Events and Board of Directors.  The Club began in 1982.  Membership is $350.00.  $50 of which goes toward scholarships; $200 to the Chancellor’s discretionary fund; and $100 to the University Club for receptions, etc.  Visit //www.uccs.edu/uclub for additional information.

President’s Report

Don Morley provided a handout of his report.

Past President’s Report

Mark Malone presented slides and provided a handout summarizing proposed changes to the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate.  Mark asked that everyone review the actual documents at http://www.colorado.edu/FacultyCouncil/bylaws.html and provide feedback in the next few weeks for him to take to the 03 Dec 02 Faculty Senate Meeting in Denver.  Mark also reminded everyone that ALL faculty are eligible to vote in the Faculty Senate.

Reports From Standing Committees

Charlie Shub, Personnel & Benefits – Had first meeting yesterday.  Mark Stanker of Payroll & Benefits Services in Boulder addressed the committee regarding changes in health coverage.  Mark will address the Faculty Assembly next month.

Richard Blade, Budget – Neither the UBAC nor the Faculty Assembly Budget Committee have met yet this academic year.  Richard did endorse the Housing plan as a very good plan.

Tom Napierkowski, EPUS – Committee plans to meet next Friday to select a new chair and review two policies.

Reports From Special Committees

Susan Taylor, Women’s Committee – Has not met yet.

Charlie Shub, Athletics – Student athletes are doing well.  The committee has been discussing need for a formal University-wide excused absence policy.  The committee would like EPUS to help with this.  This policy is applicable not only to athletes, but also to students representing the University in other capacities (i.e., student government, debate teams, etc.)

Patricia Keilbach, Academic Computing – Phase I of an on-line instructional technology study just finished.  Ready for Phase II – a review of resources the campus provides and recommendations for appropriate changes.  Need subcommittees to do assessment on instructional technology meeting needs of the campus and to make a decision on new course software management.  More information is available on the Academic Computing website, https://facassembly.uccs.edu.

Ceil Malek, NTTFC – Looking to schedule first meeting within the next couple of weeks.

Lesley Ginsberg, Library Committee – Scheduled to meet next Thursday to elect a chair, report on work over the summer, and develop an instrument to assess library abuse.

Richard Blade, CFAC – Semi-annual meeting is scheduled for 20 Sep 02.  Will most likely discuss Inter-Campus transfers and G25.

New Business

Don Klingner distributed copies of an article, Arab's speech stirs Springs, (from the 13 Sep 02 Denver Post) regarding free speech.  He also informed the assembly that the CU-Denver Faculty Council passed a motion to support free speech in December.

Don Morley reminded the assembly that for a motion to be brought before the assembly, the bylaws require it be submitted through the Faculty Executive Council.

Comment by Kelli Klebe that there can be a vote to suspend the bylaws and put forth a motion in this meeting (two-thirds majority required).

Mark Malone advised the assembly to be cautious of moving too quickly on this.
Concern by Charlie Shub for a matter of this importance being addressed in such haste.

Moved by Richard Blade to suspend bylaws.
Seconded Sue Byerley
8 For
4      Against
4      Abstained
Two-thirds majority obtained – bylaws suspended.

Moved by Lesley Ginsberg to support free speech.

In the absence of a formal motion, it was decided that Don Klingner and Robert Wonnett would co-sponsor development of a motion to be presented at the next meeting.

Don Morley asked for a vote as to whether FCQs should be posted on the web (currently they are available at the library).

4 For
7      Against

3      Abstained
FCQs will not be posted on the web.

Don Morley distributed a handout regarding Faculty Priorities.  A number of these items are currently being dealt with, or are on the Chancellor’s agenda.

Moved by Mike Brunn to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Venkat Reddy.
Motion passes unanimously, meeting adjourned at 2:02pm.