



September 14, 2001

Attendance: Mark Malone, Don Morley, Lea Gaydos, Jenenne Nelson, S. K. Semwal, Christina Martinez, Susan Taylor, Linda Bunnell Shade, Pam Shockley, Tom Bellamy, Ron Fitz, Paul Sondrol, Dan Ponder, Michael Brunn, Don Klingner, Michael McLeod, Rebecca Duray, Venkat Reddy, Teresa Strasner, Tom Napierkowski, Ceil Malek, Jeremy Haefner, Lesley Ginsberg


Mark Malone welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for a moment of silence for the tragedies in the United States. Mark asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the May 11, 2001 meeting.

Moved by Dan Ponder to approve the minutes from May 11, 2001.
Seconded by Susan Taylor.
Motion passed unanimously.


Mark congratulated Dr. Pam Shockley for her appointment to Interim Chancellor.

1.    VCSS Report

Dr. Shockley is asking for everyone’s support, come October 1, 2001 when she becomes the Interim Chancellor.

Census date was last week and we did extremely well, up 4.5%. Average admission index for freshman is 92 and we came in at 105 showing we are getting the best students. There was a very positive increase in ethnic and minority students and we turned around graduate students with a 5.7% increase in credit hours. The retention rate is up 3.6%. Transfer student rate is up 7% with the growth coming out of the best qualified students.

Campus Life Initiative is now in service with all intramural sports teams full and off to a good start.

Dr. Shockley will report information regarding the VCSS position at the next meeting. She also advised that the campus supports any students called up in the reserves.

2.    Chancellor's Report

Chancellor Shade advised that she is really pleased with the appointment of Dr. Shockley to Interim Chancellor and asks for everyone’s full support.

The VCAA search has been suspended until a Chancellor has been selected. The search committee that had been working on the VCAA search has not disbanded and the 20 – 25 candidates already under consideration will receive letters advising them of the Chancellor status and will be asked to stay in the pool.

A Blue Ribbon Commission has been established that looks at the role and mission of higher education in Colorado. They are scheduled to make a presentation in November. CU will make a presentation as a whole. There is a lot of work to do to get the presentation together.

One concern is a bill regarding USC in a report to the Board of Agriculture. USC has a very aggressive agenda, wanting to expand to a graduate school.

Chancellor Shade and Dr. Shockley will appoint a committee to look at TLE, the strategic plan and re-examine all planning documents.

With the enrollment increases, it gives breathing room to the budget, but we must remain cautious.

Some good news is that the deficit of three years ago of $1.7 million is down to $156,000, which is two year ahead of schedule.

Regarding capital projects, Dwire money is encumbered, Engineering is supported by the defense bill with support coming from the Commandant of Space Command. The plans are to build the addition and delay the re-model if there is no money. Beth-El and the Science building are dependent on available resources in the state treasury, which is now off 4% in the 1st quarter.

This is the last report Chancellor Shade will be giving stating that she has enjoyed her years here working with Faculty Assembly. She commends the seasoned faculty saying that they can shape and change the culture of the campus…..Make it happen.

3.   VCAA Report

Mark Malone introduced Tom Bellamy, Interim VCAA.

Tom advised he has only two items to bring forward.

1) He is asking for everyone to join in an effort to make the campus community feel safe. This is his top priority.

2) His main goal in the VCAA office right now is the completion of a policies and procedures manual, making sure everything is up to date. Not   everything needs to be under formal process, but need to have procedures set in place. Tom will be bringing different policies to meetings for   discussion. EPUS will be asked to help with this process. When complete, all policies and procedures will be put on the web.

4.   VCAF Report

Mark Malone spoke for Cleve McDaniel who was not in attendance.

There is going to be a full time Benefits Officer back on campus that will provide all the things that Vicki Mair did. The hope is to have all this in place by mid October. Cleve will report on this in full at the next meeting.

5.   Presentation by Jeremy Haefner – IT Strategic Plan

Jeremy provided a handout outlining the Strategic Plan. He has made presentations to many groups and is asking for input. IT Council has cross campus representation.

6.   President's Report – Mark Malone

Mark provided a handout outlining his report.

Mark advised that Non Tenure Track Faculty Committee would like representatives from Education and Engineering.

Please pass on to faculty the use of the Faculty Housing Assistance Program. Information on this program can be viewed at:

7.   Vice President’s Report – Don Morley

Don Morley advised he is looking forward to serving as the Vice President and feels that now is the time to be involved.


8.   EPUS - Tom Napierkowski

Tom advised that EPUS will work with the VCAA as requested.

9.   Personnel & Benefits - Don Morley

Don provided a handout.


10.   Women’s Committee – Susan Taylor

The first meeting will be on the 20th. Anyone who is interested in attending is welcome. If there are any new women faculty, please e-mail Susan with their name. Watch your e-mails for upcoming presentations.

11. Mark Malone advised the Assembly that Richard Blade would continue as Past President for the Assembly.

12.   NTTF – Cecile Malek

Not much going on yet, mainly discussing salary issues.


13. Lea Gaydos, Nursing, asked if there was a mechanism for a resolution of support for higher education people in New York from Faculty Assembly. Mark advised that this should go to the Executive Committee to work on the language.


14. Ron Fitz, Silver and Gold asked to let him know of anything going on and he will make sure it is placed in the Silver and Gold.


Moved by Mark Malone to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Dan Ponder.
Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.