


Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

October 10, 2003

Attendance: Bob Camley, Tom Huber, Tom Zwirlein, Tom Gruen, Pam Shockley, Ron Fitz, Lori James, Robert von Dassanowsky, Susan Taylor, Valerie Brodar, Don Klingner, Charlie Shub, Rogers Redding, Brian Burnett, Robert Melamede, Tom Wolkow, Judith Rice-Jones, Mary Beth Chambers, Ceil Malek, David Fenell, Tom Hutton, Zbigniew Celinski, Rick Petersen, Dave Schmidt, Chip Benight, Jim Henderson, Robert Wonnett, Maria Seen, Kelli Klebe, Chuck Simmons, Jenenne Nelson

Reports of Visitors:


CCHE determined two priorities regarding the budget. 1-Restoration of need based financial aid. 2-The return of enrollment funding.

The system will continue to pursue enterprise status.

Discussions were held this week with Director Foster about the proposal to go to CCHE next month for approval of the programming plans for the Science and Engineering Building. After approval it will go to UBAC. There is a long way to go on this issue.

Grant proposals and submissions are up.

Unfunded mandates provide challenge.


Gave a PowerPoint presentation. Text version of Research Plan.


Diversity Summit 11/7/03 in Denver. Andrea Herrera and Abby Ferber are taking leadership roles in some of the activities.

Rogers will be appointing a Teacher Education Counselor.

The College of Business Dean Search is underway.

ABET gave us a good preliminary report.


A full time benefits person was hired

Coordinating orientation and staff development are things that his office is working on.

Quarterly budget reviews will be starting.

Grants accountant hired - will have backup people in the accounting department. This will provide much better service.

Encourage everyone to let him know the issues.


New admission standards were adopted by CCHE

He presented a SILO report.


The groundbreaking for the new housing will be on Monday, 10-13-03 at 10:30. It will be apartment style housing. 300 beds, single, 2bedroom and 4 bedroom units.

August 2004 is the expected move in for students.

Officer Reports:

President's report. Kelli handed out her report.

Vice President's report. no report

Past President's report. Don Morley is working on FCQs.

Reminder from Kelli Klebe to please have your reports in writing.

Reports From Standing and Special Committees:

EPUS - no report

Personnel and Benefits had report

Committee on Womenhad report

Athletics had report

Library Advisory had report


Motion to adjourn the Full Assembly Meeting.

Motion passed unanimously.

Full Assembly Meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm.

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from September 12, 2003.


Motion passed unanimously

Old Business:

The grant buyout policy was sent to Rogers Redding who will look into this.

New Business:

Research Initiative Motion


The Faculty Representative Assembly endorses the Campus Strategic Plan presented by the Research Council.

Moved by Jenenne Nelson

Seconded by Don Morley


Motion passes unanimously