Faculty Representative Assembly 11 Oct 02
Attendance: Don Morley, Lesley Ginsberg, Ron Fitz, Sue Byerley, Robert Wonnett, Venkat Reddy, Charlie Shub, Richard Blade, Mark Malone, Lynne Bryant, Patricia Keilbach, Pam Shockley, Tom Bellamy, Ceil Malek, Susan Taylor, Chip Benight, Rebecca Durey, Gerald Oleszek, Robert Lorch, Steve McNally, Mark Stanker
1. Call to Order / Approval of Minutes From Previous Meetings:
Don Morley welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the 13 September 2002 meeting.
Motion: by Charlie Shub to approve the 13 Sep 02 minutes.
Seconded: by Venkat Reddy.
Motion to approve the minutes passes unanimously.
2. Reports of Visitors
Pam Shockley, Chancellor. We have record enrollment this year. up 11.1% from last fall, including 910 freshmen. A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with General Eberhart of the new Northern Command (Homeland Defense) for a Network Information and Space Security Center. A Department of Defense bill with $2 million in funds to support this center is currently in appropriations awaiting Presidential signature. UCCS previously partnered with US Space Command in initiating this program. The center will address Public Policy, Training and Education issues regarding Network Information and Space Security. Training focus will be for military personnel and military vendors. Both President Hoffman and the Regents have been supportive of this effort.
Chancellor Shockley will be presenting "best guess scenarios" for budget cuts to UBAC next week, emphasizing the need to plan now, not in January for cuts. She would like to come up with "very, very, clear" campus priorities relative to the budget prior to making cuts.
Chancellor Shockley congratulated Tom Bellamy on receiving a grant for $1.5 million. She also thanked Don Morley for putting together such a great forum this morning on Civil Discourse. Don remarked, That was the only time in my entire career that I've been to a meeting that was faculty related that did not last long enough! Don would like to do another forum next fall that would be longer, and involve a broader audience.
Tom Bellamy, VCAA - Several issues on the VCAA agenda included:
- Replacement faculty hires have been approved. Academic Planning and Deans are asked to think carefully about where the positions are to be assigned (not necessarily where they were vacated) in order to support growth and program development.
- EPUS voted last month to state that the P&T guidelines in Redman's Book of Rules are not policy. CU System General Council allows for early tenure based on special circumstances as long as the campus has a policy in place describing the circumstances.
Dr. Bellamy suggested rapid development of an interim policy governing this academic year only to document "special circumstances." Tom would like a draft of this interim policy to be presented to EPUS for their meeting next week, with a continued effort throughout this year in developing a formal policy. - Completing an internal review of the process of doing academic ______ reviews with an eye to strengthening certain parts of the process. Most significant change is to separate the reviews of centers and institutes from reviews of departments, unless there is a compelling reason to combine them. Tom will have a draft of the review to present for broader discussion at next month's assembly.
- Dave Schmidt is finalizing a campus conversational position regarding intellectual property. Pam will be asked to take our campus position to the Chancellors meeting at the end of this month with the assumption that we will end up with one policy that will apply to everyone. Our campus is recommending that three aspects of the current policy remain the same: 1) 25% of revenue from intellectual property goes director to the inventor(s); 2) 25% goes to the lab of the inventor, or a campus account that the inventor oversees; 3) 25% goes to the University System office that manages the department of the inventor. The debate is around what to do with the remaining 25%. At what level of Academic Administration will the discretion go for spending those funds? Our campus recommends that at whatever the level is, 100% of the funds be spent on seeking faculty grants to stimulate research that will lead to new intellectual property.
- Update on grants: Looking very good for the 1st quarter. Last year (entire fiscal year), we had $2.2 million. So far this year, we are at a little over $3 million!
- Tom recently took two items to the Strategic Planning Committee of the Regents: 1) Geropsychology Doctoral program. Intent is to get the Regents to vote on it next month and to get it on the CCHE agenda for January. So far everything looks good for approval in both areas. The associated budget request will go through UBAC; 2) Institute for Bioenergetics, the first institute for this campus. To be approved by the Board of Regents. The difference between centers and institutes is that centers are basically a campus creation, while institutes are a System creation.
Robert Wonnett, for VCSS No report.
Steve McNally, Assoc VP & Mark Stanker, Director-Exempt Prof � Both Steve and Mark, representing the Payroll and Benefits Services (PBS) center, reported on the current state of healthcare benefits. The first thing PBS wanted everyone to know is that our rates are still "cheap" based on an independent consultant survey. PBS has done almost 30 of these presentations throughout the CU System. Everyone is encouraged to call the PBS center if you still have questions.
While the outcome is disappointing, the process used to come to this point was very complete. Comparing to last year's premiums, rates are up from 21% - 50% depending on your plan. Many employees are looking at dropping coverage due to the cost.
If you are considering dropping coverage, PBS strongly encourages you to look at the catastrophic plans. These plans are available to ALL. Employee-only coverage is at no cost, with dependent coverage available for a low premium. Catastrophic plans have a $3,000.00 annual deductible, but no "pre-existing condition" caveat.
Legislation did not increase Employer contributions, so the employee portion is greater yet. This is a national issue, not just a "Colorado thing" or a "CU thing."
Information gathered by Buck Consultants indicates that the nursing shortage is driving up labor costs, hospitalization costs are way up, and prescription drug costs are also way up with more and more manufacturers directly marketing their products.
Other contributing factors include a reduced willingness of provides to participate in plans and negotiate rates as well as CU-specific factors of demographics with an average age of 46 and utilization higher than in the private sector. Overall, we are a larger, older, "sicker" group in a time when it's better to be a smaller healthier group.
The State is looking into self-insuring. Two requests for proposals (RFPs) have been sent out. The first received no response. The second received on unqualified response.
Dr. Bellamy inquired whether we could, as a campus, establish some type of support program so that people didn't have to drop coverage. Does PBS have any information on other organizations doing this? Extensive research would be required to determine the most fair and equitable method of instituting such a plan. The question came up as to whether this would be legal, since the State mandates how much an employer can pay. The possibility of using donated funds was mentioned. Steve McNally answered that these are things that PBS can look into if there is enough interest as a campus to pursue the issue.
One new plan has been added this year. The new plan carries a lower premium with higher co-pay. Recognizing that many difficult decisions must be made this year, open enrollment has been extended from 3 to 4 weeks. Any questions regarding open enrollment can be directed to Melonie Wilson (ext. 3607) or to the PBS help center.
As a side note, many other benefits rates (dental, life, etc.) have either remained the same or been lowered to help offset the medical care increases.
Steve concluded by thanking Charlie Shub for his dedication in serving in a very difficult position as chair of the Benefits committee.
3. President's Report
Don Morley provided a handout of his report.
Vice President's Report. No report.
Past President's Report
Mark Malone reported that the bylaws are near final form. They are receiving very few questions on them now. Faculty Council will be meeting next week for the final version. One question remaining is regarding the difference between suspension and dismissal for cause. How long can a suspension be before it is considered a dismissal? Mark says this should be defined in a policy, not the bylaws.
Mark also reported that during the recent Faculty Council Retreat, an area of focus was the need to clarify that the 12-18% potential cuts are cuts in State funding, not cuts to the overall budget. Mark also mentioned that the Council felt the budget committees would benefit from broader representation from staff and students, not just faculty.
4. Reports From Standing committees
EPUS - Tom Napierkowski No report.
Personnel & Benefits - Charlie Shub
Campus: Steve Chambers reported he would be pursuing issues related to structural adjustments primarily the adequacy of promotion
increments and the relation of UCCS salaries to market.
The committee received 4 responses to its request for rewarding governance. The committee recommends working with the VCAA to allocate raise pool dollars to be awarded for service outside the normal review process. If asked, the committee will develop a draft policy for review by EPUS and the representative assembly. It is anticipated that draft policy would address serving as part of faculty governance at the campus and system levels.
Details at http://www.cs.uccs.edu/~cdash/bennies/
System: Including teaching and research assistants in faculty health insurance will be explored for 2004. Doing so would help demographics but would increase the cost because the cost would include the university contribution.
For the 403-B (voluntary) retirement plan, the university won't make changes to the amount deducted without first contacting the employee.
Central is working on completing links in the on-line faculty handbook to allow easy access to all the information that was in the paper handbook.
PBS is looking at the issue of withdrawing from the 401-A (mandatory) retirement while still employed and contributing.
Budget- Richard Blade Budget Committee recommendations from this body last year have all been implemented. Compensation Principles were discussed elaborately and dealt with at the System level. It is not anticipated that anyone will be interested in modifying the compensation principles if you know of any desired modifications, please let Richard know. This information will be sent to the Board of Regents in November. Regarding the Housing Plan, a change this year is that funding is coming not just from CU Foundation, but from treasury as well. New leadership at the Foundation is not as committed to this plan. Mark will visit them soon to speak on values of the plan. Need success stories of students attracted and/or kept because of the plan.
Minority Affairs- No report.
Women's Committee- Susan Taylor The committee is hoping to work with the Co-Assistant Vice Chancellors for Academic Diversity and Development to set up projects women want to work with (i.e., mentoring, etc.). This year a brunch will be held at Chancellor Pam Shockley's home. If you know of anyone interested in the Women's committee, please contact Susan.
Athletics- Charlie Shub The golf tournament raised several thousand dollars.
UCCS golf and cross country teams are nationally ranked
The student athlete graduation rate has surpassed that of the student body
Student athlete appreciation day will be April 3
A soccer player suffered broken bones in a match in Albuquerque and I've been in contact with his teachers about him being out of class owing to the injury.
Academic Computing- Patricia Keilbach The committee needs to replace Jeremy Haefner as chair. Possible incentives include a course off-load and/or stipend. A representative of the committee is now on the UBAC committee. The second phase of the review process is in process sub-committees have been established. Patricia asked if the Faculty Representative Assembly needs to approve new policies. YES. However, all new policies must first be reviewed by EPUS. The complete chain is as follows: IT Advisory Committee has been established to provide input/recommendations for new policies to the IT Policy Committee for forwarding to the Executive Team. The Executive Team forwards the policy to EPUS for distribution to the campus governance groups.
NTTFC- Ceil Malek The committee met and developed an agenda for the year.
Library Committee- Lesley Ginsberg, The committee met October 3rd and reviewed materials from Dean Manning on budget/mission statement. Also discussed the new philosophy for the collection system, which was approved last year, but not yet implemented. The library wants to conduct a survey (selected from one used by other universities) that will debut in the spring semester. If the survey is used to change/form policy, all faculty need to participate, not just a random sampling. At the next meeting on 31 October they will review the survey questions.
Online journal/packages (Kluer system) just got new systems. We are partnering with other schools to split costs.
5. Motion on Free Speech:
Whereas: The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is an important global issue that threatens the achievement of a just peace in the Middle East.
Whereas: The student government organization of the University of Colorado has been publicly criticized for sponsoring a public event related to this topic.
Therefore: Be it resolved that the Faculty Assembly of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs wishes to express our support for the University's role in supporting free speech and providing a forum for civic discourse.
Moved by Richard Blade (for and on behalf of Don Klingner) to endorse Free Speech.
Seconded Patricia Keilbach
Discussion: Richard Blade yields his position as maker of the motion to Robert Wonnett, who is prepared to speak on this. Robert has done research on this topic previously and shared some of the Policies of the Regents pertaining guest speakers. These policies can be viewed at http://www.cu.edu/regents/Policies/Policy10.html#10-G
Are the "Whereas" statements too specific? Do we need a more general motion?
Richard Blade questioned whether the "Whereas" statements are actually a part of the motion, or are they just explanatory to the motion? Per Bob Lorch, the "Whereas" statements are included as part of the motion.
Given that the "Whereas's" are part of the motion, Don Morley asked if there is any further discussion.
Mark Malone suggested adding a "Whereas" for those who are uncomfortable with the current wording. Charlie Shub mentioned subtracting the first statement and amending the second statement to include a reference to the specific topic. Richard Blade suggested Charlie make an official motion to make these amendments.
Moved by Charlie Shub to amend/strike 1st "Whereas" statement
Seconded Mark Malone
Discussion: Richard Blade is opposed to striking the statement.
Further discussion: None.
Amendment to strike the following wording from the motion: Whereas: The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is an important global issue that threatens the achievement of a just peace in the Middle East.
Amendment fails.
Given that the amendment failed, Don Morley sees need to discuss an amendment for the 2nd "Whereas" statement.
Return to initial motion.
Any further discussion of the motion, with the "Whereas's" in it? None.
Called to question by Don Morley
11 FOR
Motion carries.
6. Other Reports / Discussion Items:
Don Morley provided a handout for the campus response to NCA Focused Visit. Don asked that all replies be given to David Moon by today.
7. Old Business None.
8. New Business
Charlie Shub voiced concern regarding faculty professional plans (included in annual faculty reports) being considered a public document under the Open Records Act. Dr. Bellamy suggested that the Faculty Representative Assembly make a recommendation to him, as the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, to request from the Regents that this wording be removed.
Putting this discussion item up for a vote will require temporary suspension of the FRA bylaws, as this item was not presented through the Faculty Executive Committee.
Moved by Richard Blade to temporarily suspend Robert's Rules for Order and the bylaws.
Seconded by Susan Taylor
Discussion: None.
Called to question Don Morley
12 FOR
Motion carries unanimously to suspend bylaws.
Motion to direct Faculty Assembly President to request that the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs work to remove the open records designation from the professional plan document.
Moved by Charlie Shub
Seconded by Mark Malone
Clarification: Professional Plans are personnel items and as such should not be subject to the open records act.
Called to Question
12 FOR
Motion passes unanimously to direct Don Morley to request that Tom Bellamy work to remove the open records wording from the professional plan document.
9. Adjournment
Moved by Charlie Shub to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Patricia Keilbach.
Motion passes unanimously, meeting adjourned at 2:01pm.