



October 12, 2001

Attendance: Kelli Klebe, Don Morley, Ron Fitz, Cleve McDaniels, Ed Paris, Ceil Malek, Sue Byerly, Rebecca Duray, Michael McLeod, S.K. Semwal, Richard Blade, Mark Malone, Harlow Sheidley, Jenenne Nelson, Tom Bellamy, Venkat Reddy, Dan Ponder, and Marek Grabowski.


Mark Malone welcomed everyone to the meeting. Mark called for an approval for the September 14, 2001 minutes.

Moved by Michael McLeod to approve the September 14, 2001 minutes.
Seconded by Sue Byerly.
Motion passes unanimously.


1. Chancellor and VCAA Report - Tom Bellamy reporting VCAA and for Pam Shockley who was not in attendance.

Tom Bellamy reported for the Chancellor and the VCAA offices. Pam Shockley apologized for not being here due to a schedule conflict.

The Blue Ribbon Report (BRR) is still embargoed in the President’s Office. Pam is planning to talk about the BRP in depth on October 18, 2001. There will also be a one hour follow-up meeting of the Faculty Assembly Meeting Friday October 19th.

School and College budget will probably be tighter the next year or two. Tom thanked Cleve McDaniels publicly for his cost cutting work at the VCAA and VCAF level. More will be known about budget cuts over the next month or two.

Another item is getting search committees appointed for the two vacancies in the Deans positions. A sitting dean will chair each of the two-search committee with a balance of faculty, staff, students, and community members. The search committees should be appointed next week at the latest. If you have input for the search committees, get in contact with the Interim Deans as soon as possible.

The faculty vacancies will be address with a new process this year. The Executive Team will receive a set of recommendations from the Deans on how to fill the faculty vacancies. A memo from Tom will be sent EPUS outlining the policy for faculty vacancies to take a critical look at the faculty vacancy policy for next year.

The Executive Team will finalize summer school plans next week. Each school or college should have a framework for planning summer school with budget and enrollment targets. The two real differences this year are 1) school/college will have a set budget and 2) an enrollment target that needs to be met with that budget. To meet the enrollment target, a small cushion of courses will be offered through a centralized extended studies program that will help the courses least likely to make enrollment so risk can be deferred to extended studies.

The extended studies policy is still really out for discussion. The next report will be to the Deans on how the school/college will be taxed. There are still questions on how funds are allocated and how that related to the budgeting process but the Deans should be able to proceed with planning in this area.

John Pierce has been on campus the past few days working on a framework for retirement.

Chancellor Shade appointed a committee to take the lead to review the Strategic Plan in light of President Hoffman’s New 2010 Vision. The committee will be convened over the next few weeks.

CCHE asked every campus to identify strong and weak programs. Tom said that all campuses have decided not to identify low priority programs but we would identify programs with low enrollment. This is information that CCHE already has because that is public information.

2. VCAF – Cleve McDaniels

The financial situation of the state of Colorado is significantly lower that expected. The projected budget deficits are approximately $300-450 million less than expected. Therefore, capital construction has been “delayed” in the Dwyer Hall, Engineering, and Beth-El/Science. Beth-El/Science will be looked at in spring 2002 and that was the first to be cut. Only funding of projects that are “started” such as Cragmor and Main will be funded this year.

Operating budgets now in discussion were made prior to the tragedy on September 11th. The new budget revisions may be more dramatic considering the economy since that time.

There are now discussion of revising the budget consider a 1%, -11/2 %, and 2% decrease. The good news here is that the UCCS campus over realized the fall enrollment and if the spring enrollment holds, we may be okay. However, with the heavy military population of students being “called-up” or sent elsewhere, we may have students leaving school for military duty.

The engineering building was originally cut from the federal budget; however, with the new interest in the military budget the engineering building may be back in the budget. I the meantime, the state matching funds for this engineering project have been delayed.

The Executive Team is looking at a few foundations for funding to purchase Compassionate International. The CU Foundation might consider purchasing this building but there is not final decision at this time.

The two individuals were recently on campus for the VC position for Human Resources and Public Resource. The two individuals on campus were from larger campuses. Both were interested in the position but both would have to take a significant salary cuts to take this position. Both individuals were offered the position and both turned the position down. A new search will ensure in spring 2002.

The new open enrollment package will be sent out in the next week or two. There will be multiple sessions for faculty and staff to attend information sessions. There will an increase in people to help assist faculty and staff with enrollment. UCCS will have the same number of information sessions as the Boulder campus. PBS has been very receptive to helping the UCCS campus.

3. VCSS-Mark Malone reporting for Pam Shockley who was not in attendance

The office of the VCSS is working on the transition of Pam to her new role. Pam will divide her role this semester between several people this semester. There should be someone new in that role by spring 2002. The process is not clear on how the position will be filled.

4. President’s Report – Mark Malone

Executive Team Meeting

  • We met with Betsy Hoffman to discuss the Chancellor Search.
  • She wishes to fill the position by this summer.
  • The committee will have at least 6 faculty members
  • The faculty and the community will be included in consideration. At least one community member will be a member of the committee
  • It will be an external search with internal candidates competing equally.

System EPUS

  • Still working on intellectual property draft.
  • Minor changes in procedures approved by EPUS & Faculty Council.

Faculty Council/Senate

  • Annual Faculty Senate Meeting was on October 4, 2001 from 12:30-2:45 PM at the UCD campus in Dravo Building - Room 299
  • The Constitution and Bylaw for a Faculty Senate were presented to the Regents in draft form. They have some initial minor suggestions but will give formal feedback 14. We are having a special meeting Tuesday to refine Draft Presidents Report
  • Benefits Changes


- Open enrollment no change to keep current plans

- must re do flex plans

- Look to the S&G or web site for changes

- contribution for benefits for faculty will increase 4%

- President's office supported the plan

- CU Supporting Tboe legislation

Betsy Hoffman

- Leeds School of Business Renamed based on $35M gift - full funding of the school

- Budget gets worse

-Amendment 23 - $330M for K-12 (Now approx. $360M)

- $900M Tabor return

- Nothing but in construction nearing completion will be funded this year.

- Not jet suggesting recessions in operating budgets.

- $680B federal discretionary funding. THEREFORE: Get grant proposals in early.

- Blue Ribbon Panel -

- Proposal to Regents - UCD will add urban "research" Univ. - UCCS will add "southern Colorado region"

- Core Competency Meeting – to create language that assists students to transfer from one campus in the CU system to another.

AAUP Presentation

  • An informational presentation & discussion about organization/unionization issues by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) was held. There is a summary in this week S&G. It takes 7 member to become organized. The dues for AAUP are $125/year with a set of bylaws that might be of value for the campus.
  • A suggestion was made by Mark Malone that we ask Mike Mauer from the AAUP to come to the Spring General Faculty Assembly meeting in spring 2002. Mark will make contacts with Mark Mauer to arrange for this meeting
  • Also, a suggestion was made that we look at the idea of organizing the faculty.
  • See attached “CU Faculty Could Consider Unionizing, AAUP Leader Says”

VCAA Search

  • The current search for the permanent VCAA Position has been ended.

Filling and Restructuring Faculty Assembly Committees

  • University Budget Advisory Committee (UBAC) - Filled
  • Library Committee - Still need members from: EAS, GSPA, Business, Nursing, & Grad Executive Committee.
  • Information Technology Committee (Also serves on Faculty Assembly Education Technology Committee) - 1 member still needed
  • Non-Tenure Track Committee - filled
  • Awards Committee - 1 member still needed
  • Campus Representative to the Silver & Gold Record Board (System) - filled
  • System Minority Affairs - filled

Other Items

  • Special Session 12-1 PM next Friday, October 19 to deal with Blue Ribbon Commission issues.
  • Campus Forum by Chancellor Shockley next Thursday regarding the Blue Ribbon Commission issues October 18 from 10-11 PM in the UC Theater.
  • Possible recessions from State because of declining revenues
  • Faculty Forum On Intellectual Property delayed and will be scheduled
  • FHAP - Faculty Housing Assistance Program - we have at least 2 applicants for the next round
  • Working with John Pierce on more systematic arrangements for Early Retirement incentives?

4. Reports

Educational Policy and University Standards (Campus EPUS) Harlow Sheidley (Co-Chair) reported

The Campus EPUS committed has organized itself. They have been working on one resolution related to faculty being consulted over issues of academic affairs, however, EPUS is holding off on the resolution at this time. EPUS is anticipating lots of work this academic year. The EPUS committee is waiting for a charge from the Faculty Assembly.

Personnel and Benefits Don Morley reported

The first meeting was schedule for Sept 11 and not one showed up. The human resource position candidates were interviewed. One of the candidates was offered the position but turned it down due to the salary. Salary over site has been implemented through Steve Chambers’ office so that every faculty member will be able to see where each faculty member can see how he/she fits in the college salary rankings. All schools/colleges submitted this information so the template is available now. Also, there is a record of all merit raises and promotion in the library.

The individual in charge of distribution of the state tobacco money is Irwin Bettinghouse. His PhD is in Communication and he is a very hard core social scientist with a specialty in persuasion. People outside health care may be interested in submitting proposals for this money.

Don was asked by Richard Blade regarding Unit Merit. Don stated that Personnel and Benefits need some over site regarding unit merit. The committee will address it when it meets.

Tom Bellamy asked Don how decisions were made on campus by Deans regarding overload, grant off-loads etc. Any insight that Don or his committee could provide would be helpful.

Budget – no report

5. Reports from Special Committees

Minority Affairs – no official report but an unofficial report was offered by Michael McLeod

Michael reported that the committee met once. They are anticipating the development of a webpage. Also, the committee will be participating in faculty searches. Finally, Michael asked for input from faculty to identify potential speakers on campus next year.

Women’s Committee –no report

Athletics –reported by Sue Byerly. This link is a DRAFT of a letter concerning absences for athletes attending officially sanctioned athletic events. The IAAC would like your feedback regarding this policy letter. Please contact Charlie Shub at cdash@cs.uccs.edu with your comments.

Colorado Faculty Advisory Council (CFAC) reported by Richard Blade

This is a faculty advisory committee to CCHE. Richard Blade is the Vice Chair of this committee. The CCHE wanted to dictate Core Competencies based on the law that was passed this past spring. Richard put in a strongly worded motion that stated it should not be done. With some modification the motion was passed. CCHE is not going to mandate any core competencies.

Richard also stated he was appointed the sole faculty member representing the entire faculty in the entire state of Colorado in Distance Education Coordinating Council. He managed to have another member appointed to the council from Colorado Mountain College. On this committee, Richard and the other faculty member purposed an award of approx. $5000 award per year for Distance Education. It is not clear how this award will be implemented at this time.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee(NTTFC) reported Ceil Malek

The NTTFC will be meeting in the next few weeks. At that time, an agenda for the year will be developed. Membership will be increased to 6 members this year.

Academic Computing (not active yet)

We need one more person to serve on this committee.

Library Advisory Committee (not active yet)

We need one more person to serve on this committee.

Budget Committee (not active yet)

Richard Blade reported that he would be on leave next semester. He needs a replacement to serve on the UBAC.

6. Unfinished Business

The purposed resolution by Lea Gaydos last meeting was revised to be in letter format. Rather than send the letter to colleges and universities in New York City, it was purposed that the letter be sent to the New York Times as a letter to the editor.

There was a motion to suspend the bylaws regarding this letter by Richard Blade that was seconded by Harlow Sheidley. The motion was passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Richard Blade and second by Harlow Sheidley that the letter be sent out by Mark to all members of the Faculty Assembly and returned within 48 hours with suggested revisions. The letter will be edited based on Faculty Assembly Members input. The vote was unanimously.

7. New Business

Jenenne Nelson brought up the need for the faculty identified for the Chancellor search committee to have research experience in internal and external funding. Because of problem noted in the pre and post awards on this campus by the Campus Research Committee, the new Chancellor needs to be evaluated in his/her experience with research funding issues. Jenenne gave Mark three suggestions of faculty members with a research background and who might be interested in serving on the Chancellor’s Search Committee.

Richard Blade wondered if there would be faculty members with research/funding experience serve on the Chancellor’s search. Mark supported the need for members of the Chancellor’s Search Committee with this background. Tom Bellamy talked briefly about the Campus Research Committee’s pilot survey chaired by David Schmidt. Tom Bellamy also supported the need for someone to be on the Chancellor’s Search Committee with research experience.


Mark moved to adjournment Seconded by Don Morley
Seconded by Harlow Sheidley
The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM.