




OCTOBER 13, 2000

Attendance: Mark Malone, Richard Blade, John Pierce, Venkat Reddy, Sam Milazzo, Paul Sondrol, Dan Ponder, Charlie Shub, Sue Byerley, Beverly Snyder, Sudanshu Semwal, Chancellor Shade, Ron Fitz, Tom Napierkowski


May 12, 2000
September 8, 2000

Mark Malone asked for approval of the minutes to the above-mentioned meetings and the approval passed unanimously.


a.     NORED Report - Faculty Council played a big role in the draft of the NORED report which is governance of various institutions in Colorado. Regents passed their response yesterday with the following:

1)     In regards to UCD, there was opposition on the part of the Board to make UCD a graduate only institution.

2)     NORED recommended that some universities could be declared "compact institutions" using a local board. However, because of CU's constitutional status, the Regents could not turn over their responsibilities to some other group of people. So CU would only be able to participate in the compact if all CU campuses went to a compact system and the Regents would continue to act as the governing board.

3)     One of the comments in the NORED report is that the role and mission of CU Colorado Springs should be clarified. We hypothesize that this is in reference to the concerns that CSU has expressed about our campus adding programs that exist in other institutions in the state. CU's response to that is two-fold. Our mission statement reads that we shall serve the needs of the Colorado Springs community. However, we do draw students statewide. The mission statement should read to serve the needs of Southern Colorado. This would allow us to offer programs not offered by other institutions

b.         The Chancellor advised that she met with legislators at the State Fair and traveled with the President. She also met with high school counselors regarding the campus.

c.         One of the main requests for the campus is $38,000,000 for a new Science Building next to Columbine that will also house Beth-El. There will also be a request for additional resources for Main and Cragmor due to the unexpected increase in cost to remove asbestos and to replace the floors.

d.         The best news with CCHE we finally are invited to bring a proposal to the commissioner for offering courses off campus here in El Paso County. We have prepared that proposal with the support of the Deans. The Regents passed it yesterday and will be in front of CCHE in November. It would allow us to teach up to 100 full time equivalent students in sites around the community, offering masters degrees in nursing, education, business, engineering and computer and upper division courses in business.

e.         Next month the Facilities Master Plan goes back to CCHE for approval. We cannot build any more buildings on campus until this plan is approved. The Mayor and other representatives will represent CU to CCHE for the master plan.

f.         Jim Rothe has agreed to Chair UBAC, however, there are still five open positions.


The Academic Planning Committee is looking at proposals and getting started on the review of the Academic Master Plan. Jeremy Haefner is in charge of the technology planning advisory council. There is a task force looking at distance education.

There is a committee reviewing the applications for the Dean of Graduate School & Research for a 1/4-time position.

An RFP was sent to Intel where this campus is in partnership with Boulder and Denver to contract CU as the prime provider for education technology for teachers from K-12 in the state. That would include approximately 3,600 teachers.


Mark Malone indicated that he will put out a summary on the NORED document.

Mark indicated that in regards to salary equity, the system needs to look at raises and the
wording needs to be worked out.

There are now three representatives to EPUS: Dale DeBoer, Richard Blade and Mark Malone.




6.     EPUSTom Napierkowski

EPUS is being reconstituted and a representative from Business and Nursing are needed. The EPUS members would like to nominate themselves to review the NORED report. If accepted, the timeline will be short as proposals are due from colleges by February 2 and set in place by March 17. Two requests that EPUS is asking is for early drafts and please give to EPUS as soon as possible. They will ride hard on the process to get this done. Early submissions of the draft are welcome.

The following motion was made to the system-wide EPUS committee and passed unanimously.

"The issues in the NORED 9/15 draft document are complex. Due to their far-reaching and uncertain implications, EPUS believes that the issues need further study and clarification. We encourage further specification, in consultation with shared governance throughout the state, before adoption or implementation of the NORED Governance Study."

There was a recommendation from EPUS that the UCCS Faculty Assembly also endorse the above motion.

Napierkowski brought forward the following motion and President Malone, hearing no objections, set aside the prior notification requirement of the by-laws:




Moved by Tom Napierkowski that this Faculty Representative Assembly endorse the following system-wide motion:

"The issues in the NORED 9/15 draft document are complex. Due to their far-reaching and uncertain implications, EPUS believes that the issues need further study and clarification. We encourage further specification, in consultation with shared governance throughout the state, before adoption or implementation of the NORED Governance Study."

Seconded by Beverly Snyder

Motion passes unanimously



Napierkowski also brought up the matter of reviewing individual college proposals for general education requirements. There it was Moved by Beverly Snyder that the EPUS Committee serve as the committee to review the various college education proposals.

Seconded by Charlie Shub

Motion passes unanimously


Mark discussed the universities medical plans and that the state is putting in more money. CIGNA is going up in price and the other plans are staying the same.

Richard Blade added that UBAC will have their meeting on the 26th, there is no official committee yet and there are 5 people needed to fill vacancies. Richard will put out a budget brief.

8.     CFACRichard Blade

CFAC is the faculty advisory council to CCHE with Richard Blade being the representative. Richard will attend the next CCHE meetings as vice chair.

9.     COMMITTEE ON WOMENSue Taylor 

A handout was provided.

10.   ATHLETICSCharlie Shub

The women's cross-country team is nationally ranked and has beaten the champions on two occasions in Division II. An Academic Eligibility Policy has been drafted with tighter guidelines.


Mark Malone advised that we are still in need of committee members.




Mark Malone entertained a motion to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.