November 10, 2000
Attendance: Mark Malone, Richard Blade, Charlie Shub, Sue Byerly, Kelli Klebe, Ron Fitz, Sue Mitchell, Susan Taylor, Lesley Ginsberg, Don Morley, Jenenne Nelson, Tom Napierkowski, Dan Ponder, Rex Welshon, Sudhanshu Semwal, Jeremy Haefner, Larry Hiatt, Ed Paris, Chancellor Linda Bunnell Shade
Mark Malone asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the October 13, 2000 meeting.
Moved by Charlie Shub to approve the minutes from October 13, 2000.
Seconded by Dan Ponder.
Motion passed unanimously.
At this time Don Morley withdrew the motion that was to be heard later in this meeting.
Moved by Don Morley to withdraw motion.
Seconded by Richard Blade.
Motion passes unanimously.
1. Chancellor's Report
The Chancellor thanked Faculty Assembly for their part in the Election Night party. There were lots of families, students and staff attending. There was a 65% increase in student voting.
The NORED report was briefly discussed. There was very little movement for the UCD campus. Some of the main topics were a) Compensation Principles; the change brought up by faculty was accepted. The Chancellor would like to be assured that faculty is happy with the campus procedures. b) Budget; the tuition increase has been approved, and, c) Graduate Education; Will be getting permission from CCHE to go off campus for Engineering, Computer Science and Business. This is very positive and important for us.
2. VCAA Report
Jeremy Haefner replaced John Pierce in his absence.
IT Council is a response to the Technology Task Force from a couple of years ago. They will make recommendations, changes and will develop a strategic plan for IT on campus. They will also be doing an inventory of what current IT involves, will make assessments, deal with funding issues and software licensing issues. There was discussion about bringing the Academic Computing Policy Committee together with this committee. Jeremy will be soliciting members for this committee. If interested, you can contact Jeremy at 255-3684 or haefner@vision.uccs.edu. Richard Blade will pass on the names of the Academic Computing Policy Committee members to Jeremy and Richard also volunteered to serve on this committee.
3. VCAF Report
Ed Paris replaced Cleve McDaniel in his absence.
Ed introduced Larry Hiatt, Physical Plant, to discuss the new changes in rates for the motor pool. There are currently eight vehicles available on campus. These vehicles are available to Faculty, Staff and Students for University business. The rates were changed due to low mileage trips being taken and tying up the vehicles. The new rate is $15 per day and there is a $40 late charge for vehicles returned a day late.
4. VCSS Report
Sue Mitchell replaced Pam Shockley in her absence.
Fall recruiting is going strong. Efforts need to be coordinated dealing with recruitment as there are security issues that need to be dealt with going to the high schools. Please go through the recruitment office to set up any recruiting.
Spring semester orientation will be starting in early December. They are looking into an online orientation for out of town students.
5. President's Report
Mark Malone was thrilled with the turn out for the Election Night party. Student Government, Staff Council, PESA, and Faculty Assembly coordinated this party. Donations from the sale of alcohol went to the Holiday Service Project.
Mark provided a handout on salary issues. Each campus needs to set up their own procedures to work with this. It was asked who is responsible for setting up these procedures and Richard Blade advised that UBAC or a subcommittee would set up these procedures. They would have to conform to Regents' mandates and then make recommendations to the Chancellor.
6. Vice President's Report
Mark Malone advised that he will be calling on people in December or early January to try and fill the vacancies on committees.
7. Faculty Council Report
Richard Blade advised that he made four motions regarding Intellectual Property at the last Faculty Council meeting. These motions were for discussion only. The main concern with IP is that they are dealing with them all in one document and they should be acted upon individually. Patents, Copyrights and online courses all have different criteria. Mark Malone is pushing to have these items separated out. Jeremy Haefner is also working in this field. Richard Blade is on the IP committee now. There is a policy and it is being reviewed by system-wide EPUS. If you would like a copy of this policy, e-mail Richard and he will forward a copy to you.
8. EPUS - Tom Napierkowski
There are two issues that EPUS is dealing with. 1) Review of Core Curriculum proposals. These have to be in early next semester and Tom Napierkowski is asking that you please submit these proposals as early as possible. 2)IP issue is another item on the EPUS agenda. The position of EPUS is to wait and see what comes out of the System-wide EPUS and then make proposals. This is a very critical issue.
9. Personnel & Benefits - Don Morley
Don Morley introduced Kevin Classen from Classen Computer Consulting to discuss software problems that came about during the FCQ's. Kevin provided a handout outlining these problems.
10. Budget - Richard Blade
UBAC has met once and had a discussion on the general philosophy and possible scenarios surrounding next year's and the following year's budgets.
11. Athletics - Charlie Shub
One item on the Athletic Committee's agenda is the revised policy on academic eligibility, which maintains the 2.0 after the first semester instead of after the first year. This is going on its second reading after the next meeting and we hope to have it to Vice Chancellor Pierce for endorsement before the end of the semester.
The other item is resources. We are 14th out of 14 in the conference in terms of facilities, scholarships, and coaches salaries. We have a women's cross country team that has qualified for the NCAA National Championships that doesn't even have a track to train on. We have a soccer team, the only soccer team, in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference that has made the playoffs every year since they joined up. The volleyball team with no seniors on it set some school records for wins in a season, conference wins, and consecutive wins. Any measure other than resources we are doing really well.
12. NTTF - Tom Napierkowski
First meeting is set for next Tuesday.
13. Library Advisory Committee - Sue Byerley
The library committee is very concerned about getting a Chair. It was advised that the committee need to appoint their own Chair. The President, Mark Malone, appoints the committee and in turn the committee elects the Chair. Mark will work on appointing members to this committee.
14. Salary Oversight - Don Morley
Don provided a handout (draft) from the Salary Oversight Committee. He asked that it be reviewed and e-mail him with any comments.
15. The motion from the Personnel & Benefits Committee has been withdrawn.
Mark Malone: Since we lost our on campus benefits officer, we are not getting the level of service that we are accustomed to. We only have a benefits person on campus on Tuesday, Thursday and every other Monday. Anyone with comments or problems with having a centralized benefits officer should e-mail Mark Malone.
Ed Paris: We are committed to getting good service from PBS. We need to hear from you. If you have any problems or concerns, please contact Ed Paris at x3390 or e-mail him at eparis@mail.uccs.edu. He will get satisfaction for you. Even though we no longer have an on-campus benefits officer, we do have strong advocates in the VCAA, VCSS, Chancellor and the VCAF. They will make it work.
Moved by Mark Malone to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Don Morley.
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.