


Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

November 12, 2004

Attendance: Kelli Klebe, Radha Pyati, Livia Gilstrap, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Rogers Redding, Rick Petersen, Ann Hickey, Kee Warner, Dorothea Olkawski, Lesley Ginsberg, Tamra Wilson, Elissa Auther, Michael Brunn, Sue Byerley

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from September, 2004 by Michael Brunn

Seconded by Kee Warner

Motion passed unanimously.

Reports of Visitors:

Vice Chancellor Rogers Redding:
Updates on the campus searches:

  • The College of Education is conducting a national search for a new Dean. The search committee is being chaired by Dean Leslie Manning.
  • LAS is conducting an internal search for a Dean. The chair for this search committee is Dean Carol Schoffstall.
  • Sue Byerley is chairing an internal search for the Associate Vice Chancellor of Research and Dean of the Graduate School.
  • After redefining the Academic Diversity position, a new search is underway for the Director of Academic Diversity and Social Equity. Linda Watts is chairing this search.
  • The College of Business is currently selecting a committee to begin a search for a new Dean.

We are in the final stages of submitting a proposal to the National Institute of Health to partially fund the new Science and Engineering building. If accepted, 4 million from the NIH and 4 million from the CU Foundation will pay for the construction.

At a recent government meeting with higher education officials there was a sense that the governor is taking a more conciliatory approach to higher education. Politicians are beginning to take the view that TABOR and Amendment 23 are hurting higher education in Colorado.

Inventing the Future update:

The Chancellor has received one report and two more are expected soon. The Chancellor will take the recommendations to the various governance groups on campus. There will be plenty of opportunity for everyone to express their views of the proposals.

The University system has sent a proposal on the performance contract to the CCHE to begin negotiations.

North Nevada development: City Council postponed the vote on the formation of an urban renewal zone until December 14th.

Officer Reports: (system wide):

President’s Report attached

Vice President’s Report

There will be a mandated 5 year performance review of President Hoffman. Some of the questions on the review will be common to all CU campuses, but each campus will be allowed to ask questions of their own. The performance review must be completed by the end of March. We will learn more in December.

Past President’s Report No report

Reports From Standing Committees:

EPUS: Report

Minority Affairs Committee:The committee is focusing on the search for the new Director of Academic Diversity and Social Equity. We have met with Carman William who is the assistant to the President for diversity to set up a training session with search committee’s in the early part of December.

IT Advisory Council:The council is still waiting for word on the new logo. Also a committee has begun to work on establishing policies for the web. Next week there will be some demos on web content management tools.

The campus has an agreement with IMS to develop a student portal, one site to log in and access everything. In March the conversion of student social security numbers to student ID numbers will be completed. It is important to make this conversion by then because of the College Opportunity Fund.

Over the semester break all students will be required to reset their password in order to get everyone on UCCS email.

Nineteen proposals were submitted to the Student Technology Fee committee: the committee is meeting on November 19th to review the proposals.

Women’s Committee:In addition to the usual grants we distribute for Women’s Studies and Ethnic Studies, we are working on two other concerns. The sexual harassment committee hasn’t meet in two years--we find it hard to believe there have been no cases of harassment in those two years. We are also concerned about the failure to pay attention to retention of women minority faculty.

Reminder to committee chairs: all reports need to be made in writing and submitted before the meeting.


Grant Guidelines

In 2003 the guidelines were sent to EPUS and approved, they were sent back to Faculty Assembly and were not approved. After a few changes and going through Research Council and the Deans Council it is going back to EPUS for approval. FAC members should read the guidelines and give your input now.


A motion was made to support funding of the Silver & Gold.


It is Moved that the Faculty Assembly Representative Assembly of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) in conjunction with the UCCS Staff Council recommend that the University of Colorado adequately fund the Silver & Gold if it is to remain an effective avenue of communication for all campuses in the System.

The motion was discussed and modified, changes below

It is moved that the Faculty Assembly Representative Assembly of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) in conjunction with the UCCS staff Council recommend that the University of Colorado System fund adequately the Silver & Gold if it is to remain an effective avenue of communication for all campuses in the system.

Bob Durham calls the question

11 in favor

0 opposed

All in favor of the motion as amended

11 in favor

0 opposed

The modified motion is unanimously approved.


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.