


Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

November 14, 2003

Attendance: Christina Martinez, Tom Napierkowski, Valerie Brodar, Susan Taylor, Radha Pyati, Lesley Ginsberg, Rebecca Duray, Tom Gruen, Mark Malone, Pam Shockley, Rick Petersen, Ann Smith, Jon Jacobs, Kee Warner, Anthony Cordova, Linda Watts, Jim Henderson, Brian Burnett, Donald Klingner, Robert Wonnett, Ron Fitz, Harriet Napierkowski, Kelli Klebe, Laura Quinn, Don Morley, Phyllis Allen, Andrea Herrera, Michael Brunn, Jenenne Nelson, Abby Ferber, Chip Benight.

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from October 10, 2003.

Seconded by Don Morley.

Motion passed unanimously

Reports of Visitors:


Last week Pam and Brian went to Durango to attend a CCHE meeting. The program plan for Science and Engineering was approved. It is a $45 million project.

We have an interest in fund raising

Tuition shortfall in estimates due to declines in Engineering and Business and the tuition differentials

The largest refunds were given this semester. One reason is the USOC didn't process their paper work for in state students until after the census date.

The governor presented the budget which is different from the CCHE budget.

They will be looking at need based increase in enrollment funding.

We are looking at the total comp bill. There will be problems if it is mandated and higher education is not funded.

We are working with UBAC on different budget models.

The progress is good on the capital projects: Cragmor, parking garage and the new housing village.

Grant submissions are up.


No report


CCHE asked the legislature for 26.9 million in enrollment funding. The governor's budget has 3.2 million.

The VC's finished quarterly budget review. 29 units, all units are on budget.

Financial aid will be moving in to the top floor of Cragmor on 1/5/04. Personnel and Accounting will be right below them. The ribbon cutting will be on the January 20th

The weather is helping with the construction.

We are working on rec center ideas with the students.


There are new admission standards for all four year institutions.

The students need to complete the pre collegiate curriculum by 2008 or fit in the window.

Last year's scholarship cuts: 55% on merit and 15% on need based.

Kelli, Barbara and Jim Henderson submitted a grant to FIPSE re: statistics.

We are looking at creating a rec center.

The Sustainability Committee handed out a report.

Officer Reports:

President's report. The promotion and tenure reappointment policy is being reviewed at the college level; it will go back to epus.

Faculty Council approved a policy on administrative leave. At this meeting there was a presentation about the Faculty Housing Assistance Program (handout).

Denver/System wide is looking at whether they need a diversity committee to include several other committees such as minority affairs, women's committee and GLBT. Some of our groups should look at this as well.

Faculty council approved UGP (handout) Mark Malone had a summary.

In order to change the policy 80% of the colleges have to approve changes. Faculty Assembly has voted to approve this, which means it will go to all of the colleges.

Vice President's report. No report

Past President's report. Jack Burns said at yesterday's meeting that with the combination of Gallagher, Tabor and Amendment 23 the projection is by the year 2009 or 2010 CU will move from being funded $155 million from the state to 0.

Reports From Standing and Special Committees:

EPUS. Since last spring they have been working on an excused absence policy. They have now written a new policy which has fundamentally changed from the original. It is an attendance guideline, not focused on athletics.

Personnel and Benefits handout

Budget Brian and Pam covered this.

Committee on Women Monday is the deadline for the mini grant proposals.

Library Advisory handout

New Business:

Motion from Minority Affairs Committee


A) Faculty Assembly requests that the VCAA designate one of the available new hire positions as an Opportunity Hire of a tenure-track faculty person of under-represented minority status. This is in line with Vision 2010 and UCCS Diversity planning goals and follows the opportunity hire policy approved by the faculty assembly last year.

B) Faculty Assembly requests that the money available (up to $8,000.00) in the Opportunity Hire fund held by the VCAA. in addition to up to $7500.00 that can be acquired through currently available System Wide diversity recruitment grant initiative funds be used to enhance recruitment of under-represented minority candidates for all open tenure-track (new and replacement) positions during the coming year.

Question is called

Seconded by Jenenne Nelson


Motion to amend by Radha Pyati to split A and B as separate motions

Chip Benight Seconds.

Motion to amend passes unanimously

Motion A is on the floor.

Motion to amend by Susan Taylor: change "designate" to "support at least"

Don Morley seconds.

Don Klingner calls the question

9 yes

2 no

Calling the question passes.

Motion to amend: 10 yes, 2 no

Motion to amend passes.

Chip Benight calls question A.

Don Morley seconds.

5 yes, 7 no.

Calling the question does not pass.

Don Klingner makes a motion to table and send it to legal council.

Don Morley seconds.

8 yes, 6 no.

Motion to table passes.

Motion B is called

Motion passes unanimously

Motion from Personnel and Benefits Committee

The Faculty Assembly request that the deans in consolation with their non-tenure track faculty develop written simple policies and procedures for promotion to senior instructor by the end of the Fall 2003 semester.

Seconded by Jenenne Nelson

Motion to amend by Tom Napierkowski: change Fall 2003 to Spring 2004

Michael Brunn seconds


Tom Napierkowski withdrawals motion to amend

Michael Brunn seconds.

Question is called

Motion passes unanimously.

Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting.

Motion passed unanimously.