Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting
December 10, 2004
Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Kelli Klebe, Radha Pyati, Livia Gilstrap, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Rogers Redding, Ann Hickey, Kee Warner, Dorothea Olkawski, Lesley Ginsberg, Michael Brunn, Sue Byerley, David Schmidt, Tom Huber, Soo Young So, Chip Benight, Charlie Wang, Chuck Simmons, Jim Henderson, Pam Carter, Charlie Shub, Valerie Brodar, Don Morley, Christopher Hill, Tom Gruen
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from September, 2004 by Michael Brunn
Seconded by Kelli Klebe
Motion passed unanimously.
Reports of Visitors:
Vice Chancellor Rogers Redding
Updates on Inventing the Future:
Reports from various teams are coming in. The Chancellor and the Vice Chancellors will make recommendations based on these reports and will begin to present their initial recommendations to the campus in January. There will be plenty of opportunity for feedback. Recommendations should be finalized in March, so we can implement the agreed upon changes.
Vice Chancellor Jim Henderson:
Transfer applications and new enrollment applications are up for spring semester. The application pool is looking really good. Discounts for housing will be offered to new transfer students. Enrollment for fall is very encouraging.
Officer Reports (system wide):
President’s Report
Vice President’s Report
Will be sending out requests for nominations for elections in January.
Past President’s Report No report
Reports From Standing Committees:
EPUS: Report
EPUS recommends approval with minor changes of all the policies put forward by the Research Council.
EPUS has recommended minor changes to the proposed Honor Program.
EPUS has begun a review of the Disability Proposal generated by the CU Faculty Council and is working closely with Kaye Simonton in Disability Services to evaluate the proposal.
Personnel and Benefits
Minority Affairs Committee
The committee organized a session for the chairs of the various search committees about recruitment of minority faculty. Carmen Williams of UC-Denver was the guest speaker. A reception for new minority faculty was held.
IT Advisory Council
The council did not meet in December, but the student technology fee proposals were reviewed and recipients have been notified. There was no further news on a web content management tool.
Women’s Committee
We had a meeting this morning; our concern is about oversight issues.
Non Tenure Track Faculty:
The Committee is working on a number of concerns this year. First they would like to give their volunteer representative a course offload to have more time to serve as a point person for all NTTF concerns. Second, they are concerned about inequities in teaching, and would like some definitions about what is appropriate for an instructor load. Third, they are concerned about instructors who did not receive pay raises this past year.
Library The December 9 meeting was cancelled.
Council for Teaching Excellence
Next semester the Council will showcase teaching excellence through a series of receptions with Teaching Scholars. Eleven Presidential or campus-wide scholars are to be interviewed. Each month one of them will open their classroom for discussion of teaching strategies and for observation of their techniques.
Campus Policies updated policies
Motion from EPUS: EPUS has reviewed and made minor revisions to the Policies and Guidelines forwarded from the Research Council. EPUS recommends that all the following policies and guidelines be approved as amended.
Motion is amended by assembly discussion.
Bob Durham called the question
All in favor 14
Opposed 0
All in favor of the policy/guidelines with minor changes and editorial comments.
All in favor 14
Opposed 0
Motion to approve amended Policies/Guidelines passes unanimously.
Motions from Personnel and Benefits
Motion 1: The faculty representative assembly requests that the VCAA and office of institutional research work with the campus personnel and benefits committee in conducting a faculty salary comparison study for the purpose of allocating any compression adjustments that might be available for the 2005-2006 academic years.
Motion is called
All in favor 14
Opposed 0
Motion passes unanimously
Motion 2: The Faculty Assembly requests that the VCAA work with the Faculty Personnel and Benefits Committee in drafting a policy itemizing the non-pecuniary benefits available to faculty retirees. This policy should specifically address all services available to faculty for their research as well as continue other benefits provide to active faculty. This policy should specifically address the provision of the following: a) University e-mail accounts, b) All computer privileges available to active faculty (such as space on university server, ect.), c) Free parking, d) Library privileges as extended to current active faculty (such as interlibrary loan, access to subscription databases, etc.), e) Faculty pricing for tickets to campus events, f) Bookstore privileges as extended to active faculty, g) Use of faculty club (should one be available), h) Continued access to free classes at level accorded active faculty, i) Continued access to benefits counseling, j) Access to campus day care, and k) Access to facilities and events as regular faculty.
Jenenne Nelson asks for a second
Bob Durham seconds
All in favor 14
Opposes 0
Announcements and Information
Chief Susan Szpyrka
Parking: Parking rates are going up $30 a year beginning next fall.
Engineering is breaking ground on their new building in January 2006 taking away parking lot 5.
Two more levels will be added to the parking garage. Construction will begin in 2005.
The main entrance and exit into campus will be moved to the parking garage entrance.
Dependent Scholarship Applications for UCCS Faculty due December, 17, 2004.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.