February 2005

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

February 11, 2005

Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Radha Pyati, Elissa Auther, Jack Burns, Rick Petersen, Patricia Keilbach, Tom Napierkowski, Harriet Napierkowski, Livia Gilstrap, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Rogers Redding, Ann Hickey, Kee Warner, Michael Brunn, Sue Byerley, Tom Huber, Soo Young So, Charlie Wang, Tom Zwirlein, Jim Henderson, Pam Carter, Valerie Brodar, Christopher Hill, Tom Gruen, Venkat Reddy, Roger Sambrook, Brian Burnett, Anne Bergman, Beth Bare



Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from December, 2004 by Radha Pyati

Seconded by Patricia Keilbach

Motion passed unanimously.


Reports of Visitors:


Vice President of Academic Affairs and Research for the CU System Jack Burns

Negotiations for the Performance Contract by and between the state of Colorado Department of Higher Education and the Regents of the University of Colorado.

The contract is 99% complete for approval.

Performance Contract
Goals and Measures
Resource Management Flexibility
Press Release

Vice Chancellor Rogers Redding

There is a special faculty meeting on February 18. The Chancellor and the Vice Chancellors will be making a presentation on Inventing the Future process, to answer any questions or concerns from faculty. Faculty should read the Chancellor’s committee reports before the meeting.

Vice Chancellor Jim Henderson:

The reports on recruiting and retention are now on the web.

Some highlights of the study are:

  • Many of our students are low income students
  • Students spend more time working and taking care of family.


Recommendations for retention:

  • Centralize our retention efforts.
  • We need a joint effort between Academic Affairs and Student Success.
  • Initial focus will be on first year students.
  • We need more data about why students leave this campus.

Recommendations for recruiting:

  • Focus on students from Community Colleges
  • Other transfer students and southern Colorado students
  • Market to non-resident students


Officer Reports (system wide):


President’s Report attached


Vice President’s Report


2 of the 4 LAS position candidates

1 for Business

1 for Engineering

1 for Education

1 for the Library

We need 2 more at large candidates

1 candidate for secretary

1 candidate for the next vice president


Past President’s Report No report


Reports From Standing Committees:


EPUS: Report

Approval to the Honors Program



UBAC will be discussing some of the Inventing the Future and tuition.


Personnel and Benefits report attached


Minority Affairs Committee report attached


IT Advisory Council

Social Security numbers will be eliminated on April 9 thru the 10.

There will be a demonstration of the new portal on February 28 from 10-12 noon in Cragmoor room 8.

March 4 at the Chancellor’s forum the new logo will be presented.


Non-Tenure Track Faculty:

Promotion policies need to be written for non-tenure track faculty

Titles of non-tenure track faculty should be consistent with system definitions

Benefits should be paid to anyone half time or more

The committee would like to see it chairperson receive a course off-load.


Library The December 9 meeting was cancelled.


Council for Teaching Excellence



The Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure criteria went to EPUS and is still pending

The Honors Program is coming and needs to be looked at from a financial prospective



Policy for Faculty Assembly Governance attached

Bylaws Revisions attached

Academic Freedom is a hot issue right now, Jenenne will send out press articles relating to this issue.

Develop a Retired Faculty Association


Announcements and Information

Anne Bergman and Beth Bare presented information on the campus event supporting Relay for Life, a fund raiser for the American Cancer Society.




Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.