March 2005

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

March 11, 2005


Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Kelli Klebe, Elissa Auther, Rick Petersen, Tom Napierkowski, Livia Gilstrap, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Ann Hickey, Kee Warner, Michael Brunn, Soo Young So, Charlie Wang, Tom Zwirlein, Jim Henderson, Pam Carter, Valerie Brodar, Christopher Hill, Dave Schmidt, Christina Martinz, Christina Jimenez, Susan Taylor, Jacquelyn Byer, Charlie Shub, Mary Beth Chambers, Rex Welshon, Zbigniew Celinski, Radek Lopusnik, James Stevens, Ceil Malek, Don Klingner



call to Order / approval of minutes:


Motion to approve the minutes from February 2005 by Michael Brunn

Seconded by Tom Napierkowski

Motion passed unanimously.


reports of visitors:

Vice Chancellor Jim Henderson:

News from the Executive Team:  The Performance Contract has not been signed, the issues around the resignation of President Hoffman have made it difficult to continue the negotiations.

The budget with the state is not confirmed, no tuition rates have been set for next year.


UCCS has had some good publicity recently, A story in the Gazette about our new logo, a gift recently received from the Christian family being split between TheatreWorks and the Economics Dept. A gift of land will be sold to provide funding for the Heller property.


Our freshman applications for next year are up about 10% over last year. The quality of the students is very high.


SGA Judicial Board Vice Chair – Nina Frischmann

Nina gave a presentation on the student election and how SGA plans to encourage more students to vote.

SGA is implementing a new award for Educator of the Year; the students will nominate and vote for the Students Choice Award.


officer reports (system wide):


President’s Report


Vice President’s Report

A Faculty Assembly Election ballot will be going out next week, please vote and send back to Tina Collins


Past President’s Report No report


reports from standing committees:


EPUS: Report

Recommended the Faculty Assembly approve the Honors Program



Budget Committee will have a meeting next Friday, March 18 at the Squatting Chicken.


Personnel and Benefits report attached


Minority Affairs Committee

The committee meeting is this afternoon to look at some funding proposals.

Still involved in the search for the Executive Director for Academic Diversity and Social Equity, the 3 finalist will be coming to campus next month.


IT Advisory Council

April 9 is the date to have the student ID conversion complete. Students will need to login with the student ID’s after that date.


Non-Tenure Track Faculty:

Thank you for the help with the policies for promotions for non-tenure track faculty.





Council for Teaching Excellence




Faculty Retreat will be August 26th at the Penrose House, this retreat will focus on faculty work load.

The president Jenenne Nelson made a motion to accept the following recommendations from the EPUS Committee for action on 11 March 2005 – Regarding the Honors Program

Robert Durham seconded.

  1. The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee moves that the faculty Assembly accept the Honors Program.

Motion to amend this policy; accepted unanimously

Motion to approve amended policy: accepted unanimously

  1. The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee recommends that the University Budget Advisory Committee Review the financial aspects of the Honors Program

Motion to approve policy: accepted unanimously

  1. The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee recommends that the Chancellor support the development of the Honors Program.

Motion to postpone vote on this policy: accepted unanimously



Inventing the Future reports: a special faculty meeting was held Feb.18, some of the recommendations have been changed from their original recommendation.

UBAC is going to consider the financial aspects of the Inventing the Future proposals.

This is an evolving process.

The executive team can make some recommendations at our next meeting.


Announcements and Information

A survey was sent to retired faculty and 4 have been returned. Jenenne will give an update about this in April.



Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.