March 2006
Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting
March 10, 2006
Attendance: Tom Napierkowski, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Kee Warner, Pam Carter, Elissa Auther, Scott Butterfield, Soo Young So, Michael Brunn, Rick Peterson, Tom Zwirlein, Brian Burnett, Sue Byerley, Heather Albanesi, Charles Benight, Livia Gilstrap, Rogers Redding, Pam Shockley, Don Morley, Michael Kisley, Christine Hubbell, Jackie Berning, Andrew Czaplewski, Stephanie Hanenberg, Steve Chambers
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from February 2006 by Michael Brunn
Seconded by Livia Gilstrap
Motion passed unanimously.
Reports of Visitors:
Chancellor Shockley: There is a concern that false emails sent to students about supposed incidents on campus are causing students alarm. Faculty can alleviate some concern by talking to students.
It has been decided that Dwire will stay at the top of the list by the Capital Development committee.
We hope to begin budget modeling soon, as long as Referendum C is used as intended it will be approved. A priority for the budget is faculty and staff salaries.
The Chancellor will be meeting with Steve Chambers and the Faculty Personnel Committee to address some of the issue around the non tenure track faculty across a three to five year period, the reason for a five year model is Ref C will cover five years. The Chancellor is also very interested in addressing the instructor compression issue. Another goal is to increase the number of tenure track faculty.
The budget outlook is optimistic.
Brian Burnett: Dave Schnabel has put together a campus construction guide to be distributed March 23. The construction on and off campus is estimated at $111 million dollars. The North Nevada project is moving forward. The developers have agreed to call the Costco/Lowes shopping area University Village and the exterior buildings will mimic the campus architecture.
Rogers Redding: Update on the academic strategic planning process. Faculty has participated in the various campus conversations, as well as the community and the Chancellors roundtable. The planning committee will be finalizing the draft and then we will start to go through the process with meeting with various groups on campus. Part of the process has changed as a result of the performance contract with CCHE. CCHE has a reduced role regarding academic programming on campus. We no longer are required to do an academic master plan, we still need to do an academic strategic master plan.
Stephanie Hannenberg: Director of the Student Health Center. Stephanie wants to make the campus more aware of what the SHC has to offer the students. The clinic sees and treats a wide variety of needs. The office visit fee is $10 and most prescriptions start out at $10. On Tuesday, April 4 there will be a Health Fair in the gym on campus. SHC is planning an open house in August to celebrate its 10 year anniversary.
Officer Reports (system wide):
President's Report attached
A reminder about the Cinco de Mayo luncheon table, please RSVP if you would like to attend.
Vice President's Report
The Faculty Assembly Representative elections are in April. If you are now an elected representative you will be on the ballot for the 06-07 year. If you do not want to be nominated please contact Tom Napierkowski.
Past President's Report attached
Reports From Standing Committees:
EPUS: Report
EPUS met with VC Jim Henderson to discuss the vision statement. They also reviewed the graduate program track proposal that came from Tom Huber's office.
There is a document from CCHE that says state law requires that there be test out procedures for any required program in a 4 year or 2 year college. CCHE would like to require this for all institutions.
No Report
Personnel and Benefits
No Report
Minority Affairs Committee
A reminder to attend the Freedom song events
Women's Committee
No Report
Academic Computing
The UCCS portal will be rolled out to dorm students on April 4. The web content management system has been a little postponed because of the student portal.
Non Tenured Track Faculty
Bob Durham and Tom Napierkowski attended the last meeting. Most of the meeting was devoted to discussion about the NTTF task force. A survey is being put together to distribute to faculty.
Research Council
Developing metrics to measure research productivity on campus. Institutional research did a presentation of the Delaware Study which is being considered to help us measure research productivity on this campus.
No Report
Teaching Excellence Committee
The Teaching in Action Project is complete. It was not well attended due to workload and schedules. We will look at that for next year to see if we can get better participation.
We are working on a senior mentoring program, where a senior faculty member would work with a junior faculty member.
Sustainability Committee
No Report
Athletic Department
No Report
Base Salary Initiative.
Non Tenure Track Faculty - The task force is coming together and priorities are being determined.
NTTF is putting together a task force to address issues and find answers and solutions.
The list of tasks to accomplish by the task force is attached.
Personnel & Benefits Recommendations for Merit Increases
The first Resolution of the recommendation was approved with the change of wording in the first sentence from:
Whereas compression, inequity and inversion among faculty salaries will never be resolved if only a portion of the regular merit pool is allocated to salary issues.
To: Whereas compression, inequity and inversion of faculty salaries will never be resolved if only a portion of the regular merit pool is allocated to salary issues.
This motion was approve unanimously.
Resolution 2 will be discussed at the next meeting.
Announcements and Information
The next Faculty Assembly meeting will be in the Library conference room.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.