March 2007

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

March 9, 2007


Attendance: Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Tom Zwirlein, Tom Napierkowski, Dick Discenza, Pam Carter, Jim Null, Kelli Klebe, Jackie Berning, Peg Bacon, Jenenne Nelson, Valerie Brodar, Sue Byerley, Eddie Portillos, Charles Beck, Brian Burnett, Lindy Crawford, Judith Rice Jones, Dana Rocha


Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:


Motion to approve the minutes from December 2006 by Kelli Klebe; seconded by Dick Discenza


Reports of Visitors:


Peg Bacon:

A new BA degree in Women's Studies is in process.

Faculty development opportunities include the book club.

Please attend the Provost interviews on campus during the next few weeks. Give your feedback about the candidates to members of the search committee as soon as possible.

Paul Loeb the author of "Soul of the Citizen" will be on campus March 23 for a faculty workshop from noon to 2:30.


Brian Burnett:

The state budget this year is setting the compensation pool for classified staff for salary at 3.7% with a 1.37% for pay for performance. PESA and faculty will hopefully be given a similar salary increase pool.


He current budget model for next year campus budget includes $40M in tuition $20M from the state.  If auxiliary funding is added that will push the total current budget model over $100,000.


Senate bill 97 was passed allowing 49% of tobacco revenue to go to the Health Science Center to run the medical school, starting next fiscal year.


Capital construction:  we are on the list for $11M in additional state support for the science and engineering building. This would be in the long bill and bring us to 13 million in state support since we already have $2M. We will ask for $7M next year to bring state support to $20M.


The next renovation project will be the science building.


Dwire Hall is on schedule to be complete for fall semester. The Recreation Center and Dwire are both scheduled to be dedicated next August.


The science and engineering building is well under way.

There has been discussion about the Heller renovation which will begin this fall. There is a need to balance the desire to maintain the historical features of Heller with the functionality and cost of the restoration.


The plan for University Village on North Nevada is to be submitted to the city next week.


Office of Veterans and Military Affairs: Dana Rocha and Laura Barela

The office of Veterans Affairs has been changed to include Military affairs. This office is a place for faculty, staff and students to get answers and help with issues that effect military students. UCCS also has an office on Fort Carson with education counselors. Over the next three years approximately 25,000 troops will be coming to Ft. Carson with their families.  A study concluded that many are interested in coming to the University to pursue degrees in nursing, education, criminal justice, and business.


The office of Veterans and Military Affairs will conduct sessions about military student concerns. The office is here to assist in any way they can. The website has new information for students. //


Officer Reports (system wide):


President's Report attached

Faculty is encouraged to attend the Provost search interviews.


Vice President's Report

No Report


Past President's Report

Faculty Assembly elections are the week of March 19 thru 23.


Reports From Standing Committees:


EPUS: Report

On the agenda for next months EPUS meeting is IW and IF grades. If you have an opinion please let EPUS know. System is talking about trimester we will hear more about this later. David Moon will talk to EPUS about tenure processes the new rules.



No Report


Personnel and Benefits

Minutes attached

The Chancellor will be attending the P&B meeting this month to discuss salaries. The committee has come up with recommendation that summer school salaries controlled at the college level. Colleges should develop their own summer salary goals and strategies.  The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs should develop a summer school model for the university. Recommendation attached

Personnel and Benefits will bring their recommendation to the table next month in the form of a motion.


Minority Affairs Committee

Minutes attached

FMAC would like Faculty Assembly to purchase a table for Cinco de Mayo.


Academic Advisory Committee


Women's Committee

No Report


Academic Computing

Wireless is scheduled to be completed this summer. Pay for print goes into effect this summer. At some point in the future a discussion will begin about new voice mail systems and podcasting.


Kathy Andrus is now the primary contact for e-college questions.


Non Tenured Track Faculty

No Report


Research Council

No Report



The Chancellor has received the motion regarding the increase in library funding.


Teaching Excellence Committee

No Report


Sustainability Committee Report attached


Wellness Committee

March15: Curtis Smith is leading a morning bird walk.

April 4: Mary Ann Kluge is conducting a session on discovering the body's wisdom.

April 18:2 Jon Pigage is leading a walk and discussion about mammals that live on our campus. The walk begins in the campus Natural History Museum (Science 250).


Athletic Department

No athletes are on academic probation. UCCS has an academic all American, Patrick Hannaway, on the basketball team.



Provost search:  four candidates will be on campus in the next few weeks. There will be open forums for faculty and staff to interview them. Look for schedules in your email.




The representatives of Faculty Assembly recommend the endorsement of the Guidelines for Military Student Absenteeism as proposed by the Dean of Students. These guidelines work to help the student withdraw from class because of deployment.

Motion passed unanimously.



The FMAC requests that the Faculty Assembly review and endorse the current draft of the Diversity Strategic Plan Strategic Recommendation and Goals. This can be viewed at // The plan  has been endorsed by EPUS.

The entire Strategic Plan will go to the Regents and then back to Faculty Assembly before it gets final approval.




Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.