March 2009

March 2009

March 2009

March 13, 2009

Attendance: Jackie Berning, Andrew Czaplewski, Peg Bacon, David Moon, Jim Null, Pam Shockley, Brian Burnett, Pam Carter, Suzanne Cook, Josh Dunn, Kelli Klebe, Jenenne Nelson, Sue Byerley, Robert Wonnett, Linda Watts, Monique French, Morgan Shepherd, Tabatha Becker, Charlie Shub, Roger Sambrook, Andrea Hutchens, Sylvia Martinez, Eddie Portillos, Don Morley, Ron Fitz

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from February 13, 2009 meeting by Jim Null
Seconded by Kelli Klebe
Motion passed unanimously


Reports of Visitors:

Pam Shockley:
We are currently placing major emphasis on the Stimulus Package due to the timing for submission. The campus must be ready by early June.  Under review are graduate student funding and all capital issues – nothing is being added that is not in strategic planning.  The process needs to be very quick and very thorough.  There is an enormous amount of potential.  There are 3 types of stimulus money:

1) State Stabilization Dollars – $611 million dollars for Colorado, to guarantee low tuition to back-fill cuts – this affords a somewhat optimistic but conservative outlook since the process is dependent on the economy;

2) Stimulus Dollars – state renovation money for building and repair work, which could be used for repairing roof problems in University Hall and the renovation for the old Engineering building;

3) Federal Construction Dollars – used for opportunities in Health Sciences research and economic development.  Projects must be shovel-ready within 120 days of the award.  Faculty input will be needed on grants, etc. at the end of Spring semester.  The Pell Grant and Work Study programs have been budgeted long-term.  We are stable for next year but certainly not affluent. However, we are in a better position than many others.


Robert Wonnett:
Student Government Association has been a focal point of attention.  There is a need for more direct contact with students.  There appears to be too much emphasis solely on funding issues.  A recall petition with an excess of 10% of the student body enlisted has been submitted to proceed with electing a new president.  This special election should take place either the first or second week after Spring Break.  They are also in the process of changing the Constitution to include more student engagement; have committees working with campus mentors; updating job descriptions for officers that include accountability; and employing faculty as mentors for SGA.


Peg Bacon:
Update on the Tenure Report – the Regents approved the change to the policy adding professional practice for our campus.  Other CU campuses may follow.  Departments are in the process of making RPT revisions, which are due 3/30/09 to the Provost.

The Dean of Engineering and Applied Science search is in process with 3 candidates – Interim Dean Dandapani and 2 other candidates from off campus.

The Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Enrollment Management search is in process.

We are currently working on the stimulus package, which is cross-disciplinary and requires immediate attention.

The Southern Colorado Innovation Strategy project is continuing efforts with the community in their investment in the University.  Indicators are currently pointing to a 70% retention rate for Fall to Fall and we have had the highest retention ever this year from Fall to Spring.

RFPs for Learning Communities were announced this past Fall and 4 pilot programs have been established for Fall 2009– Colorado Living, Inner World, Engineering Zone, and Environmental Justice.


Brian Burnett:
Attended the Board of Regents meeting on 3/12/09. The regents were pleased with our enrollment figures for Spring and our retention advancements – it is a great trend for our campus.

St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) is the celebration for the Rec Center’s LEED gold certification.  The Rec Center is the first gold certification in southern Colorado and the second gold certification in the United States.  Rooftop solar panels are used to heat the pool.

The new Science & Engineering building has a thin film solar roof, so both of these buildings use two different types of solar technologies.  The Science & Engineering building occupants will be moving in through the summer and the opening celebration will take place the beginning of August.  The Phipps construction parking area will be transformed into a sod quad called the West Lawn this summer.

North Nevada project is continuing and there is a design project in place for widening Austin Bluffs Parkway from Meadow to Mallow to be completed by the summer of 2010.

Budget update – emphasis is on stimulus “one time” money; cuts for this year ($686,000) have been done without any campus departments being hit and now the focus is on next year; March revenue forecast is expected to be pretty soft; CU campuses are modeling to stay within 90% of market with employee benefits due to salary freeze.


Officer Reports:

President’s Report
Report attached

Vice-President’s Report
Andrew Czaplewski reviewed the upcoming election process for next year’s Faculty Assembly.

Past President’s Report
No report


Reports from Standing Committees:

EPUS Report:
Report attached

Personnel & Benefits:
Will circulate salary oversight draft policy (how raises awarded) & salary equity grievance process

Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
No report - no one present

Minority Affairs Committee:
Have not met yet this month

Women’s Committee:
No report – no one present – have been told there will be a member soon

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Report attached

Academic Computing:
No Report

No report – Roger Sambrook is new representative

Intercollegiate Athletics:
We are in the basketball playoffs for the third time

Report attached

New committee being established; Linda Watts started constructing website






Results of Faculty Lounge Survey – of the 284 responses received (roughly 10% of total faculty and staff), 89% support establishment of lounge – per Jim Burkhart

UCCS Document on Professional Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty – review CU system document and put together ad-hoc committee to explore further

Faculty Assembly Service Award – send nominations to Jackie

Spring Final Schedule – review options for changing wrap-around Monday



  1. Faculty Representative Assembly recommends that the Provost reports at least yearly to the Faculty Representative Assembly on the implementation of the adopted changes in the reappointment, tenure and promotion processes.  The Provost will report on progress of implementation, positive outcomes of changes and any negative unintended consequences of the changes.  This yearly reporting will continue for at least a 5 year period.   (passed unanimously)


  1. The Faculty Representative Assembly is in favor of FCQs being administered using an on-line process.   (overall motion did not pass:  no-9, yes-4, abstain-3)

a.  A two week lapse from the end of FCQ administration to the start of finals is recommended.   (amendment passed:  yes-9, no-4, abstain-3)

  1. The Faculty Representative Assembly supports Jim Burkhart in his efforts to campaign for the establishment of a faculty lounge.   (passed:  yes-12, no-3)




Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.