March 2013
March 8, 2013
Attendance: Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Brian Burnett, Mary Coussons-Read, Andrea Hutchins, Mandi Elder, Jeff Spicher, Katie Kaukinen, Bob Durham, Tom Zwirlein, Craig Elder, Kathy Blair, Monique Dooley, Morgan Shepherd, Pam Carter, Rebecca Webb, Christine Robinson, Suzanne Cook, Curt Holder, Andrea Wenker, Carla Myers, Anna Kosloski, Barbara Frye, Jeff Montez de Oca, Laura Marshall, Barbara Prinari, Dave Anderson, Corinne Harmon
Special Observers: Jiangsu Province President Fellows (5)
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from February 8, 2013 meeting by Bob Durham
Seconded by Mandi Elder
Motion passed unanimously
Reports of Visitors:
Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor:
Welcome to the new Provost, Mary Coussons-Read. The Chancellor just returned from the ACE (American Council on Education) Conference in Washington D.C. and spent some time with legislators on Capitol Hill. The issues around government sequestration are already affecting us. We have just been notified that tuition assistance from military bases has been frozen for active duty personnel starting this summer. We did find out that Pell Grants will be held harmless for at least the first year. We receive $10 million in Pell Grant money and if this is cut, it will have a very adverse effect for us. It may be possible, however, that federal work study money may be increased. If that is the case, we will want to put an extra push in for the work study program so that all students have a chance to benefit from this program. It still appears that the loan rate for student loans will be going from 3.8% to 6.4% on July 1. One of the main topics at the ACE Conference indicated that there is new emphasis being placed on the completion agenda in obtaining degrees versus the previous emphasis on the access agenda to higher education. On the state level, the next state revenue forecast should be out next week and we should have some one-time money coming. The Regents will be setting tuitions and budgets on April 9, 2013. We are advocating for a pay increase and do anticipate a compensation increase. We are looking for a 6% tuition increase, while other institutions are seeking a 9% increase. The applications for this summer and next Fall are at a record high level. The community college bill will go to the Senate at the end of March.
Mary Coussons-Read, Provost:
Appreciation was acknowledged for David Moon’s service as Interim Provost and his new position is Vice Provost. The new Provost told the assembly that she will be working on implementing our new strategic plan and faculty governance plays an important role. She wants to increase dialogue with the colleges and faculty for their input and she invited anyone interested in doing so to please make an appointment with her.
Brian Burnett, Senior Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance:
All things considered, the budget for the campus is in fairly good shape and not in “cutting” mode. Enrollment growth has been good and summer course offerings are already available on the web much sooner than last year. March 20 is when the state revenue forecast comes out and revenues are up. There should be about $30 million for higher ed. We are pushing for a 6% tuition increase (4% for out-of-state), which is the lowest in the state. The US Army suspended tuition assistance (TA) today. The new dorms will be housing students by August and the Lane Center is taking shape in construction on Nevada. The School of Public Affairs will move entirely to the new academic office building, which is scheduled to open in July of 2014.
Steve Kirkham, Athletics Director:
Faculty support of our athletes is much appreciated. The early alert system has been a great success. UCCS is one of 24 NCAA Division II schools notified it received the President’s Award for Academic Excellence, which recognizes athletic programs with four-year academic success rates of 90% or more. We were the only public university in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference to receive the honor. For four consecutive years, more than 90% of UCCS student athletes have earned degrees in addition to representing Mountain Lion teams. We had the most successful Fall semester ever – all six of our Fall sports were regionally ranked, with four of them nationally ranked. We have almost 200 athletes per year and the average scholarship amount for women is $3,600; for men it is $3,500. We are adding women’s golf and will start playing next Fall. As a reminder, faculty get in to all athletic events for free.
Jason Votruba, Bookstore Manager:
The current Bookstore report was distributed for review. The Bookstore now has price transparency with all online competitors, except Amazon currently, and the Bookstore is normally cheaper. Textbook adoptions are really behind in Spring. Web orders have increased tremendously. Fall textbook materials are due by April 15. There will be a search conducted for an Associate Manager for the store who will run the book division and hopefully start by June.
Officer Reports:
Vice-President’s Report
Nominations are closed and elections will be held the week of March 18
Past President’s Report
Women’s History Month event is scheduled for March 13 in the Library and will feature several influential women in history
Reports from Standing Committees:
University Budget Advisory Committee
Faculty Minority Affairs Committee
Women’s Committee:
No report
Academic Computing:
No report
No one present – no report
Intercollegiate Athletics:
No one present – no report
No one present - no report
No report
Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
No one present – no report
- Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget Bylaws (attached with approved revisions noted)
The Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget has proposed to the Faculty Representative Assembly that the Bylaws for the Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget be approved.
Discussion: It was noted that the committee name was inaccurate on the bylaw version presented as well as the name of the Faculty Assembly, so those changes need to be made (changes illustrated in attachment).
(Motion passed with changes noted with 17 in favor, opposed – 0, abstention – 1) - The Committee on Women’s Issues Bylaws (attached with approved revisions noted)
The Committee on Women’s Issues has proposed to the Faculty Representative Assembly that the Bylaws for the Committee on Women’s Issues be approved.
Discussion: It was noted that the committee name was inaccurate on the bylaw version presented and needs to be changed (changes illustrated in attachment).
(Motion passed with changes noted with 18 in favor, opposed – 0, abstention – 0) - The Committee on Personnel and Benefits Bylaws
The Committee on Personnel and Benefits has proposed to the Faculty Representative Assembly that the Bylaws for the Committee on Personnel and Benefits be approved.
(Motion passed with 18 in favor, opposed – 0, abstention – 0) - The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee of the Faculty Representative Assembly requests that Faculty Representative Assembly approve the acceptance of Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) as course credit, with each department having the final decision related to the acceptance of credit for a specific course.
(Motion passed with 17 in favor, opposed – 0, abstention – 1) - The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee of the Faculty Representative Assembly requests that Faculty Representative Assembly approve removing the SAT/ACT requirements for
international admissionsstudents with foreign transcripts. (see attached informational document)
(Motion passed with changes noted above with 18 in favor, opposed – 0, abstention – 0)
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Craig Elder
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.m.