March 2012


March 9, 2012

Attendance: Peg Bacon, Brian Burnett, Katie Kaukinen, Andrea Hutchins, Tom Napierkowski, Don Morley, Jeff Spicher, Monique Dooley, Morgan Shepherd, Pam Carter, Rebecca Webb, Suzanne Cook, Hilary Smith, Beth Kumar, Barbara Frye, Edgar Cota-Torres, Cindy Applegate, Janet Sauer, Janel Owens, Ron Fitz

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from February 10, 2012 meeting by Andrea Hutchins

Seconded by Rebecca Webb

Motion passed unanimously

Reports of Visitors:

Brian Burnett:

Next Wednesday, March 14, there will be a Board of Regents Special Meeting and tuition is listed as a discussion item on the agenda, but they will not be voting on it.  As outlined in the campus Strategic Plan, if we grow by 5% per year for the next 5 years, and conservatively 2.6% for the last 4 years, we will need to hire more than 100 tenure track and non-tenure track faculty and 80 staff just to keep up.  Office space is already very tight, so in order to accommodate additional faculty and staff, it is necessary to be looking at building an office building, which will probably be by the parking garage where the Small Business Development Center building is currently located.  We are working on office space issues and this office building construction is in the capital plan.  There are some major changes in CU fiscal roles - Kelly Fox, currently the Vice President for Budget and Finance and CFO for the University of Colorado system, will be assuming the position of Senior Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance and CFO for CU-Boulder effective July 1.  It is important to remember that all CU campuses are connected financially.  As a reminder, we will be breaking ground on three new buildings in the next several months:  4/23/12 at 2:00pm - 2 new dorms west of Columbine; and, 6/21/12 at 9:00am - Lane Center groundbreaking on Nevada across from Lowe's.

Peg Bacon:

The campus strategic plan is well underway and can be found on the Chancellor's website.  An announcement will be sent to the campus on Monday, March 12, announcing the new LAS Dean.  Jenenne Nelson, the current Dean of the Graduate School, is retiring this summer, so the search for a new dean of the Graduate School is in process.  This is a .5 time internal position and Michael Larson is the search committee chair.  The General Education Taskforce continues to work hard on possible revisions to Gen Ed curriculum.  An all-faculty retreat is planned for Friday, April 20, for faculty to give input to the taskforce on their work progress.  Lunch will be included.  A reminder that Commencement will be held on Friday, May 18 at 10:00am at the World Arena.

Officer Reports:

President's Report

Vice-President's Report

The FRA ballot for 2012-13 is ready except for the need of a 7th slot nominee for LAS.

Past President's Report

Not present - no report

Reports from Standing Committees:

EPUS Report:

No report

Personnel & Benefits:

University Budget Advisory Committee:

Committee has not looked at actual money allocations yet.

Faculty Minority Affairs Committee:

Women's Committee:

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:

Academic Computing:

No report


Some students are raising opposition to the social media-free pods.

Intercollegiate Athletics:

No one present - no report



No one present - no report




document.  Clinical teaching positions need to be included, especially since there will be more of these types of positions added with the addition of the Lane Center.  Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences is currently working on developing a more detailed and defined description of clinical teaching positions.  It was suggested to make placeholders for clinical teaching positions as titles in this document and elaborate on distinctions and differentiations later.  The revised document needs to be sent to the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee by April 6.




Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Pam Carter

Seconded by Tom Napierkowski

Motion passed unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 1:01 p.m.