May 2005

May 2005

May 2005

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

May 13, 2005

Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Kelli Klebe, Tom Napierkowski, Bob Durham, Sue Byerley Ron Fitz, Ann Hickey, Kee Warner, Tom Zwirlein, Pam Carter, Valerie Brodar, Christopher Hill, Ceil Malek, Don Klingner, Pam Shockley, Tamra Wilson, Rick Peterson, Charlie Shub, Patricia Keilbach, Mary Hagedorn, James Stevens, Elissa Auther

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from March 2005 by Patricia Keilbach

Seconded by Rick Peterson

Motion passed unanimously.

Reports of Visitors:

Robert Wonnett Dean of Students:

Robert talked about his relationship with faculty over the years. He will be leaving at the end of the month to take a position with the Department of Human Services in Denver.

Chancellor Pam Shockley

The legislative session has determined that we have an 11.4% spending authority that the governor cannot veto. Referendum C and B will go on the ballot; if they pass the government may keep the Tabor surplus for 5 years. The state has set aside $40 million dollars for controlled maintenance including $1.5 million for Dwire and $500,000 for controlled maintenance here at UCCS.

Officer Reports (system wide):

President’s Report

Letter from Chancellor about Inventing the Future

Sarbanes Oxley may be implemented on campus. Criminal and financial background checks on department chairs are being proposed. There are some concerns about this in the faculty council. There will be more discussion on this.

Women’s committee changed their name to Committee on Women’s Issues or CWI.

John Miller won the faculty campus service reward.

Vice President’s Report

The run off election in engineering will be complete Monday.

Past President’s Report No report

Reports From Standing Committees:

EPUS: Report

There are motions on the agenda


The seven year plan will be discussed at the UBAC meeting on May 26.

Personnel and Benefits

We are working on doing an evaluation of campus administrators.
The faculty retreat should be a good opportunity for us to get some input into issues such as salary. Minutes

Minority Affairs Committee

There has been a successful hire for the Executive Director for Academic Diversity and Social Equity position: Dr. Betty Trout-Kelly.
Christine Jimenez will chair the committee for the next year.

Women’s Committee


IT Advisory Council

IT will start charging for printing next spring in all of their computing labs to reduce waste and printing costs.

An IT survey is circulating. If you have not received it and would like to, contact Jackie Crouch.

The web content management system was discussed. The goal now is to have all official websites using the system by January.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:

We are looking for a new chair and representation to Faculty assembly for next year, and we have some interested people.



Teaching Excellence Committee


Athletic Department

The hiring of a new women’s basketball coach will be announced today.



Motion from the EPUS Committee for action on 13 May 2005 – Regarding approval of the Faculty Governance Policy. The EPUS Committee moves that the Faculty Representative Assembly approve the Faculty Governance Policy and vet it as noted in the policy on policies.

Chris Hill called the question. Unanimously approved

Motion from the EPUS Committee for action on 13 May 2005 - Regarding updating the Bylaws of the Faculty Assembly of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. The EPUS Committee moves that the Faculty Representative Assembly approve the updated bylaws.

Discussed and more revisions made. Vote on motion as amended - 12 approved and 1 abstention.

Motion from the Library Advisory Committee for action on 13 May 2005 – Regarding sending a letter to the VCAA – the Library Advisory Committee moves that the Faculty Representative Assembly send a letter (see attached) to Vice Chancellor Rogers Redding communication its concerns regarding the current and future state of the library materials budget.

Unanimously approved



Christine Martinez was recognized at the May 10th ceremony for Faculty Assembly Service Award.

Announcements and Information

Faculty Retreat on August 26 at the Penrose House.

Open enrollment for health insurance is ongoing through May 28th, rates are now available. They are close to last year’s rates.


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.