May 2006
Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting
May 12, 2006
Attendance: Tom Napierkowski, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Pam Carter, Scott Butterfield, Soo Young So, Pamela Shockley, Jackie Berning, Ann Hickey, Jenenne Nelson, Charlie Wang, Valerie Brodar, Jim Henderson, Rick Peterson, Alexander Soifer, Rebecca Laroche, Tom Huber, Kelli Klebe, General Estes, Brian Burnett, Rogers Redding
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from April 2006 by Ann Hickey
Seconded by Jenenne Nelson
Motion passed unanimously.
Reports of Visitors:
Pam Shockley: Regents budget meeting asked for a fourth budget option for the next fiscal year. The fourth option has no tuition increase and shows how that would impact the campus, the option that is preferred by us will most likely prevail. The final salary component, asking for a 3.5 increase depends on the tuition increase it will most likely be 3.2 to 3.5, and includes merit and uncompensated merit. This is the best budget year we have had in a while.
Freshman orientation is being done in a new format this summer. Faculty is strongly encouraged to volunteer. Monday we are recognizing the first group of Kane scholars.
Brian Burnett: Our leadership team recommendations to the regents is for option two which would be the 3.5 salary pool and our match to get 10 million for Dwire. We hope to get the approval from the regents on June 1.
Jim Henderson: David Moon and Jim will be collaborating on enrollment management as a new job with in their departments.
Rogers Redding: This is the last meeting Rogers will attend. He is accepting a position with Southern Athletic Conference.
General Estes and Provost Mark Heckler: They gave a presentation of their findings for the advisory committee on tenure-related processes. The committee found that the tenure process at CU makes sense, but that in some cases the process was not implemented effectively. The university could improve the general public's understanding of the meaning and purpose of tenure in an academic setting. Of the 95 case files that have been examined, only a few "stood outside" of the process, as actual violations or instances that were questionable. The diversity of subjects taught across the University system and the cultures of the individual institutions preclude a one-size-fits-all tenure process.
In conclusion Estes said nothing is wrong with the tenure process at CU, just more diligence to see that standards are followed.
Officer Reports (system wide):
President's Report
Vice President's Report
Past President's Report
Reports From Standing Committees:
EPUS: Report
No Report
No Report
Personnel and Benefits
No Report
Minority Affairs Committee
No Report
Women's Committee
No Report
Academic Computing
No Report
Non Tenured Track Faculty
No Report
Research Council
No Report
No Report
Teaching Excellence Committee
No Report
Sustainability Committee
No Report
Athletic Department
FCQ's - It was decided to process the FCQ's by scanned hard copy locally administered in house.
Question is called to approve
7 in favor
1 opposed
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.