May 2007

Faculty Assembly Meeting

May 11, 2007



Dick Discenza; Jenenne Nelson; Jackie Berning; David Anderson; Valerie Brodar; Ron Fitz; Jim Null; Sue Byerley; Bob Durham; Ceil Malek; Pam Carter; Suzanne Cook; Kelli Klebe; Livia Gilstrap; David Moon; Lindy Crawford; Peg Bacon; Eddie Portillos



Minutes from last meeting approved.



Vice Chancellor Peg Bacon:

Christina Murphy, our new provost, will arrive on July 23rd, 2007.


Tom Huber is stepping down as Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School. A search committee has been formed to fill this vacancy (internal search). The position has been restructured. It has been bumped up from .5 to .75 and the title has been changed to Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation and Dean of the Graduate School. An additional duty will be to serve as academic director of NISSSC. Applications from the faculty are encouraged.


A team of faculty will go to Burlington, Vermont to attend a workshop on student retention.


After this year we will no longer have two commencements in May. Instead we will have two commencements; one in December for spring and fall graduates and one in the spring for spring grads.  The December 2007 commencement ceremony will be at the Pikes Peak Center. In subsequent years it will be held in the University Field House.  Spring commencement will still be held in the World Arena.




Presidents report Attached


Vice President's report No report


Jim Null thanked Peg Bacon for serving as the interimVCAA.


Past President's report No report





Epus Report (Attached) (see also the SAAC report)


Finance No report


Personnel and Benefits No report


Minority  Affairs Committee No report


Academic Advisory Committee No report


Women's Committee No report


Academic Computing:

State has finally approved the Microsoft licensing contract. Jerry will not upload any software on campus computers until he has a copy of the signed contract.


Wireless networking will be completed sometime this summer. The whole campus (except the parking lots) will be included in this initiative.


The pay for print initiative is moving forward-will wait until next fiscal year so departments can adjust their budgets. Older printers in IT labs will be moved to other departments. Since the old printers are no longer on the state contract there will be a short delay in getting them set up. The new service vendor is in Denver.


We are working toward purchasing a campus-wide TurnItIn (plagiarism detection software) license.


Non tenured track faculty committee No report


Research Committee No report


Library No report


Teaching Excellence Committee No report


Sustainability Committee (Attached)


Athletic Department No report






Non-tenure Track Faculty Task Force Report

There was motion to approve the report

 EPUS refers the Strategic Plan to Faculty Assembly for review and input.



1. The Faculty Representative Assembly endorses the recommendation of the Teaching Excellence Counsel that FCQ (see attachment) results be made available to students online. Passed.


2. EPUS moves that the Faculty Assembly approve and recommend for adoption the Post-tenure review policy (#200-016). (Policy attached). Passed.


3. Faculty Assembly approves the recommendations made in the Non-tenure Track Faculty Task Force Report. Passed.


4. EPUS moves that the Faculty Assembly endorse the Strategic Plan (attached). Passed.



Motion was made to adjourn.

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 13:35 p.m.