May 2008
May 9, 2008
Attendance: James Null, Sylvia Martinez, Sonja Tanner, Suzanne Cook, John Harner, Morgan Shepherd, Jenenne Nelson, Bob Durham, Jackie Berning, Kelli Klebe, Tom Napierkowski, Paul Sondrol, Lindy Crawford, Don Morley
Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
Report of Visitors:
Chancellor Pam Shockley:
Pam began by discussing the idea of having a “Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day” at some yet to be determined where the UCCS community can gather with their families. Pam also said that so far we have strong student applicants for next year, but that summer enrollment is rather soft and that the budget is tight for fall as costs, particularly utilities, have increased. She also reported that work continues on the wording of a “Brand Promise”; what UCCS can promise to our student, Colorado Springs and the Pike’s Peak region. Pam ended by saying that she is optimistic for next year and thanked the faculty for a productive year.
Vice-Chancellor and Provost Peg Bacon:
Peg announced that Nancy Smith has been named the new Associate Dean of Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences, that Jeremy Haefner will hold three roles; Dean of the Graduate School, Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Associate Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation. Peg also reported that Kee Warner, Interim Associate Vice-Chancellor for Diversity, will assume that post July 1. Peg also invited faculty to a conversation today between 2-3:30 pm with the RPT Task She concluded by saying that the Associate Deans across colleges to submit detailed reports regarding what the practices and expectations are regarding service and professional development.
Associate Vice-Chancellor Susan Szpyrka:
Susan reported the tentative opening of the Events Center is December, 2009, and that the move-in to the new Science and Engineering (?) Building is on track for Summer, 2009. She reported on utilities issues (new water mains, sewer lines, and new natural gas lines) surrounding all of the new construction. Susan also announced that the UCCS Golf Team made the national championships. She concluded by reporting that Housing occupancy for fall 08 is currently at 72% (651 beds), with athletes an estimated 78%.
Vice-Chancellor for Student Success Robert Wonnet:
Robert discussed that at the post-secondary level, pursuant to the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and university policy, if a student signs a waiver, parents have access to educational records and the implications for individual faculty autonomy. Parents might assume that, like high school, they can interact with faculty, and possibly try to influence grades. Robert concluded by stating that Student Success hopes to do a presentation on FERPA in the fall.
President’s Report:
Jim Null reported that the Faculty Council met with President Benson in Denver. He reported on numerous efforts he is employing to publicize CU (such as a 16 point stop visit tour across Colorado). Jim announced that John McDowell was elected the new Chairperson of the Faculty Council, and that Council will be developing a strategic plan in an attempt to establish a clear understanding of its role in the governance of the University. Jim was also pleased to present the 2008 award for Service in Governance to Tom Napierkowski.
Vice-President’s Report: No Report.
Past-President’s Report: No Report
EPUS: No Report.
PERSONNEL AND BENEFITS: Don Morley reported that several faculty in Electrical Engineering requested an explanation of the uncompensated merit model and that these faculty have met for several months with Tom Zwirlein, Chair of Personnel and Benefits, Robyn Marchke, Institutional Research and Charlie Shub and Pam Carter, P&B representatives to EAS in separate meetings. Both Charlie and Pam requested some advice on a response to the EAS faculty. The committee provided this feedback which was concentrated on how the portion of uncompensated merit model related to the Delaware data works.
Don also reported that UBAB is in the process of drafting an Academic Policy Statement (APS). One issue is how UBAB members are selected. P&B recommends that UBAB members continue to be selected by individual campus Faculty Assemblies, not Faculty Council. A second issue concerns term limits. The P&B committee opposes proposed term limits. UBAB members invest much time learning about the University of Colorado health plan and, if term limited this investment and knowledge are lost.
Don also reported that P&B finalized its salary recommendations to be presented to the Chancellor for 2008-09:
- The regular merit pool should be set at 4.8%.
- Of that 4.8%, approximately 0.4% should be used for this year’s promotions.
- The Chancellor’s discretionary pool should be set at 1.0% and that amount should be used to address uncompensated merit.
- The funds for uncompensated merit should be divided, with 1/3 of available dollars going to Non-Tenure Track faculty and the remaining 2/3’s of the dollars going to Tenure Track faculty including library faculty.
- Robyn from Institutional Research informed the committee that there is a problem of missing peer data from some disciplines/unit this year. In these cases, the Personnel and Benefits Committee recommends the average peer salary for the unit be estimated as the average peer salary for the unit be estimated as the average peer salary from last year’s uncompensated merit analysis plus 3.9% which is the average peer salary across all units with data for this year.
- P&B recommends that several changes be made to the Delaware Cost and Productivity Study. Overall cost per SCH at UCCS is 67% of peer schools. Institutional Research and P&B understand that information contained in the Delaware Study is often measured with considerably error. Therefore, the committee recommends that in situations where a department or unit is within $5 of the Peer Cost/SCH, that difference should be attributed to data inaccuracy and that department/unit should be deemed to meet the criteria specified in the uncompensated merit calculation algorithm.
- P&B recommends a change in the algorithm for instructors and senior instructors in the uncompensated model for this year. The change occurs in step tow of the model in terms of (years in position * rank). The Personnel and Benefits Committee recommends that the amounts in this part of the model be changed to $1,400 for senior instructors from $1,200 and from $1,000 to $850 for instructors. This change will apply to only this year only.
- The dollar amounts for Tenure Track Faculty have been standardized across campus. Further, the amounts for promotion to full professor and to associate professor will be approximately $5000 for promotion to associate professor and promotion to full professor is worth approximately $6,540. The P&B Committee recommends that UBAC conduct an analysis of this recommendation to determine an appropriate dollar amount for promotion to senior instructor for the campus as a whole.
- In accordance with the procedures for Tenure Track promotions, the Personnel and Benefits Committee recommends that the dollar amount for all Non-Tenure Track promotions to senior instructor also be increased each year.
Minority Affairs Committee:
No Report.
Women’s Committee:
No Report.
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
No Report.
Intercollegiate Athletics:
Information copies of these draft minutes are sent to the chancellor, the vice chancellors, the chairs of faculty and staff assemblies, and the student government executives. (and to the secretary of faculty assembly).
1. The meeting began at 10:55 a.m. Members attending were Athletic Director Steve Kirkham; Faculty representatives Jackie Berning, Jim DesJardin, Travis Peterson, and Charlie Shub; Academic Coordinator Robert King; Staff Representative Glenn Steimling; and UBAC Representative Al Schoffstall.
Also in attendance was Coach Peterson.
2. Coach Peterson gave his season wrap-up report. He began by noting the team failed to make the playoffs for the first time in six years. He noted that the team was picked to finish first, but things happen.
He noted the length of the winter, the horrendously cold playing conditions, and provided the committee with more details of being stranded in Wagon Mound, NM owing to bad weather. The population is under 500, but the townspeople were extremely gracious hosts. A write-up can be found at:
After returning to campus, the team collected three boxes of souvenirs and sent them to the school. Given that the school has only 84 students (k-12) there was enough for every student to receive something. Coach Peterson wrote a glowing letter to the Governor and noted receiving a nice reply.
Peterson noted the team continued to excel academically, achieving a 3.2 team GPA. He noted that the team has a bat sponsorship, the only one in the conference, and received donation of 500 bags of sunflower seeds. That, along with the rise in scholarships and the dorm waivers is huge. He still loves the job. He and director Kirkham are exploring getting access to the CSCS batting cage in exchange for CSCS getting more afternoon practice time at Mountain Lion Field.
Peterson noted that the student athletes were disappointed, that he was frustrated and disappointed, but pleased that the players never gave up. They had great attitude. Finally, in response to a question from the committee, Peterson noted that the relationship with the faculty has seemed to improve. He said that he is no longer getting complaints from professors because the athletics department keeps them informed about absences.
3. A motion by Al Schoffstall seconded by Jackie Berning to approve the minutes of the April meeting passed without dissent.
4. Director Kirkham gave his report.
He noted that coach Peterson had been invited to be a Clinician at the NCAA Division I National championships.
Kirkham also noted that the RMAC has entered into an agreement with B2 Networks to webcast competitions. B2 provides the equipment and once subscriptions pay for the equipment, the institution will receive a portion of the subscription fees.
Kirkham discussed regionalization for Division II. While we used to be grouped with Texas, we are now grouped with Minnesota. Missouri used to be grouped with Minnesota, but is now grouped with Texas.
Kirkham noted that transportation costs will be going way up.
Kirkham reported that Nic Fuller received a 4000 dollar RMAC degree completion scholarship and the Sky Sox Award, both of which will help him complete his studies. Kirkham reported attending the SAAC produced CUSPYs. CUSPYs are modeled after the ESPYS. SAAC did an outstanding job and the event was enjoyed by all.
Kirkham noted that he was working on an apparel deal with Adidas.
The winners of the McLaughlin awards were announced as Jim Bettner and Stacy Haney.
Finally, he noted that UCCS had self reported a violation of the rules for the new amateurism clearing house and had allowed a student athlete to compete before all the paperwork was completed. Despite the clearing house not flagging the student as not being compliant, they assessed a fine for failure to comply.
Kirkham announced that the RMAC, the oldest athletics conference in the country will be celebrating its 100th anniversary next year.
5. Shub gave the FAR report.
The RMAC spring FAR meeting was held by teleconference.
a. Commissioner Smith gave updates on Strategic Grants, FARA, Rules seminars, the RMAC strategic plan, FAR fellows, SAAC, and Broadband.
b. The upcoming AD agenda was reviewed. There was discussion about encouraging schools to adopt Saturday afternoon games in basketball for longer road trips. Potential code revisions will include looking at flexibility in last minute weather related rescheduling, quorums, and the coach reprimand process.
c. Again, there was discussion on membership. Affiliates for swimming might be added. candidates might include Texas-Permian basin, Grand Canyon, and Incarnate Word. The topic of increasing membership was discussed. Potential candidates might be Dixie State, Southern Utah, Black Hills State, South Dakota Tech, Hastings College. With 16 teams, a school would have 18 conference games. 14 would be in division and 4 would be out of division 2 at home and 2 away. That would mean only one trip to the other division. The frequency of visiting a particular out of division opponent would be once every 4 years.
d. There was discussion of the role of the FAR and how it varies from school to school. The point was made that engagement of the FAR in meetings and as advisor to the AD and President is important. Also emphasized was the role of campus advocate with the faculty.
e. The committee reviewed the degree completion application process. There is less money this year (24k instead of 28k). Staff will look at electronic submission rather than paying overnight courier fees.
f. The group was reminded that 2009 will be the centennial celebration for the conference.
g. The group set meeting dates for next year. Tentatively, the fall meeting will be held in San Diego in conjunction with the FARA meeting. The fallback would be October 10. The spring meeting will be held with the Basketball championships in March.
Shub announced he had been appointed to the NCAA Men's Division II soccer committee.
6. Shub was elected as chair for next year by acclamation.
7. Shub was asked to deal with the process of finding members for next year.
8. At 12:05, the meeting was adjourned.
Charlie Shub
Academic Computing:
The ITAC Newsletter
May, 2008
Paw Prints
IT has made progress on getting Paw Prints to work, and is (for the moment) optimistic. Lest I raise any false hopes, however, I’ll simply say… wait for an email from Jerry.
iTunes U
Just as we were on the verge of starting up iTunes U, our legal counsel discovered a tiny clause that said something to the effect that “Apple has all rights to use our institution’s trademarks and logo without compensation.” (Sorry, got carried away with the tiny. It said that Apple has all rights to use our institution’s trademarks and logo without compensation.) Thus the contract was sent to legal in Boulder to be dealt with. We’re waiting…
LMS Search
We need to move fairly quickly on making a decision on a new learning management system if we are to have something up and running by January `09 when our WebCT license expires. Since many of the members of the Council—technical staff and faculty alike—are the most knowledgeable about our current systems and about their colleges’ faculty needs, and since these same people are those who have attended the demonstrations and who have been actively involved in evaluating the prospective systems, it was decided that this group would be the primary decision-making body. The vendors we have been considering are ANGEL (, Desire2Learn (, and Blackboard (, but before any hackles rise, we are also considering the soon-to-be-released new version of eCollege (which at first glance appears to be greatly improved-- in our deliberations, and will be setting up a demonstration as soon as possible.
David R. Anderson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
Senior Faculty Associate to Information Technology
No Report.
Campus Sustainability Committee
Report to Faculty Assembly, May 9, 2008
The Committee is grateful to Provost Peg Bacon for her support of the campus sustainability goals through a professional development opportunity this summer—
Deepal Shah, Univ of Hertfordshire
Goal IX of the UCCS campus strategic goals and priorities is to become a sustainable campus. To advance this goal, the Provost's Office is providing funds for the creation of a fun, interactive, 30-45 minute teaching module on sustainability for optional use in freshman seminar or other courses in which the topic of sustainability would be of interest during the 2008/2009 academic year.
Three faculty members will be chosen among applicants to work as a team to create the teaching module by August 1st. They will be compensated $1000 each.
To apply, please submit an application clearly stating your ideas for the development of a teaching module for understanding the concept of sustainability aimed primarily at first-year students. Applications may not exceed two double-spaced pages of text (no more than 500 words). This is an opportunity to pursue a commitment to sustainability, influence our students’ understanding of the concept, and earn some extra money!
Deadline for applications is May 19, 5:00 pm.
Submissions should be sent electronically to
Sustainability Office now has five student workers, all of whom are sustainability minor students. One of them has done a survey of sustainability award programs at other universities and we are hoping to implement some form of recognition here.
Housing will have a Goodwill collection point for donating items as students move out.
Sodexho went trayless on Earth Day. Data has shown that this practice can reduce food waste by as much as 30%. The Bookstore has added ‘green’ products.
Students overwhelmingly voted to pay $5/semester more in fees to pay for the installation of solar panels. Referendum is for five years.
University signed a consortium agreement with CC, DU, Regis to do a wind farm feasibility study.
Various campus sustainability committees have been streamlined into one committee to monitor progress on the campus sustainability goal. Representatives from the academic side, leadership, operations, SEAS, and the FA Campus Sustainability Committee are members.
1. Motions, Business, etc.
Motion from the Personnel and Benefits Committee:
Whereas: Some of the training required of faculty might have a very good rationale, but those who would require such training should have to justify it to the faculty as they are taking faculty time.
Whereas: The rational for required faculty training in some areas is not transparent (i.e. IT security and conflict of interest disclosure), requiring those asking for the training to obtain Faculty Assembly approval would significantly diminish the chances of expending faculty time on unnecessary training.
Therefore: Be it moved that the Faculty Assembly of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs requests that the Faculty Assembly President of the Colorado Springs campus introduces a motion to system wide faculty council that rationales be provided to system wide faculty council for all mandated faculty training. Such rationales are to be provided in person by a representative of any body/office mandating such faculty training
b. Motion from Sustainability Committee
Whereas: A sustained effort in meeting the campus’s strategic plan goal of leadership in sustainability requires that all buildings - not just those that come under the state requirements – need to meet the highest possible level of sustainability as indicated by the national standard of LEED certification.
Whereas: The new Event Center will host many visitors from the community and therefore be a showcase for the campus commitment to sustainability.
Therefore: Be it moved that a request be made to the Chancellor to make every effort to ensure that the new Event Center be a LEED certified building.
The Motions Pass.
Motion to Adjourn.
Motion Passes.
Assembly Adjourned at 2:00 pm.