May 2009

May 8, 2009

Attendance: Jackie Berning, Andrew Czaplewski, Jim Null, Pam Carter, Suzanne Cook, Josh Dunn, Kelli Klebe, Sue Byerley, Linda Watts, Monique French, Morgan Shepherd, Tabatha Becker, John Harner, Travis Peterson, Andrea Hutchens, Bob Durham, Eddie Portillos, Barbara Frye, Ron Fitz

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from April 10, 2009 meeting by Jim Null
Seconded by Morgan Shepherd
Motion passed unanimously


Reports of Visitors:

Daniel Garcia:
Student Government Association (SGA) President elect Daniel Garcia introduced himself to the assembly and shared his views concerning the future role of SGA.


David Moon:
The last budget forum is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12 at 9:00am in UC 303.  Departmental RPT criteria have been reviewed and will be returned to the departments very soon.  Some will need revisions and the criteria will be reviewed more frequently in the future.

Update on VCSSEM search – all identified candidates withdrew and there are no other candidates to pursue; the search will likely reconvene in the Fall to get a new pool, but it is temporarily on hold; it may be necessary to review the job description; there has been no decision on an interim yet; and this position will report to the Provost.

Strategic Enrollment Management – after initially working on this topic individually, we are now ready to establish organized working groups to address this area and Peg Bacon will appoint people to serve on these groups.  The Leadership Team will review David’s documents at their upcoming retreat and then direct a course of action starting this Fall.


Officer Reports:

President’s Report
Report attached

Vice-President’s Report
No report; Andrew would like to promote remote visual connection to system meetings for better representation.

Past President’s Report
No report


Reports from Standing Committees:

EPUS Report:
No report

Personnel & Benefits:
Finishing up the faculty salary grievance policy next week and will circulate to the Deans for next Fall; still need members from LAS, COE and Beth-El

Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
Bob Durham stated that we still don’t really know the budget and the Leadership Team will be taking a new budget to the Regents.

Minority Affairs Committee:
Report attached
Eddie Portillos said that the recent FMAC events were successful and the Newcomers report has proven to be very beneficial; the Building Inclusiveness conference on 05/15/09 at UCCS already has 160 people registered.

Women’s Committee:
Report attached

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Report attached

Academic Computing:
No report

No report – no one present

Intercollegiate Athletics:
UCCS golf team won the central and western regional competitions

Report attached

They will have a panel at the Building Inclusiveness conference on 05/15/09.



Discussion of a 5 point scale for performance evaluations – system Personnel Committee brought this up to Faculty Council as a discussion item

Discussion about actions on Silver & Gold Record – much discussion concerning the impact of faculty governance on this issue and the pressure to safeguard the paper



  1. The Representative Faculty Assembly recommends a continuous final exam schedule (Monday-Saturday) for the Spring Semester.   (passed:  yes-10, no-2, abstain-7).
  2. Suspend the rules to put forth motion on the Silver and Gold Record.   (passed unanimously)
  3. Whereas the Silver and Gold Record (S&GR) provides objective information concerning all campuses and the Central Administration; and

Whereas the S&GR provides independent information concerning legislative and governmental matters related to higher education; and
Whereas the S&GR has historically been the creation of the faculty; and
Whereas the S&GR has been an organ for opinion and editorial comment concerning the University; and
Whereas the employees of the S&GR are fellow colleagues in the University Community;
Be it resolved that the President of the Representative Faculty Assembly convey to the Board of Regents, the Faculty Council and the President of the University of Colorado that the sense of the Representative Faculty Assembly of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs is concerned about the proposed discontinuance of the S&GR and urges the reconsideration of this decision.   (passed unanimously – Jackie will take to Faculty Council next week)


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m.