May 2016


May 6, 2016

Attendance:  Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Terry Schwartz, Gary Reynolds, Monique French, Michele Companion, Mark Malone, Rhonda Glazier, Kerry Peterson, Jill Bradley-Geist, Monica Yoo, Pam Carter, Ceil Malek, Ann Amicucci, Cerian Gibbes, Leilani Feliciano, Valerie Brodar, Stephanie Spratt, Anna Kosloski, Jeff Montez de Oca, Norah Mazel, Catherine Grandorff, Dena Samuels, David Havlick  

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from April 8, 2016 meeting by Michele Companion
Seconded by Mark Malone
Motion passed with 11 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions     


Reports of Visitors:   

Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor:
The CU Foundation Trustees are here today for their annual presentation about the campus.  They like the work we're doing and will be putting substantial money into UCCS.  We have instituted a new 4-year scholarship for Fall and we hoped to get 600 students accept it, and 675 students have accepted the scholarship.  We have previously lacked the financial competitiveness to attract good students because we didn't have the money to work with, but now we were able to put this scholarship together and I'm hoping this will continue to be successful.  Applications for Fall are up about 17% for undergraduate, however, we are flat and down on the graduate level, which we need to move up in order to fit our goals and mission.  We are doing some very targeted efforts in programs that have been declining.  The bill to fund the $8 million renovation of the TRW building for the National Cyber Intelligence Center has passed and will go on to the governor's desk for signing.  There will not be any campus funds going into this project other than what we normally put in our degree programs.  This project will open many options for many departments, not just Engineering, and offer many opportunities for our students.  There is a huge need for Social Sciences majors and Business majors with emphasis in ethics.  Small businesses as well as large health companies are vulnerable to cyber-attacks.  It encompasses so many areas that most people haven't even thought about or realized yet.  There are also opportunities for students to do significant grant work and internships across many disciplines.  We will be doing new university diversity and inclusion training throughout the campus community as well as adding other programs through the Leadership Institute.  The search committee for the Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Enrollment Management are reviewing applications now and we have a good quality strong applicant pool.  We will proceed with campus interviews this summer and we would like to have faculty input, so please watch your e-mail notices and attend the campus interviews.  I am meeting with the Provost search committee this afternoon to set up the timeline for Fall movement on this position.  Mid-October until November when the HLC is here for the accreditation visit will not be used for interviews.  During this time we will be very busy preparing the Board of Regents for their HLC interviews and meeting with faculty to prepare them with facts about UCCS so that they can confidently answer any HLC questions.  After the HLC visit, we will move quickly on the Provost search process so that we can hire a new Provost as soon as possible in order to give them a good training overlap with Terry.    

Terry Schwartz, Interim Provost:
There will be a new draft of the HLC Assurance Argument going out to faculty and staff in mid-June, which will probably be the last time to give real substantive input.  There will be a Public Comment survey period initiated this summer which will be sent out to all of our students, parents, donors, media outlets and the general public, and the response links sent out will go directly to the HLC, but we will eventually get the feedback also.  Over the summer we will be working on the final updates and editing and getting ready to submit mid-late September.  Thank you in advance for your participation in Commencement next Friday - it means a lot to the graduates.     

Gary Reynolds, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance:
Update on the air quality in the Academic Office Building - Dr. John Adgate with the Colorado School of Public Health and Dr. Lee Newman, a medical doctor, have examined all the data and reviewed it to determine that there are building related issues, which are not chronic issues resulting in long-term health issues.  The tack boards have been removed throughout the building and it seems to be better.  Both of these gentlemen are nationally recognized in their field and their recommendations going forward are: 1) ventilate the building properly and be sure to meet those national standards; 2) monitor the ventilation and other conditions, i.e., humidity; no more testing is needed of other conditions, i.e., formaldehyde levels; 3) create a building health and safety committee, which consists of occupants of all floors, both faculty and staff, who would meet with Ron Honn and report any concerns or recommendations to Gary, who in turn would report to the Leadership Team; 4) ensure that these items are implemented and communicated to everyone.  Dr. Jim Burkhart is also assisting with checking the gas exposure from the ground into the building.  The ENT Center for the Arts Beam Topping Ceremony was held the other day and that building should be enclosed by the end of the calendar year, with a scheduled opening date of January 2018.  We have an additional 292 beds opening in the third tower at Alpine Valley and ready for furniture move-in in July.       


Officer Reports:   

President's Report

See // for important information about export controls  

Vice-President's Report 

Past President's Report      


Reports from Standing Committees:   

They will review the input they received on the Guidelines and Procedures for Research Misconduct Allegations document and come back with comments in the Fall.

Personnel & Benefits 

Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget 

Faculty Minority Affairs Committee 

Women's Committee

Non-Tenure Track Faculty 

Teaching with Technology

Not present - no report  

Intercollegiate Athletics:
Not present - no report  



Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
Not present - no report      


Reports from Representatives:   

A.   Last Conversation at Clyde's:  

1.    Monday, May 9, 4:30pm - 6:30pm; Leilani Feliciano and Catherine Grandorff are the coordinators.  

B.   Other items:  - none        






Discussion of Research Misconduct Policy - the LAS Faculty Assembly representatives distributed the attached document, which is a compilation of faculty comments they received regarding this policy along with their support to table the policy review until Fall 2016.

Motion 1: The Faculty Assembly Executive Committee moves that the approval of amendments to the Policy on Misconduct in Research be tabled until Fall 2016.

(Motion passed unanimously with 17 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions)         



Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Michele Companion

Seconded by Pam Carter

Motion passed unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m.