Faculty Minority Affairs Committee Meeting
Minutes -October 1,1999
1 p.m.--Engineering 187
Present: Kee Warner, Lynda Dickson, Kathleen Lagana, Marguerite Arai, and
Andrea Herrera.
Regrets: Adelina Gomez, Dula J. Espinosa, Mario Carrillo, Jan Tharp
1. Scribe Article Follow-up--The Scribe published a front page article that
corrected an earlier story that the "Minority Affairs Committee" was
involved in a conflict with an instructor.
2. Membership and Chairing Faculty MAC - Kee will continue as chair of the
committee for this year. He will contact several members of the business
faculty to see if we can get representation from that college. We would
also like to have representation from the School of Education. Kathleen
said that she makes regular reports to the Beth-El faculty and that we
might want to do the same for the other colleges. Kee suggested that we
also could send our minutes to all of the deans.
3. Core Curriculum Committee-The core curriculum committee will be
forwarding recommendations to the EPUS committee of faculty assembly. We
discussed how best to support the diversity component of the core
curriculum and to build the linkages with ethnic minority studies. We will
forward comments to EPUS when they have circulated the draft and indicate
our interest to the chair of EPUS.
4. AVCAMA search-Nadyne Guzman has agreed to chair the AVCAMA search
committee and the group will be convened within the next few weeks.
5. Campus Diversity Plan-Kee distributed copies of the current draft of the
diversity plan. Lynda said that the campus diversity committee will
convene soon to incorporate feedback on the initial draft--including
comments our committee made last Spring. Kee will distribute copies of the
current draft. Bring your ideas to the next committee meeting and/or
communicate them to Lynda who chairs the committee
6. Ethnic Minority Club Day-October 12, 1999, 11:30-1 p.m.-Mario Carrillo
has been working with leaders of minority student organizations to organize
an ethnic minority club day. The event is being sponsored in conjunction
with the Office of Multicultural Affairs. Kee has met with the organizing
group and recommended that FMAC contribute $200. He obtained contributions
of that same amount from the Dean of LAS and from the faculty women's
committee. He will send out e-mails to minority faculty and to the faculty
at large. The event will be open to anyone in the campus community.
7. Office of Multicultural Affairs-Marguerite Arai is now the interim
director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs. She provided an initial
request for Faculty MAC to provide $2,500 to support the student panels,
community connections program, and a work study (that would provide support
also to the Faculty MAC). FMAC has provided this level support in the past
and supported the request. Marguerite hopes to move the panels another
step further in terms of providing students with tools for improving the
racial climate on campus and in the classroom.
8. Coordination of campus diversity efforts-We discussed the need to
improve coordination of diversity efforts on campus. Kee suggested that we
try to have designated representation on these committees. In some cases
this will simply mean to ask one of our members that is already involved to
take on the role of FMAC representative. Kathleen Lagana has already
volunteered to be the liaison with the Faculty Women's Committee. Kee will
be the liaison with the LAS Diversity Task Force. Of course there will
also be other committee members involved in these committees in faculty or
other roles, but this will help us formalize our involvement as a
committee. Here are some other committees to consider--please let me know
where you can help out.
LAS Diversity Workforce
Diversity Week Planning Group
United Students of Color
Chancellor's Multi-ethnic Advisory Committee
Core Curriculum Committee
Faculty Women's Committee-Kathleen Lagana
Ethnic Minority Studies Committee
Faculty Representative Assembly
Search Committees
Minority Student Organizations
9. Meeting dates--The next meeting will be held in the Beth-El School of
Nursing. You can take the shuttle there from in front of the Science
Building. Please plan to attend. Friday, November 19 at 1 - 2:30 pm.
Kee Warner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Sociology
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
phone 719/255-4140
fax 719/255-4450